Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Am I dumb or is the grind the same?

According to the devs, the grind would be reduced by 75%. I assumed that meant that instead of the usual 1 million it costed to prestige a character, it would instead cost 250k. Yet I just tried to prestige my Zarina with the 1.2 million bloodpoints I had saved up and it only got me to level 44.

Am I slow haha?


  • c0gnu5
    c0gnu5 Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2022

    Instead of assuming, you can, for example, read what changes were made and what they were supposed to achieve. Grind was reduced because you don't lose everything upon prestiging, and you don't need to unlock new perks on each character. It was never said that leveling up bloodweb will be cheaper.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The cost of the bloodwebs is the same, but now

    • you don't lose anything as you Prestige, you get to keep all your stuff
    • When you do Prestige all your other characters automatically get copies of your Prestiged character's perks in their inventory instantly at level 1. When you Prestige again they all get it at level 2, and if you do it a third time they all get those perks at level 3.

    So where the savings come in is when you have multiple characters and want to get all your teachable perks on all of them. If you only play a couple of characters the new system doesn't change your cost much.

  • RockyRocker936
    RockyRocker936 Member Posts: 4

    My guy is not happy. I actually did read it, I just misunderstood it, that's all. 😂

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    It gave hella perks to all my lower-level survivors when the update happened. The small blood web after prestige is really good for getting more perks and perk levels on those that need them very fast. Less useful if you already have all perks.

    On the killer side even though I had "all perks all killers" (no prestige), it cost me over 1.5 million bp to get them all up one more level to prestige 6 after the patch. I lost count but I earned that bp pretty quickly just by playing killer.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    The grind is weird for survivors. You have to get the survivor you want to level to Prestige 1 (so technically level 51) but you get all their perks on every survivor at level 1.

    It's worth it if you level someone like Meg where ALL her perks are amazing, but if you level someone like Jake it's not worth it at all. Especially if you only play one survivor, which most people do.

    At least with killers, of they have bad perks they can make up for it in gameplay (Oni for example) or if they have poor gameplay but they have amazing perks (my precious Sadako).

    The grind decreasedefonitely benefits killers more. That's for sure.

  • the_honey_badger
    the_honey_badger Member Posts: 111

    Yeah I feel like I'm one of the few that feels like little has changed. Don't get me wrong, having all teachable unlocked when you go to prestige 1 is fine and all, but they have cut down the amount of blood points you earn. So without any bloodpoint offering, you're earning around 50 or 60k per game. And it takes around 1.5 million to prestige. So I feel like its not helping the new people, the ones that need this the most.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    It's definitely easier to reach the finish line of the grind (aka unlocking all perks on all characters).

    And that's the only grind devs took into consideration.

    But since BP bonuses from perks are gone and there's no compensation for that, both sides will actually have to grind twice as hard (with a bit more on killer side, since the increased bp per category, it's nearly impossible for killer to max out Sacrifice category without using mori).

    Yeah, you'll achieve the end of the grind faster, but it's gonna feel like a fkn chore. I hope they gonna fix it..

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    They actually make the grind worse than it was cause yes u get all a survivor's perks unlocked on every survivor same with killer when u prestige them once but now it takes forever to reach lvl 50 to prestige them cause killers aren't letting match last and kill us off too quick and cause of the bonus bloodpoint perks ending up with the bonus bloodpoint part of them getting taken away.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2022

    I think I'm in the minority here but I much prefer the new Prestige system. It's nice to get T1 teachables after prestiging a survivor just once, and you don't lose all your items/addons for prestiging.

    My only criticism is that useless common addons/items are now worse than ever and it seems much harder to get good/rare ones.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    You didn't read their statement and picked one line out of context. The 75% reduction refers to the time it'll take you to unlock everything on everyone when they release a new chapter of content.

