Casual Modes and Competitive mode

Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

Hello I was wondering if is it possible for the developers to make 2 new modes for people who are experienced at dead by daylight and people who are not experienced at dead by daylight I get tired of playing with beginners and carrying them


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    They probably could but it would create a sense of elitism among an already toxic playerbase and also increase queue times dramatically.

    What we need is a proper matchmaking system.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    If you thought Killer que times were bad now, imagine it when there's two different sets of Killer ques

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    Right I just get sick and tired of being on the team with players who are beginner level or intermediate level and when and what tick me off the most is I run killers for hours and hours and gens are not getting pop everyone walking around and then when I'm out the game then they want to start popping gens

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited July 2022

    That's not a casual/competitive problem, I think that's a matchmaking issue

    since MMR brackets were widened and que times prioritised, you'll still be put with people less experienced than you. Not as bad as the past, but still sometimes not great.

    That's why I get inexperienced killers sometimes despite having 2k+ hours

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited July 2022

    Casual mode would have to be different enough that experienced players couldn't just hop in and stomp newbies/casuals to make them miserable.

    I'd like a casual mode that removes the elimination part of the game. There are a lot of unique elements in DbD that draw players in, but it being an elimination game divides the playerbase a lot. A mode that's actually casual and fun where there are new goals that don't include removing players from the match, that'd be nice.

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    Dead by Daylight is one of the most popular games on consoles and other platforms If they add Casual survivor, competitive mode, casual survivor, casual killer, or competitive killer modes this will keep all the drama down

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    Big games like call of duty have these types of modes if they bring those two modes to the game this will divide the experience survivors and casual survivors because if you knew a lot of casual survivors mains make it off experience survivors that's why they never try because they know they are going to get carry same way in a sports you don't want someone who is new to the game you want people who are experienced and know what they are doing

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Sweaty people will just play casual because competitive would give them harder games.

    All this would do is divide the player base and make queue times twice as long.

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    That's to blame on the (apparently) working MMR system. Taken into account how god damn long killer queue times have been since the update, I really consider the possibility of MMR being off or the mmr brackets being so wide it doesn't even make sense.

    Every second/third game I get players with 50 hours in my lobby. I doubt this should happen since I have over 2k hours.

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    No, what they should do is lock the mode for people who are experienced at the game and put them into competitive games instead of having experienced players boost casual players' MMR for them so they can jeopardize every game it's sad every time I get in a game I run the killers and we stuck on 1 gen because no one wants;'s to do it because they either trolling or working with the killer in order to help him/her out the previous game I got out of we got down to the last freaking gen and every time I was getting chase the Dwight was trying his hardest to body block me so what they did was slow down on gens to so he can get a chance to get me and my friend out of the game next thing you know the game went from smooth to a rocky game the killer end up getting a 4k because the solo q people stay acting clueless

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    Solo q has always been miserable. I constantly get teammates who don’t know how to hold M1 on a gen. Which means I’m looping the killer,wasting resources aka pallets and when I finally go down after 2 minutes only ONE gen pops (and that’s if I’m lucky and one of my teammates was actually doing gens!). At this point I really consider killing myself on hook because there’s no point to continue playing when you have potatoes as teammates.

    I don’t know if they’re trolling on purpose or they’re just really new players who are scared of the killer so they crouch all the time and avoid being seen.

    I had teammates die on first hook despite them running kindred, teammates looting basement chest when the whole team is on the ground, teammates who are just running around the map doing NOTHING.

    so I understand those who only play SWF, but solo q shouldn’t be neglected like that and I feel like since the patch it’s only gotten worse.

    The only way I see of reviving solo q is reworking how the mmr system works. It doesn’t matter if I’m able to loop the killer for 5 gens if these gens aren’t being worked on.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,862

    Splitting an already low populated community would be a quick way to kill off the game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    I like for them to try it. If it doesn't work out with queue times, fine. But it could be a self-fulfilling thing in a way. They don't want to split the population because the population might not sustain those queues, and the population might be lower than it could be because there's no real competitive mode in the first place. The game could actually grow from it.

    Matchmaking is already an unplayable circus at peak hours if you take the game seriously. Queue times could be addressed in quickplay by widening the MMR range.