Why is everyone giving up so quickly?

I really want to know the reason.

At first, I thought it was my killer/perks of choice. I'm an unrepentant Thana Legion main, so people giving up made sense. Okay, fair enough.

Then I played Blight without add-ons and barely any slowdown (BBQ, Discordance, Pain Res, and NWO). I had people consistently giving up then too.

But the crown of all "why would you quit?!" moments goes to my games of Myers. I used Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt (cuz T1), Jolt, and Enduring. What add-ons? Just stalk speed. No Tombstone, infinite T3 or any of that. People were giving up on first hook then too.

So what is it?! Literally, what is it? I play M1 killers with barely any slowdown, I get DCs/giving up. I play reasonably balanced killers (without add-ons), with the same result. In fact, oddly enough, I get LESS DCs when I'm playing Nurse.

Literally, what is going on?! Why is everyone quitting?! Is this what it was like when Legion was first released?! I just want to play the game!


  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    How many games did you play on each of these Killers?

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Some Survivor give up becausethey dont like the Update so they give up and increase the Killers killrate to Hope that the Devs revert the Changes like DH nerf or some Killer Buffs

  • Zen_but_not_Zen
    Zen_but_not_Zen Member Posts: 230

    Common denominator, you lol. Not trying to antagonise, but curious are you tunnelling players or doing anything to single out some players early on? some survivors get tilted quickly, and just want out. How many games are you basing this on too, just 1 per killer or several?

    Also there are those just sadly throwing games in some vein attempt to skew numbers, but why even play if you're just going around doing that.

    Hope your games improve though.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited July 2022

    No, not really.

    I don't camp unless it's handed to me (ex: They're swarming the hook),

    I do not intentionally tunnel unless necessary (1-2 gens left and everyone is alive)

    I played Legion the most, tbf, but without Thana, I'll say 7 games. Over the past weekk

    Myers? 2

    Sadako (only slowdown being Overcharge without any add-ons) - 5

    Nurse - 5

    Blight (no add-ons) - 4

    Dredge (Again, only slowdown being Overcharge) - 4

    Of these games, the ones with the least DCs were Nurse (shockingly) and Dredge. Also, putting this into perspective made me realize I have too much free time on my hands

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696
  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Had a couple of frustrating games last night as survivor, purely because they were 100% winnable and a teammate just let go on hook for no reason. No camping, no tunnelling, not a hated killer, no annoying perks, we weren't even losing, they just did it anyway.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251


    I just want to play the game!

    This is where it begins. We come together to play against each other. Even though we play against each other, we still play together, because one side can't play without the other.

    The players can't help the concept behind the game. That is up to the developers. The concept is ok, but its side effect is the stringent straightforwardness that hardly allows any deviation or flexibility.

    Players can only move in two axes. Obstacles cannot be climbed, but must be walked around, except for the special ones that can be jumped through (since they are near the ground and are usually nothing more than window sills).

    The concept is straightforward so that games don't drag on unnecessarily and so that each side also gets a sense of goal accomplishment.

    But the problem that this concept fails to solve is balancing the different skills of the players. Neither perks, addons nor offerings contribute significantly to this. They are part of a lottery to make the game a bit more unpredictable in its progression, but the straightforwardness remains.

    At the end of the day, by our nature, we are actually always egoists. That's my point of view.

    Imagine yourself at the time of the Titanic disaster. You fall into the sea with your loved ones and it's a matter of life and death. What do you do? Do you stay with them until your will to survive possibly becomes a danger for them or do you say goodbye, wish them luck and swim away?

    Our egoism makes us blind to how things are going. You go into a round as a killer player, effectively (i.e., with no real chance of a good game for your opponents) knocking opponents down, hooking them, or even applying mori.

    Do you think most of your opponents will enjoy that?

    The imbalance between players and their skills is made worse by the killer player using a character that makes things even easier for him.

    It's a game. The terms 'winning', 'losing' and 'giving up' are part of it. That's the basic nature of each game.

    The devs can change variables in the game, pimp the presentation, bring in new characters and maps, but that doesn't change the straight lines that the game concept and mechanics enforce.

    Deathgarden was a good example. Free movment in three axes, but the same imbalance in skills. A skilled hunter player was a warrant that you had definitely lost as a scanvenger. The learning curve for this was also immense.

    To compensate the learning curve of the game concept, as I see it, one of the straight lines provides that when a survivor comes into the killer's field of view, their chances of escape drop drastically if the killer player doesn't make too many mistakes.

    In my view, the only way to balance this out is through a little understanding and oversight. If the killer has already hooked everyone twice, then why not just let them go, chase someone else. Really play the game (together)! Your opponents are not stupid! They see the relationship between hooks, made generators and calculate chances that the game does not go as expected. And when it does go as expected, it's boring! And this is due to the game concept and the selfishness of the players.

    As long as one of the sides behaves selfishly, so does the other.

    These are my thoughts on the matter.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    You are proving his point.

