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get rid of myers’ ability to instantly mori people



  • P3ToxicLaurie
    P3ToxicLaurie Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2022

    They took away our old animations, old maps, old items, old addons, old perks, everything that made the game stupid and fun is gone now for the most part, this is one of the only things left over from the golden period of dbd and I would also be sad to see it leave, even tho its kinda broken. Its a historical artifact leftover from what used to be.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,202
    edited July 2022

    Tombstone addons and the perma tier 3 addons are BS and need to go. Bubba and Hillbilly at least need to use some skill to insta-down you, but perma tier 3 Myers has increased speed and can just M1. No skill needed. Tombstone kills are just unfair and unfun. No counterplay, unless the survivors are really experienced and can guess he has a tombstone addon.

  • luciferAngelsTTV
    luciferAngelsTTV Member Posts: 31

    i suggested a possible rework about a week ago for myers to be buffed but it also nerfs the perks folks are complaining about might be worth taking a look at and giving some thoughts on my suggestion, personally myers needs a double edged rework buffing his lack of map pressure and mobility but in trade for the buff nerfing some of his older and dated addons to match a reasonable buff

  • enormous_bruh_moment
    enormous_bruh_moment Member Posts: 136


    Not for the reasons you stated, that sounds like a skill issue. Try Myers out and you'll see how hard it is to do that if you don't have people feeding him T3.

    But get rid of it because it's an extremely un-fun mechanic for both sides.

    Ditto for Sadako.

    At least for Sadako you have to do some weird stupid amount of work and interaction with her power to get a mori, and even then it's still a ######### un-fun mechanic because it takes forever and a day and even if you built entirely around trying to do that and got a game where the survivors were terrible, you'd never get it off once because they do 1 tape and they're totally fine.

    That concept seems like it was shoe-horned in to fit the lore/movies, or like a producer or exec absolutely insisted on it; not like it was designed by a game designer trying to think of what a fun mechanic would be.

  • luciferAngelsTTV
    luciferAngelsTTV Member Posts: 31

    personally i think the mori's are unique to the characters and given how weak sadako is as is shes fine the way she is for now its also much harder to get a sadako mori, as for myers i dont think he should lose his addons outright but rather nerf them and in exchange for said nerfs other parameters should be buffed myers as is, is increadably weaks even with his addons hes still almost solely used for memes, players on a losing streak blowing off steam, or the off branded actual myers mains that i respect

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    As a Myers main, Tombstone Piece is a risky thing to play in the first place just because of how much stalk you need to get it to work, so I almost never run it. If you're up against a genrush squad, 3 gens are probably going to be done before you manage to pop it the first time.

    The only way it works is to tunnel one or two survivors with traditional M1 tactics and then use Tombstone to Mori another survivor as soon as you have the chance. It sucks to draw the short straw, but I don't think anyone supports a Myers nerf.

    As a survivor, I see it maybe every 1/10 times I come across Myers, and maybe less than that. I have like 60 or 70 unused Tombstone Pieces in inventory. (JT is complete garbage and not even worth running.)

    I've seen this complaint a lot.

    It can seem that way because of his TR (16m, and can go as low as 6m with the right perks/addons) and vault speed along with the fact that people who play Myers have to learn to M1 and mindgame with surgical precision.

    Thank you.

    Believe me, it's fun if you're playing Myers. That said, no, you're probably not getting consistent 4Ks with TP. It's a very unreliable build.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2022

    Actually, that's severely underpowered. Good luck getting more than 1K with JT/ToH unless you're in the MMR equivalent of Brown ranks.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    If he has Tombstone Piece and he's not going for attacks, he's doing it wrong, and all the gens will be done and the exit gates open just as he gets 1K unless the survivors spend the entire early game staring at him slack-jawed from three feet away.

    The correct method is to stalk people while you're chasing them off of gens. Pick two survivors: hard tunnel one, and focus on the second one if you can't find the first. Smack them around, hook them when you can (consider facecamping as bait if the match is not going so well), and then pop your T3 on one of the other two survivors once you're close enough to make the grab.

    At most, you can get two Moris out of Tombstone Piece, and you can really only reliably get one, so you have to play with a mindset that you're going to be killing 2-3 survivors the normal way.

