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How is everyone feeling about 6.1?

Member Posts: 12

I just wanted to know some of your guys opinions, from both killer and survivors.

im a survivor main - who was sort of losing interest in the game about a month before the PTB. Obviously love dead hard, but I primarily used balanced landing for years. I do miss the old dead hard, but it’s nice to change it up (trying not to use balanced landing either since I did use that for a longggg time).

I find it harder to play as survivor in general. Everyone says it’s the DH nerf - but I feel like it’s just much more than that. It feels like no matter what I do the killer is always on my ass. (Ex: the buff to breaking pallets, vaulting, basekit unrelenting) Idk, just seems like I legit am either on the hook immediately or it takes like two whole years to complete a gen with all the regression perks (which can be pretty boring honestly.)

as for killer though - I genuinely feel like it’s easier to play. I probably don’t have a high MMR as killer because I definitely consider myself a baby killer, but even going against baby survivors before the patch was hard for me. Now I feel like I can easily get a 4k and actually catch up to the survivors instead of getting stuck in an infinite loop for 3 gens lol.

id love to know what everyone is running perk-wise as survivor and as killer, as well as how your play-style has changed and whether you all like the update or not.

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  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Well overall the patch has mixed reviews depending who you ask. There are veterans who have already adapted to the changes and it's business as usual. Then you have the ones who loved to bully the killer with DH and other Metas which made Survivors a easy game.

    Gen times were a issue but now they are not but I think they should of gone with the idea I had which was to add a smaller game to them. Which is when the Gen is repaired to 25, 50, and 75% the repair stops and a spare part spawns the furthest from the Gen that the survivors have to grab and bring back to the Gen to continue past that mark. Once past that mark if the Gen would regrss past it you wouldn't need to find another part just repair past that point.

    That would of made repair times longer but added a little side objective that survivors could do that wasn't sit on Gens.

    As to Camping hat perks I'm running haven't changed much.

    Survivor I mainly use CoH, Shadow Step, Lithe, and Botany Knowledge.

    Killer Has changed but is different for who I play but the average build is Overcharge, Forced Penance, Save the Best for Last, Sloppy Butcher.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Patch wise:

    Survivor feels roughly the same, I could say better because I can use a bigger variety of perks.

    Killer feels better.

    People wise:

    Survivor feels like a nightmare with killers increasingly tunneling and face-camping, and a massive increase in meta build Nurses (and Blights). And teammates keep DCing and killing themselves on first hook

    Killer feels like a nightmare because queue times are 5-10 min and even when I get into a game it's filled with either a 4-man toxic tryhard squad, or there is are survivors DCing and killing themselves on first hook making the matches shorter than the queue time.


    I've already encountered 2 (obvious) cheaters on the survivor side in the few matches I've played the last few days, once while playing killer, once while playing survivor, whereas I've encountered only one in my past 900 hours I have on the game.


    It's a nightmare to play the game right now, but it's not the patch's fault. It's the people, and the balance of "some" killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Best patch ever!

    Dead Hard is dead, which is GREAT for me on both sides.

    As Killer, my matches are actually fair now.

    As Survivor, I have fewer teammates out there trying to "juice the killer" and are actually avoiding contact with the killer and doing gens for a change.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I can agree with this. It’s nice being able to actually use a different set of perks - but I’ve definitely had a DC nearly every single match, and I won’t lie, I completely understand why. I’m trying my best to give this patch a go - but definitely feel like every single match of mine has been the exact same which almost defeats the purpose of even having the Variety of perks.

    I guess I’m just trying to find a build that works best for me, on both sides. (Or a set of very different builds since we can have 3 load outs)

  • Member Posts: 18

    Overall, it's rough. I only play survivor, due to my motion sickness in first person so can't touch killer. I find it much more difficult to get out, and I have been keeping track of all my matches on an excel sheet to see what the % of my escapes have been. It's roughly 25%, compared to the 50%ish I get as Solo Q before. Have to pray you have good teammates.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Alot of ppl seem to complain but not cuz dbd is actually worse, cuz they dont have their crutches anymore that carrys them through the game. Well some are still in like UB but whatever.

    For my part I think dbd is at its best state ever. 8,5/10 Patch

    Game is much healthier, fairer and fun for both sides, having a blast lately.

    Only things that I would call negative are the long Killer que times atm and the prestige system rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,333
  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Killer just got very beginner-friendly, and survivor very beginner-hostile (more than it already was).

