General Discussions

General Discussions

Sprint Burst Is A Killer Perk At This Point

Unless you are running fixated/self aware with it, it is a killer perk. Although the sprint itself is great and it gets you to a loop and is a safety perk, I see people walking EVERYWHERE. After this patch using your time wisely is essential to getting gens done and possibly escaping. You can not be walking around, especially at the start of the game. What puts pressure on killers early is survivors darting straight to gens when you spawn. But you can't dart to them if you are walking can you :/

At this point sprint burst should not be used to run from the killer when he's about to chase you, but instead to get to places quicker, like gens, hook saves etc. Nowadays the best value out of sprint burst is when a killer comes to caress your cheeks while you're on a gen, then sprint burst out of there. That's the only time using sprint burst to run away from the killer is actually value.

You should not be randomly walking recovering your sb and then popping it when the killer sees you walking. The only time you should be recover sb is when you are on a gen or actually being useful for your team like doing totems or something.

You should never be walking even with sprint burst, it waste too much time, that time you can be doing a gen and it can determine how many gens you get done that match.

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  • Member Posts: 106

    Maybe people are walking around because they have a 16% bonus to repair speeds from overzealous and they want to keep it as long as possible. Being the sneaky gen master is a fun strat.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    I will give you that it often does get used poorly but there are lots of times where walking is fine.

    As an example if you start near a generater it is probably better to use a couple extra seconds walking there and saving yoir sprint burst for when the killer shows up especially if that gen is in the open than to burn your burst so the killer has an easier hit leading to a faster down and hook causing others off gens faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't walk cuz I always run vigil with it so I have it every 28 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    I think he's just showcasing a fun build he likes and why he walks with sb

  • Member Posts: 106

    I merely mentioned it because if you see survivors taking a stealthy approach by walking, they might have a reason for it. It's not always about the Sprint Burst cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I hear you OP. Anyone who is afraid to run for fear of wasting their SB needs to switch to a different exhaustion perk like Lithe or Balanced Landing.

    The truth is if you run SB and run to a generator, by the time you have repaired it for a bit, the exhaustion will have worn off. It doesn't help if you get chased immediately, but still, you can maybe walk a bit during the chase to try and get it back down. If not, it's only first hook.

    Better to be speedy getting your gen work done (under the new gen speeds) than always having it up for a chase.

  • Member Posts: 544

    It’s smarter to walk to gens with sprintburst and the reason for that is it’s a hard counter to stealth killers where as soon as you hear a Ghostface around the corner trying to get grab you you SB to a gym or filler pallet for eg.. There’s so many good plays you can do with SB it just boils down to experience in the game.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Beginning of match depends if you sgould walk or run with sb. the gen is right around the corner but you dont know if the killer is gonna say hello sooner rather than later? Invest three seconds to have sb to be able to greed the gen/not have to think about pre leaving. All four spawned in the same Place? use sb to get yourself to a different corner of the map and on a different gen. Thats at least how I so it and it works well enough.

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