    If you're against potatoes, instakilling some idiot at 5 gens can absolutely happen, but it shouldn't, and it won't most games, and you shouldn't play for it.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    It's not even a "reliable build". It's a 100% guaranteed 4K. Especially more if you're playing PWYF.

    That being said, TP sucks. The build is the double iridescent. I rarely see Myers play TP. (It's still horribly unful to get Mori'd with no warning and no way to know, cause you're not going top rush lockers against every Myers, right?)

    The vast majority of Myers play with the two iri add-ons, 100% guaranteed 4 kills.

    But let's put aside the fact that it's overpowered. The core of the problem is it's unfun and non counterable. You get mori'd, period. If you have an escape cake, too bad for you, you'll gain 10k total and cry if you want.

    It's just frustrating to face a killer that prevents you from gaining Bloodpoints from the game. Even if by some miracle you escape, you can't get any altruism points, you can't get evader points, and it's probably a bad idea to do co op against a myers if you want to gen rush, so you wont gain any objective points.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2022

    This comment is a joke, right? I honestly can't tell.

    Just in case:

    TP is anything but a guaranteed 4K. If you're getting "guaranteed" 4Ks with it, you're in very low MMR. It can be very strong, but it's a crapshoot, and it takes a lot of strategy (plus a little luck) to use, and it suffers hard against genrush squads. If you want a guaranteed 4K, a Vanity Mirror/Dead Rabbit/M&A build or an infinite T3 build with Bamboozle and Coup de Grace plus some slowdown would be better.

    Yes, if you manage to kill someone at four or five gens, that's pretty much game, but if you're up against a good team and you waste time stalking everyone without bothering to chase, three gens will suddenly pop all at the same time just as you're going for the kill. That's why I say it's unreliable.

    Judith's Tombstone is the iri one, not Tombstone Piece. That iri is ######### garbage, and it's even worse if you waste Fragrant Tuft of Hair (the other iri, which is actually pretty good) on it. Nobody who plays Myers uses the double iri build unless they're going for the achievement. Absolutely nobody. That's almost a guaranteed 0-1K right there. Unless you just started playing the game, 4-5 gens are done before you've stalked everyone.

    Getting a 4K with Shape's double iri build is widely considered the hardest achievement in the entire game, so you're either trolling or have no idea what you're talking about here.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I think I can safely say that across all servers, 75% of Myers game are double iri games.

    Also, please read comments without replying, I mentionned TP not to be played a lot.

    You're clearly trolling ths topic by implying that not only this combo wasn't played much (it's litterally most games) or implying that it isn't a 100% guaranteed 4 kill.

    Please, stop trolling. It's too obvious.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2022

    Okay, yes. You are trolling.

    I was right in the first place, then. Won't take your comments seriously in the future.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I always love when people don't even bother to look up the addon in the wiki before they comment.

    I will be so kind and spare you the trouble.

    Perma EWIII just makes tier 3 permanent for longer stalk requirement. No hidden speed buff, no nothing.

    Judith's Tombstone has counterplay. It's called a locker. Yes I jump in a locker if Myers is close (or vault spam, sit on a Gen/totem etc). It's a lot easier to do since they added lockers on every map. And Myers gets a speed debuff when using this addon (from 115% to about 105%) which can be well noticed if you are attentive.

    Both addons make it more tideous to even get to tier 3. You need to FULLY stalk 3 Survivors to get from EWI to EWIII. This equals 30s of close-up stalk, which you rarely get. It is more like 40-50s and most of it not at once but in small bits (unless your team is stupid). You just must not let him stalk. Don't tbag or try to blind him. Keep out of sight, do gens efficiently and you are fine.

    I played for 5k hrs and Myers and his addons were never an issue for me.


  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 121

    I agree. Tomstone and perma tier 3 are not good for health of the game. Especially in solo q when your temmates are meh. I know it requires holding one button for ages but still you can be punished for stupid randoms. Bad.

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2022

    I think the piece is the problem. Being able to take someone out of the game without hooking them once early on (if you are able to get good enough stalk) can straight up end matches, especially post-update. The actual tombstone takes much longer to activate and penalises you until you do. If the survivors aren't able to make good progress on gens by the time Tier 3 pops that's on them.

    I thought of a rework piece could have.

    Tombstone Piece: Upon fully stalking a survivor, they are inflicted with the Exposed status effect for the rest of the trial.