    I barely escape one in ten games, but I can get consistent 3Ks and 4Ks even though I don't play killer that much ? Not even to touch on how much easier to grind it is as killer than survivor (which was already the case before, but now it's almost a joke).

    6.1. may have balanced high mmr, but low mmr is very unbalanced right now.

    I do think some of the changes needed to be done, and I'm glad that a lot of people are enjoying it. But it cannot be said that 6.1. balanced the game uniformingly.

  • Member Posts: 288

    I don't have fun on either side.

    On survivor (I play with one person in SWF and we never run meta perks) I get killers who stack at least 2 to 3 slowdown perks. And they sweat their butts off like their lives depend on it. We don't mind dying in the game, that's part of it. But at least we would like to get a chance to even get past 1 or 2 generators and FEEL we got a chance.

    Sometimes we get a more chill killer that is not running 9000 slowdown perks. Those matches are more fun for me, because the game can go either way.

    On killer side I (try to) play more chill. On killer side I also never run meta perks or slowdown perks (unless I try to go for the adept and the killer in question has a slowdown perk). But even when I try to play chill and try to get a fun match for everyone, I get rushed (yes, even now after the nerfs).

    I'm in no way a good killer, but why do I have to put up with survivors that are way above my skill level. I'm not even high MMR and I play for the fun. But getting destroyed so much is just demotivating (on both sides though).

    Maybe I'm just getting burned out on the game or maybe I just can't adept to the changes that were made. I can't put the finger on it. I really like the game, but since me and my SWF partner are just casual players, the fun get sucked out really fast when I get people who play like they get punished when they don't 4k or escape.

    But that's just how I feel tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    the gameplay is okay, but a lot of the toxic survs play now killer and it shows.

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    One of the best mid chapter patch they released, the game is on the right direction.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    If you play SWF or killer, it was a good patch.

    If you play solo it was garbage.

  • Member Posts: 857

    I've been playing since late 2020, 60% survivor 40% killer. As killer, I love the changes and enjoy playing various builds, sometimes without even any slowdown.

    As a survivor, due to certain circumstances only SoloQ is available to me and that's beyond horrendous, I've stopped playing. The DS nerf was a ridiculously bad idea, the fact that OTR doesn't stack with BT means that it is a completely useless anti-tunnel perk, although it's pretty good if SWFs communicate to take hits. Then there's the fact that BBQ no longer gives stacks and BP, so tunneling is easier, more efficient and even less discouraged, absolute hellhole. On top of that, SBMM is the same quality as before, so I get potato teammates and cracked nurses/blights or occasionally a baby killer that we all run around for the five gens.

    The devs need to fix the tunneling/camping buff, implement SoloQ buffs and we'll be in a decentish position. I know that maps and matchmaking will never be fixed, so I'll settle with the stuff that is realistic to change.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Only started having better games again in crossplay off. You're only being able to escape if you get sweaty team mates with over 1k hours.

  • Member Posts: 377

    It is a terrible patch for survivors (the vast majority) that is gatekept by the killer zealots on the forum.

    Everyone can see that the patch is controversial and it is causing a lot of complaints even on this killer-sided forum.

  • Member Posts: 628

    Killer: fun overall. We can experiment more leading to different builds. Lethal Pursuer and Aura Reading in general feels really good. My pre update main build was Corrupt/Thano Plague, so she feels really good, but people are haters lol

    Survivor: I do enjoy it, but I think meta is shifting from BT meta to Prove Thyself/Streetwise/Built 2 Last/BNP. Overall I think meta is balanced, but I did play against a Thano/Sloppy Butcher Legion and it was frustrating to say the least. So I can understand the frustration of other players. But I don't think it's fair to nerf a playstyle for 2 Killers that aren't exactly the strongest.

    I'm not going to be playing too much longer tbh. Not because of the update but because there's so many great games coming out over next 3 months; Splatoon 3, DBZ: The Breakers and Pokemon Scarlet. I also have my 3rd son being born in October so that also adds in another responsibility. Splatoon will be the preferred game simply due to times (instant queues + 3 minute matches or 5 minutes for Salmon Run) vs. 5 min queues + 12 minute match if killer. If it's Survivor it's probably less

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2022

    Mostly bad. Dead Hard nerf is great but most of the rest is questionable at best. They definitely went overboard with killer buffs, longer gens, etc. The average solo queue player can't handle this many buffs and will never be able to. "git gud' is not going to happen with these people.

