"You were doing nothing" ...

drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

It's kind of funny how some players don't imagine there are things happening when they aren't there.

Two gens, one unhook, two heals (or was it one?), keeping the killer busy on a gen without ever being caught (sprint burst, predicting the phase outs and walking right behind, ...), I probably even looked competent (I'm not), one NOED popped exactly one second after it ignited and one door to 99 ... and that amounts to "nothing" ^_^.

How many times does this happens to you?


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You did not crounch around. You did not self-care at corners. You did not hide in lockers.

    Yeah, you were doing nothing. Admit it.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I’m mainly focused on who the killer is.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    My favourite times are when I'm accused of doing nothing with iridescent Chaser, Lightbringer, and Benevolent emblems. Like I was singlehandedly carrying the team on my shoulders but because you didn't see me clicking at the killer from on top of a hill (and then going down 5 seconds later) I was automatically doing nothing to you.

    Like, some survivors genuinely do nothing all game. They're the ones that end of 8k points despite dying last, somehow. 25k points is not nothing.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I thought you may be ^_^

    To be fair, Spirit tends to be weak in most hands and that one was no exception. (Compared to before the nerf I mean, she still got a draw)

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
    edited July 2022

    People jump to conclusions really fast. Some of them even throw the games that could be won easily judging mine or other survs auras without even knowing the context of our actions.

    If people spent time doing the best they can instead of being immature and impulsive, solo q wouldn't be complained about nearly as much. But the problem is that people who complain do exact the same kind of complaining sort I mentioned does.

    Not all of the people are like that tho and I encountered some really nice teammates too.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Indeed : they aren't the majority, thankfully. I've even met about 20 of my Steam friends in DbD.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2022

    Yeah, a few days ago. Got told by a teammate who got tunneled out that I did nothing and farmed all game. I did 2 gens, ran chase till he dropped it cause it was going too long, saved 2-3 times safely + healed 2-3 times (had We'll Make it). The problem was, they were all pretty bad runners so they kept going down repeatedly or very fast, which meant less and less time on gens. At the end, we all died. He had a 16k score whereas I had a 27k score, thats over a 10k gap and that aint b/c I 'farmed'. Its cause they played horribly. Even left a comment on my steam profile, just rolled my eyes and moved on.

  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    This is why we need those survivor portraits ASAP for solo queue!!

  • KittyCatNyx
    KittyCatNyx Member Posts: 8

    Some survivors really see running the killer, unhooking survivors and healing each other as doing nothing. I once had a leon claim I did nothing even though 3 of us had 2 hooks and he was bragging about not seeing the killer the entire time and that he carried the team by doing 3 gens. When the truth is the 3 of us were jumping between running the killer causing distractions, unhooking whoever got hooked and working on the other 2 gens close to the killer. Honestly survivors like this need to realise if your team mates have similar/more points to you when you do gens. That is cause they were doing a lot to help the team.

  • Phantom2144
    Phantom2144 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2022

    Yeah, I had a game where I did 2 gens, got chased for at least 30-40 seconds per every hook and some where the killer gave up, saved from hook from across the map because no one else was. But then my friend (we were 2 swf) gets a ps message from one of our random teammates complaining that I didn't heal or set up my CoH. Which fair enough I didn't. Why? Well first of all the killer was a Legion WITHOUT Thana!! Also the SAME player had cleansed 3 totems IN MY FACE and the last two, one I couldn't find (could have been cleansed) and the one I did find was useless for it was in the open and it was between 2 gens so the killer would snuff it before it got any use. Oh yeah this was even before legion and Ghosty change.

    not to mention but a the same rando was bottom of the scoreboard even though he got hatch😬😬

    While me, my friend, and 4th rando all got at least 5k more points compared to him.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The nice thing about the "You did nothing" crowd is they are easily silenced by the scoreboard.