The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

So, how do you feel about the Calm Spirit nerf?



  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Just add where if you hold a button you get the silent action with the penalty and let go to continue without it

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    Perks should be compared at their strongest, and be balanced according to their third level. But if you want to compare level 1 perks ... at the new level 1, you're cleansing totems 50% slower. I would call that a nerf any day.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I like your way of thinking... Hmm how about this: Calm Spirit still prevents 100% of crows taking flight, but in the case of spies it gives you a 50/50 chance with each notification. This should be disorienting enough that the killer can't rely on their spies, but still get the occasional notification.

    On the plus side, give he Calm Spirit User a notification when a Crow ratted then out. This way no side gets their perks invalidated, but stey still somewhat counter each other.

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    Who cares if u are cleansing totems 50% slower with it on when u don't make noises while doing it. If it were a nerf u would still be making noises while doing it.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Laughable that they took a useless perk and somehow made it worse.

    But then again, look at Self-Care

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    No, no guys, it's a buff! You can now open chests 4cm away from the killer! :o

    Okay, jokes aside. I don't even know what BHVR were thinking. It's like nerfing Furtive Chase xd

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    Because you're not even silent if your breathing and grunts of pain are still being heard + the killer can still clearly see you on many totems and chests, effectively making the silent part not matter. That extra time could be the difference between cleansing Devour, getting a gen done, etc ... Time is very important in this game. The penalty isn't worth it, and is undeserved when compared to other perks that are far stronger with no penalty.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    I know you aren't claiming that Calm Spirit would be too strong without the debuff

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649

    Perks that completely remove an entire killer tracking method, for the entire game, shouldn't exist, and if they do exist, they absolutely should have a downside. Survivors that try to hide from the killer the entire game are a problem that is just as bad as camping and tunneling, and those survivors are partially to blame for camping and tunneling. Why should a killer leave a hooked survivor if the other survivors are hiding?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,059

    It was a stupid nerf. What, silent totem cleansing and chest opening at normal speed would have been OP and meta?

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    I used to use Calm Spirit when I first started playing dbd, literally. So, today I could not care less, it's a very niche perk.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    edited July 2022

    I think it is a decent perk.

    If you run flashlight and go DH, DH, OtR, CS you can get saves easier cause you bypass docs shock and infectious fright other some other perks like dragon breath. I don't think it is meta, but it works in a "flashlight build" which is still good build and fun to play.

    Moreover, now that ruin is dead, is really rare that you need to cleanse a totem, and that single situation might not even make difference and is not worth fussing over it.

  • KittyCatNyx
    KittyCatNyx Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2022

    I used to run calm spirit when I first started, then I realised that after like 2 shocks from doc you would be screaming every time after it, I figured it was pointless. As for the alerting of crows, any time I played killer, I never noticed when crows went off so when they did it never helped me anyway. I feel like them adding this decrease in time just makes it not usable. If as a survivor I have to make the choice between cleansing noed quiet and slow or faster and normal sound. I'm gonna go faster as to not give the killer a chance to down more people. Calm spirit has never been that good at running and I personally think it needs to be reworked properly to do something else.

    My ideas are:

    - remove calm spirit, nerf iron will levels to say 50% but add the not screaming for 2 shocks from a doc per match from calm spirit and give a chance of not triggering the crows (say 50% chance) and give Jake a complete different perk


    - Make it so Calm Spirit alerts you when the killer (maybe even survivors) triggers the crows, maybe a visual alert idk. (this to could be on a chance percentage where you have say 40% chance of getting the information)


    - Allow you to communicate with the crows a certain amount of times per match to get information like where a hex totem is or where the killer is. The crow could fly off in the direction of the hex or the killer and circle it/them so you know.


    - By befriending a crow, you send it to get you a random item from and already open chest during the match (maybe a shinny items cause crows like shinny things)

    idk these are just some suggestions I came up with, but im not a perk maker. I just think calm spirit needs a proper look at to make them usable. And actually using the crows for survivors help would be pretty cool and might make calm spirit a bit more useful and less of a waste of a perk slot.

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    It's worth "fussing over" because there was no need to change the niche perk in the first place, especially a change that makes it worse instead of objectively better. The feedback is needed so that the same doesn't happen to other perks in the future, similar to how people are also giving negative feedback about the Pharmacy change.

    Plus I just want to be able to run Calm Spirit again without the penalty of slower totem cleansing, which 100% impacted the games I used the new Calm Spirit in. Let the perk be niche and only impact crows and screams without the new downside.

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    Someone running Calm Spirit is not the reason a killer is camping or tunnelling. There are NUMEROUS tracking perks that are not affected by Calm Spirit.

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    Additionally, if Calm Spirit were to have any downside, it should be a short cooldown regarding disturbing crows or maybe rechargeable tokens like Distortion. It should absolutely not have anything to do with totems and chests. The perk's identity should stay with crows and screaming.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Calm Spirit stops all screaming from all sources, at every perk tier. The entire trial.

  • Obelt
    Obelt Member Posts: 357

    Yeah never used it still not going too

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Definitely a bad and unnecessary change to all already mediocre perk.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649

    Survivors being immersed and hiding from the killer is absolutely a reason for camping and tunneling. Do you really expect a killer to leave a hooked survivor, and try to find survivors that might be immersed anywhere on the entire map, especially if they might be against a SWF with voice communication, where the hooked survivor will just relay the killer's position to the rest of the team to make it easier for them to hide from the killer?

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    Still would rather have that than the bloodpoint bonus be taken away from WGLF. They made the grind for bloodpoints harder not easier by taking away the one thing that made WGLF worth using in the first place and by doing so. They made grinding levels and bloodpoints take 2 to 3 times longer for Survivors.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    takes longer to do something silently. Makes complete sense to me

  • tinycrow
    tinycrow Member Posts: 37

    In theory out of context it makes sense... however, people were running Calm Spirit for a completely different reason and now we have a forced downside. And anyone who wasn't running Calm Spirit already won't start running it now because of the penalty. And the action isn't even silent because you as a survivor still make noise. So overall it's a downgrade as someone who actually used Calm Spirit. I wish they would just revert it.

  • KittyCatNyx
    KittyCatNyx Member Posts: 8

    that's what its meant to do. But when I used it, it didn't. Maybe it was broken for a month or something when i used it and no one said anything. but after 2 shocks from doc i was screaming and calm spirit didn't really help. This is the experience I had with it.