  • Member Posts: 207

    As killer it feels as if survivors are actually trying to avoid my attention instead of actively trying to harass me. It is like I'm dangerous or something.

    I do enjoy the diversity in survivor perks and playstyle now. It seems as if survivors have figured out many perks were buffed and they can play different ways instead of relying on hitting E.

    As survivor, I've noticed my teammates spend less time doing stupid stuff and trying to toy with the killer and more time focused on objectives. I am actually surviving more now than I did before.......not sure how that works, but it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    This update is horrible, imo. There's a lot of issues with this update, such as solo survivor getting destroyed, killers becoming too strong, camping and tunneling getting indirectly buffed, and the grind being increased and worse than ever.

  • Member Posts: 374

    It's the patch that caused me to quit DBD. So I would say it was a big win for my mental health.

    I started playing competitive games that are fair. Instead of playing a game where skill stopped mattering and killers are just given free wins because the developers wanted killers to be an unstoppable force.

    I just can't take people playing killer seriously anymore when they're basically running developer added cheat software.

  • Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2022

    I'll be largely commenting on the update itself and not the player attitude that resulted from it.

    I have enjoyed a lot of things about the update itself. On the killer side, not having to worry about DH and DS at the endgame is a Godsend. I would not agree that killer is too easy in general, more so that survivors that aren't terribly experienced or want to play the game casually (so largely solo queue) are having difficulty. SWF groups or really coordinated survivors are still kicking my ass from time to time, but I'll take that any day over 4 DHs.

    On the survivor side, I'll agree that survivor has gotten more difficult, but I don't see this as a problem. Personally, I went from largely sitting on gens the whole game to having to balance this with good chases and clutch heals/saves. My skills as a survivor have improved as a result, and I enjoy that aspect of improving in order to succeed. And trust me, I ended up playing way more survivor than usual when the killer queue times spiked.

    Regarding the perk changes, I agree with most of them, but with a few exceptions. Several perks were hit too hard, including Self-care, DS, Botany, Ruin, Pain Resonance. Some I think weren't hit hard enough, particularly NOED, or went a little far (Thana). The others I'm largely happy about. I've always liked Deja Vu, and now the increase repair speed encourages taking out the 3 gen early. Dark devotion will be fun to play around with now that it works with all killers.

    I'm not terribly thrilled about the prestige system. On one hand, I now have more perks on my characters, and the system of unlocking new perks for other characters is much more consistent. On the other hand, it will take significantly longer to actually level them up.

    Those are my thoughts in a nutshell. Overall, I'm quite happy, but none of this really matters when my teammates keep disconnecting.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    The are more variations in the matches/builds than before.

    M1 killers are easier than before.

    Still some survivors ruining it for their team.

    Half my solo-queue games are fine, the others I'm grouped with idiots (and, sometimes, I'm the idiot of the team ...)

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    on the survivor side my teammates like to dc/give up on hook early.

    killer on the other hand is more enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 373

    A perfection be true

  • Member Posts: 12

    I mean if you read the entire post, I state that I don’t feel like it’s about dead hard - it’s more about the killer speed buffs. I’ve played without dead hard for years beforehand with BL, which remained untouched in this patch so losing DH isn’t a big deal; but people can miss things without it have been used as a “crutch.” Just like I’m sure people miss the old hex: ruin or no ed.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Yeah, the prestige system is kind of wack. I understand where they were trying to go with it, don’t get my wrong…. I’m a p10 on many characters but like I said in my post I lost interest in the game probably a couple months prior to the PTB - so now I just feel like when I join a match people expect me to clutch the game because im a p10 when in reality I really haven’t played in awhile in general and im just trying to get used to things again 😭

  • Member Posts: 12

    I understand. :(

    I like the idea of killers actually being able to get more kills - I just don’t like how the matches are ending so quickly because of all of their buffs. I feel like there is no spice to the game. I sit in a gen for ten minutes just for my team mates to DC or kill themselves because they hate the game so much they just want out. I’ve been playing since the update released and I went from being able to play this game for 12 hours straight - to playing for maybe an hour or two because every match is just awful. For me it’s not really about escaping (“winning”) I just like to have an overall balanced match and feel like my team mates and I tried our best whether we die or not at the end, and I’m definitely not getting that vibe. I really cannot list more than one match that I’ve enjoyed.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for this - I might actually try to play with cross play off, I never thought of that. I’ll give this a go and maybe it will help me out a little.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I’m fine with everything except the change to take away bonus BP for BBQ and WGLF. That was a kick in the nuts from BHVR that nobody asked for, and my matches are much less fulfilling now that I’m earning way fewer BP. If BHVR restored those, I’d be pretty darn happy overall with the update. I play killer and solo q survivor about 50/50.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I've been mostly miserable with it. They've changed so many things at once, and I dislike a lot of those changes. I can't hide my prestige levels, those are always shown in the lobby and on the end tally screen. I'm forced to Prestige and every time I do the Bloodweb resets to level 1, and now I'm stuck being forced to either never put more BP into certain characters or tiering up a perk I'd prefer to have at tier 1. When I play survivor, my teammates suck more than usual. BHVR rewarding more for escaping the match means I'm seeing more survivors stealth around instead of participate; that was already a huge problem, so at this point I just don't want to play at all.

