I”m officially calling it.

It’s dead. This is the one that broke DBD. I have played this game like a 2nd job. I have 3 accounts and around 9k hours.

  • Legions (and Plague) everywhere running 3-4 anti-gen / slowdown perks
  • Nurse and Blight still broken and still in high rotation
  • Camp Bubba still a thing amazingly
  • Camping / Tunnelling at a seeming all time high due to nerfs to DS and DH and ineffective base kit BT
  • Franklins seems to also be more popular since healing items are now more common
  • Teammates giving up at record levels (including me) because of all the above

I’m still playing atm, hoping for that occasional game that isn’t awful. But this is new levels of broken. They can fix this, but if not in the next day or two, I’m done til they do something.

