Can we acknowledge that pharmacy was nerfed hard?

Now you can only be garunteed a green med-kit if you're injured. This means that:
- you will no longer be able use the med-kit to heal yourself mid chase
- you can't get a green med-kit and save it for future use, because you will probably need to use it right there and then
- there's a 90% chance all the chests will be taken by the time you get to one while injures, making the perk a waste of a slot.
Seriously, this was one of the few perks that literally nobody complained about. The only way i can see this being fixed is to either revert it, or change the perk to always be active until you unlock a chest for the first time, then the perk is only active while injured.
It would probably be better if they make the rummage mechanic apart of the perk to ensure you can still use it even if someone else opens the chest
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It was such an unnecessary nerf too.
It should honestly just get reverted, but knowing BHVR that will never happen so we're stuck with it now :/
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Without a doubt. Especially when there is almost always a tome challenge to search chests every level of the tome.
It used to be fairly useful but self care was better. Now self care is pretty bad too, so just bring Circle of Healing, or a gray medkit.
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I hate it and I love it.. As a Quin MAIN I have used it ALOT.. That being said it's terrible that you have to be injured for it to proc. That's the absolute dumbest nerf idea ever. BUT It's repeatable.. The way I have worked around it is i'll leave a chest at 99% open progress until injured then come along and open it for a green med. But let's be honest.. This Nerf is terrible.. and again one of many to make the game even more killer-sided.
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Not to mention the faster opening of chests also only applies while injured too
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Maybe they should change Pharmacy to a rumage perk? I know they don't want to have too many of them so that they don't colide, but just add the little sentence that the rumage perk equipped farthest to the left gets precidence.
With this change it wouldn't matter if someone else got a "open 6 chests" tome challenge and ran around the map with Open Handed Plunderers Instinct, you could rumage through each chests yourself and find yourself a green med-kit.
I would also not make this token dependent, like Elodies Appraisal, but just activate this perk when you are injured so that you can rumage through a chest to find a med-kit, and then deactivate the perk again until you are injured another time.
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Pretty much every "buff" ended up being a nerf.
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To be fair, with the recent killer changes, I don't think you're getting an 11 second heal off mid-chase anymore anyway.
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They should make the perk to activate every time you are injured but you can rummage multiple chests for a medkit.
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To be fair, that genuinely sounds better balanced.
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I don't think they can without conflicts when run together with Residual Manifest.
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I agree. It just feels extremely awkward to use now
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Make 1 perk take priority over the other. Blast Mine and Repressed Alliance work together like that
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This and selfcare nerf is an interesting design choice on BHVR.
Oh and calm spirit probably.
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Let me elaborate, a standard heal is 16 charges at a speed of 1 charge per second. The Emergency Aid Kit, the Pharmacy med-kit has 16 charges, and a 50% speed bonus to all healing actions with the med-kit. So, since you consume the charges 50% faster you're healing at a speed of 1.5 charges a second. This means you can heal yourself once, or an ally once, in only 11 seconds.
This is why the Pharmacy change is a buff. Normally, if a survivor wants to heal themselves somewhat quickly the first choice was Inner Strength or "Inner Healing?". Either way, you spend 20 seconds breaking a totem and then you spend 6 seconds in a locker healing.
Now with Boon: Circle of Healing, you're incentivized to keep dull totems around, as breaking them messes up your teammates boon perks. Plus, between The Dredge and Iron Maiden, you just might be tired of hopping into a locker to heal.
This is where Pharmacy comes in (because Self-Care is utterly eclipsed by med-kits and Circle of Healing). Pharmacy will give you an 11 second heal in exchange for a chest search while injured. Assuming your teammates don't run chest builds or you coordinate with them, that's 3 quick heals with a single perk! And if you happen to be in a SWF group, after 1 match, you can give the depleted med-kits to your allies, and then they'll each have 1 free heal at the start of the next game! (Assuming they escaped the first game.)
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At first I was under the impression that INTERACTING with a chest while injured would always give you a medkit - regardless of the chest having been opened already or not. That would also be the most sensible option, imo (together with a token system).
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I dont think it was a nerf, i have been using it and it had times were i could get 3 green medkits using pharmacy, i think its really good
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You have to find the chests tho which can take a lot more time than it's worth when you could be working on gens (unless you run plunderers but why not just run self care + botany or Circle of Healing + small game at that point?)
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Definitely wouldn’t want to just see it reverted as it wasn’t in a good state before.
Adding rummaging as a guarantee for a Medkit even when all chests are opened sounds great, but I guess like Residual needs to be limited. Also having the perk active in the beginning wouldn’t hurt as well though i don’t think it’s necessary. Also also, the speed increase should always be active.
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Their reasoning for changing it was some of the most incongruous nonsense I've ever heard. "Nobody wants to use Pharmacy on a chest and store the medkit for later, only to find out that Meg stole it." Then... don't put down the medkit, like 99% of Pharmacy users? If you absolutely have to swap items, hide it somewhere less obvious?? Search the chest later, like you have the power to???
It's worse than before. Only being able to get the medkit while injured increases danger, prevents you from getting it at times that are convenient for you, and increases the likelihood that there will be no chests for you to open by the time you can access it. Make it available from the beginning or make it a rummage perk. Perhaps both.
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Time of death of this thread: 3 months ago.
Successful Necro, check.
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They pulled that excuse out of thin air. I have never heard a pharmacy user complain that their medkit was stolen because they left it at the chest for future use. And why even store it back in the chest? If they wanted to put it down somewhere, it'd be way more beneficial to place it somewhere that they will run to safely for heals. However, nobody ever drops their medkit! A pharmacy user was way more likely to bring nothing into the match because they knew they were going to get a green medkit anyway. They nerfed it for no good reason.
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Also as an indirect and added nerf to new Pharmacy was Iron Will getting shredded, new Pharmacy requires getting injured and then disjoint the Killer wich wasnt easy before, now is so much harder without Iron Will.
The only real use for Pharmacy is tanking a hit and if the Killer doesnt follow you going looking for a chest but if the Killer isnt following you you may aswell go to a gen and odds are you find someone there who can heal you at the same speed a green medkit would.