    My build on all killers pre-6.1 was Lightborn, Distressing, Beast of Prey, and BBQ. Now, it's Lightborn, Distressing, Beast of Prey, and so far nothing I've tried as the fourth perk has made me happy. Without BBQ, I'm slugging more without bothering to hook because there's no real incentive to waste the time doing it. I don't necessarily like slugging, so there are also a lot of matches where I hit and run and nothing else, I never down anyone.

    My survivor build pre-6.1 was WGLF, Empathy, BT, and WoO or Self Care. Since the update, I've been running Self Care, Empathy, Botany, and WoO or Prove Thyself. The role is so damn unrewarding, though, that the fast queues are not incentive enough to play. The matches being longer just means they're more boring; I'm not earning more BP to compensate for the extra time spent. No WGLF stacks to soften the blow of a bad match. Mostly what I get is a frustrating experience and a de-pip. While I die on the hook I can watch my teammates crouching around in corners or on the upper stories of buildings. The matches I've played just show that all the problems with survivor have been amplified with 6.1.

    Not to mention at some point recently Switch performance got worse and it's dropping a lot more frames than it used to. The low framerate plus increased frame drops is just a constant reminder that cross-progression had a set date and is now a pipe dream, like the game wants to make sure I never forget it screwed me out of my money.

    Long story short, I'm playing anything other than DbD at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2022

    A lot of games as strictly solo survivor-

    First 10 seconds, killer finds someone. Next 5 seconds, they're injured. Next 10 seconds, they're downed and then hooked.

    Most teammates are AWFUL runners, they want to hide and stealth majority of the time, and while thats fine, they are almost always the same ones who go down insanely quick in chases and snowball matches for the killer even more. I don't really have a problem with the killers, its usually my teammates that frustrate me or put me in a losing battle type of situation.

    However, I've had some good matches too. They're just a lot more rare compared to pre-6.1.0.

    I've also been practicing using DH more, since I actually really like the nerf. Its given me a lot of value already, and I've made some really sick plays with it (unhooked someone while injured as killer got to me, predicted the swing on me and DH'd at the perfect moment, giving the person unhooked time to run away as well as myself. Instead of just flat out trading hook spots).

  • Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2022

    I play both sides, everything suits me, except that they never added the promised soloq buff and it annoys me that I come across survivors who cannot play against the camp

    the leveling system is also annoying, you have to spend a lot of time to level up all the characters to at least 3 prestige, why should I pay for prestige?

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I think more time is needed. At least a month.

  • Member Posts: 106

    From my own games it's alright. Killer is a bit scuffed at the moment since as others have said you either get fed your teeth by a team or the survivors start the match and immediately begin trying to climb onto the hooks themselves.

    From my current and very limited data pool, killer queue during the day is about 4 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less) then the MMR gives up and tosses you to whatever is out there. A good killer game should be around 10-15 minutes. All of my games that had some shoving back and forth were 13 so far. The games that I utterly dominated or got dominated in tended to be around 9 minutes. I'll keep recording data on my matches until the next major patch where I'll then release the spreadsheet.

    As an aside, Plunderer's Instinct has received an unintended shadow buff with the nerf to blood-web grinding. I've seen a couple survivors running it recently and I'm eager to see if chest builds will become the casual meta (with Ace in the Hole for add-ons of course.)

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I feel that on a whole the patch didn't change the balance of the game that much.

    It's still whoever brings the strongest stuff sided.

    The only difference is that at base it was slightly survivor sided before the patch and now slightly killer sided

    And yes slightly. I can agree that a fully decked out blight or nurse is impossible as a solo but the patch did not make the 2 slowdown perk ghostface unbeatable

    IF the survivors actually try, the mid range killers are still very beatable.

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