  • Ghostofsnow
    Ghostofsnow Member Posts: 160

    feels worse survivor side honestly especially for perk entry for newer players. i really don't think the bp incentives are going to fix that even when they do come back

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630

    No, you're not dumb. It's even worse than it used to be. I said it when they told about the "less grinding", that the math doesn't add up. This change actually increased the grind.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    It gave me a lot of perks from the characters I prestiged before the update, and I do like the new system, but there are a few problems that make it hard(er?) to grind still.

    - The forced prestige thing means you have to consistently go through 30 levels of bloodweb before you get interesting add-ons, items and perks, which is still a chore and for some people, amounts to more grinding than when they could buy from level 50 all the time.

    - Grinding as survivor is abysmal at the moment, especially in lower mmr where casuals get consistently destroyed by tunneling killers (and by legitimately good ones), and gain very little bloodpoints.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    It’s worse for me too. I already have most of the perks I want on the characters that I play, so I’m grinding for survivor items and killer add-ons. BP bonuses for BBQ and WGLF are gone now, so the grind has been made 2x worse for me. The whole “75% grind reduction” thing was for the very specific situation in which you want to play every character and prestige every character. BHVR didn’t bother to mention that for a lot of players the grind reduction was far less, and actually even worse for certain players like myself.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Removal of BBQ and WGLF is the thing that made the grind worse - If it simply remained or made base kit then we would have single handedly the best patch in the history of DBD. Now we have the patch that made survivors crying and ppl who like to unlock new things crying too because grind is ridiculous.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211
    edited July 2022

    Something I haven't seen many people acknowledge is just how much you save by unlocking perks on other characters by prestiging.

    A tier 1 perk mode is 4000 BP. With 31 survivors, prestiging a survivor unlocks 3 perks on all survivors, saving 360,000 BP on just the perk nodes, let alone the bloodweb levels required to get to those nodes.

    Rises to 450,000 and 540,000 for tier 2 and 3 perks respectively.

    If you factor the bloodweb for each of those it's closer to 4 million, per perk.

    So for every additional 400,000 you spend getting a character from level 40 to 50, the perks that are then automatically learned by the other 30 characters refund this and potentially save you about 4 million BP. That's a ten-fold saving.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    My grind PLUMMETED. I don't know what you guys are on about.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Exactly. There's no reason good enough to remove the blood point bonuses from BBQ and WGLF, and with the incentives turned off the grind is ridiculously high right now.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    And now no BBQ bp bonus so that increase the grind by half alone.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    the truth is - Removal of bp bonuses from perks is a must, period. It was very unhealthy as it forced us to run specific perks in order to make grind less painful.

    Unfortunately, what behaviour did was to remove a bad habit (forcing player to play bonus bp perks) without solving the real issue and main cause of WHY ppl ran these perks in the first place (ridiculous grind without bp bonuses) and effectively it made the grind unbearable right now especially for new players.

    Imagine starting the game right now without having anything unlocked and realising how much do you have to grind in order to get just three perks tier 3 (since the most reasonable thing to do right now is to pick a single character and p3 it without touching other characters as P1ing character X makes his perks appear on the bloddweb of character Y so leveling character X and character Y simultanously makes it unreasonable since you can have all perks t3 of X on Y if you P3 char X) - as soon as he prestiges one character he realizes "OMG I literally spent ~1,7KK of BP in order to prestige one character, now I have to pay 20k and do all these things 2 more times to make the most of perk transferring system. *Quick Mafs* ~30k per game, a game takes roughly 20minutes, alright:

    (1,7kk + 20k)x3/30k=172 games in order to get P3 on a character

    172x20/60=57 HOURS of gameplay to get ONE character to P3.

    OK so I have to play around 57 hours on ONE character in order to make the perk transfer system reasonable until I can switch to other character. You know what? I don't care - Gonna play civilzation or something. See ya lads"

    That's how the new grind feels for a baginner.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    More or less it's slightly better. The grind reduction only really benefits those that have several prestige 3 characters on hand, therefore significantly dropping the amount of BP required to spend because all of the prestiged characters' perks are instantly shared across the entire roster regardless of level.