    "If I throw a tantrum then the devs will listen to me and they will give me my perks back"

    It really isn't better than the "killer mains oppresed" crowd, you are just acting like an entitled brat because you can't play exactly the way you want. Grow up.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Survivor just got quite boring and discouraging, with no way to get even 2 (or often 1, with how much killers love slugging right now) escapes if anyone has made a single side-step to do anything else than gens (like totems or chests).

    Add that to rampant dirty plays from killers, stacked slowdowns even though the gen speed has already been nerfed, janky mmr, and lack of coordination, and you get a pretty "just give up" cake.

    Props to you for playing Legion, though, they're my killer of choice as well. They do synergize well with Nurse's perks, I personally prefer nurse's calling atm, since I'm low mmr and lots of survivors still heal against Legion.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    i think they’re much like the hundred of discussion we seen about dh op. But don’t worry, devs didn’t listen to them and didn’t nerf dh

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857
    edited July 2022

    Chases have become significantly shorter with the DH nerf and the killer basekit buffs. If I'm on a gen, get chased then hooked and see that the rest of my team are doing totems, opening chests or crouching in the far side of the corner without advancing the game at all, I can tell that it is a lost cause. SoloQ does not have the luxury or messing around, you are either cranking out gens or get 12 hooked at 4-3 gens remaining. This in turn will make players mentally fatigued and they'll give significantly more easily. I know I don't feel like playing the game when it's a blight, nurse, spirit, legion, plague. And funnily enough even Myers. SoloQ potatoes feed his T3 and then he procs it on my back. Not fun.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    It's quite funny how many people blame this on killers or the game, when it's obviously just a bad sportsmanship on all those players.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You can even play without slowdown perks, camping or tunneling. Survivors will still give up on first hook.

    Totally pointless to play, when everyone is sabotaging the game.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    They just should leave the game if they can not enjoy anymore. Simple.

    You can not ruin game for others.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    Do you really think people sit on the game for hours a day just so they can lose on purpose? 99% of people have lives and don't have time to do something ridiculous like this. What's more likely is people are pushing this conspiracy theory so the changes DON'T get reverted.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    So when Killer dc/gave up it is because the game isn't balance. But when Survivors do it must be anything but game balance issue?

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    there are some of this Players some ppl have Fun to Ruin the Game for others Players

    Yesterday i had a Claudette that was Instant Running to a Hook and Wanted to be killed After the Match starts After the Game i ask her Why she was doing it her answer was " i hate the Update i dont Play until the Killer buffs gets reverted " 🤷‍♀️

    Also on tiktok there is a Hacker who has said he Loves to Ruin the Fun for other Players this makes Fun

    So yeah there are some ppl who dont have a life

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    here's the real reason. Once hooked, the chances of getting any more bloodpoints that match goes down dramatically. Between face camping, tunnelling, or dumb teammates, the odds of the match being good for that dangling victim is low. If the perception is the match isn't worth continuing and survivors have instant queues why not give up and get a better more fun match. It's a rational choice.

    Don't get me wrong, its cancer for the longevity of the game. If match quality goes into the toilet because of suicides or disconnects the other folks will be inclined to play less. Match quality has to be good and matches fun for both sides for this game to exist in the long term.

  • akumaks13
    akumaks13 Member Posts: 42

    Because it is very boring now to take 1 year to make engines and that the chases last 20 seconds and they also camp and tunnel

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    Some people will just act childish. Maybe they're actually children, who knows? Anyone who claims that "Survivors can tell at the start of the game how a game will go" is genuinely mad.


    You don't know what perks the killer and other survivors have! You could have a truly blessed game or a truly cursed one, but because you got unlucky and were caught first you sacrifice yourself! Honestly, the sheer disregard for others infuriates me to no end.

    If you don't want to play the match after you queued for it then grow a pair and DC, if you won't commit to generators, at least commit to that so you'll get punished for your nonsense.

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    Burnout m8. Survivors (even some killers) literally just rage quit , get frustrated , whatever you wanna call it. Every match now leaves you sweaty as a mf, and if you're good but in solo it's really frustrating to do all the work when surv is an obviously 4 man operation .

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 687

    Because play solo now is so boring and you never have good teammates, and the killer every tunnel and camp or using full slowdown perks and, without helps or communication, play as survivor solo now is to much frustrate, im gave up play as survivor, unfortunetlly, i like it, but now, is so boring. im just playing killer, still i need wait 4,5 minutes for to play. 

    If you hear Spirit, blight, nurse in early game or any killer using SBFL, or thana, sloppy, gift of pain, whatever full slowdown, you begin the matche know it will be boring, frustrating and unfun, so simply give up. 

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Because bad players, no matter what role, will quit when they don't get what they want.

    By bad I mean sore losers, tantrum throwing man babies, angry egoists, etc etc, we are talking people in their 20's and 30's with the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old.

    The anonymity of the internet is the playground of such folk and online gaming is a showcase of it.

    The thing that baffles me is its so widely accepted as the norm that people will film themselves being a bad gamer for all to watch with absolutely no insight into how bad their own behaviour is and how embarrassed they should be about it.

    People consume it though, the world loves a train wreck to gawk at, more so if there are blind to their own behaviour.