Is it much harder to get iri addons?

I just wanted to play Piggy with Amanda's Letter. I noticed that I didn't have said addon anymore. Since my Piggy was already complete, I had to prestige her. From level 1 to level 50 you have to spend about 1.5 million BP. I was able to find the addon I was looking for exactly 3 times. Sure, it's iridescent and should be rare. But so rare that it should cost me about 500k BP per addon? 

I feel like before the update it was much easier to get iri addons. You had to spent ~60k for a Bloodweb and always had iri stuff in it. I don't think I've ever had to search a bloodweb more than 4-5 to find an addon. But now you have to start over again and again, because you are forced to prestige once you reach 50.

We desperately need a trade-in system or a new way to buy addons. 


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just FYI the devs said in their update blog that they are working on changing the rarities of the post-prestige bloodweb nodes so that you get rare stuff at the same rate as when you were level 50. No word on when that will be updated but hopefully not TOO long since it’s already in the works. Until then, though, unfortunately those early webs after a Prestige won’t have very many of the purples or reds you’re asking about.

  • PoodleDoodle
    PoodleDoodle Member Posts: 26

    Imagine trusting bhvr with the soon(TM) changes to rarity items. Everyone knows they're going to make it even more complicated than it has to be without actually addressing the core ossues.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    Alright, didn't know that. Thanks for the info! Might happen in the next few years. Until then I am grinding I guess.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It should happen before then, it's just numeric changes and they already announced it's in the pipeline.

  • EvilTwin
    EvilTwin Member Posts: 51

    Just like they announced cross progression was coming to switch in the fall... That was like 2 years ago

    Or how they said people who prestige will be rewarded.. Took like 3 years and look at the rewards we got.

    I have zero hope for their promises. If they make food on their word I’ll be happy happy as hell but I’ve learned the hard way that it’s best to not stay optimistic about their announcements.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It's not "just like cross progression", that's obviously something that is WAAAAAAY more complicated to program than changing the rarities of nodes on the bloodweb.

    And it's also not "just like prestige rewards", the bloodweb rarity adjustment is a very specific, numerical change that is clearly defined versus a vague statement about maybe giving some sort of reward for having certain prestige levels. There's not a ton to really discuss on the rarities, they're already in the game the devs know they want to match those level 50 numbers. It's basically just a matter of typing it in and double checking it to make sure something didn't break.

  • EvilTwin
    EvilTwin Member Posts: 51

    I’m not sayong those were easy things to implement. My point is bhvr making announcements waaay before we’ll see them go live, if we even see them go live. It’s their priorities and lack ot transparency I have a problem with.

    I genuinely hope you’re right about this and I’m wrong. But no matter how simple of a change it is, I doubt we’ll see it happening anytime soon. I’m aware of how pessimistic I come across but just don’t have any trust in them when it comes to to these kinda things.

    I still absolutely love the game and will continue to play it

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Oh totally, they do announce things sometimes that either never happen or take forever. The most recent example is they announced those HUD changes in January to show survivors what everybody is doing to help solo players. It got put on hold though to make room for all the other stuff they're doing this fiscal year so we probably won't see that until sometime in 2023 unless we're lucky.

    I'm more optimistic about this prestige rarity change though because it was kind of announced as a package deal in the July blog. So between that and it being a numerical-only change that should require less development time hopefully I'm hoping it's already in the pipeline.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594

    Iri? I just spent 800k to get 3 yellow recharge addons for Nurse. Grind reduction btw

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,131

    I'm still fully expecting for the rarity item changes to be a solid nerf for people when they are P100, as they will surely nerf the level 50 bloodwebs as part of the rework.