So I found the absolute least fun thing in the game...

... For me anyway.
Going against Dredge on RPD with immediate nightfall. Couldn't find a Gen anywhere. Everyone was 2 hooked at 5 gens. 1 dead at 4.
Killer let 2 of us farm and leave since flans were involved and quote "I felt bad."
Not calling for nerfs or anything. Just ranting. That sucked lol
Wow, you detailed my last dredge match on RPD to a point. The entity may have had your soul, but I had those sweet, sweet, bloodpoints.
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All the more reason to nuke that god forsaken map. It is so unbelievably bad that it makes old new haddonfield seem like heaven. At least on pre nerfed haddonfield there was a game. On RPD its just run around in a maze and sometimes run into the killer.
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Idk if it's because Im on console or what, but this happened to me. I couldn't see a damn thing though. The Nightfall is so bloody dark, and I know PC players can brighten things up for themselves.
The Dredge I went up against was a clown though and just played slug the whole game and didnt hook.
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The map definitely needs something. I just haven't played on it enough to get to know it yet either.
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Found my 2nd least favorite thing in the match right after.... Survivors
1 down before I could touch a Gen. 2nd grabbed from saving as I started to work on a Gen.
From there on out it was a hook trade bonanza. Killer never left the school. Someone managed a single Gen at some point.
That was a waste of 4 minutes.
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You might wanna hide those names
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Might be because of the hours I put into Re2, but I can usually navigate the map just fine, its actually more open in some ways. Figuring out all gen spawns on this map in DBD however, does sound painful.
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Yeah RPD is just not a well designed map, I can navigate it fine and have never played RE but its easy to see why people get lost. It doesn't flow like the other maps.
Most of the time you can run in a straight line towards a hooked survivor or a generator and more or less get to where you want. In RPD there is an excellent chance you will run into a wall and then you try get around that wall and find another wall and then you realize you can't get to where you want to go from that point so have to backtrack to find a way into the main hallway. This wastes a lot of time and leaves players frustrated.
No other map aside maybe Midwitch and perhaps Gideon's Crate Factory has this issue and those two are also fairly disliked by some and the issues they have are nowhere near as severe as RPD, in both cases its just an issue of finding the stairs, then you go to what you want, RPD is far more complex then that. Other maps might have balance problems and plenty of them but navigation is generally not hard.
It's also got to have the most space/rooms of any map and quite a lot of it is redundant and has no objectives there which makes players feel even more lost.
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You must be a new player if you struggle to find gens on RPD. Nightfall or not.
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Problem on RPD side lol
nightfall or not, I doubt people were able to find generators.
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When a survivor discovers the map, it is a labyrinth.
But I can assure you that when, as a survivor, you know the map well, it is quite possible to turn it to your advantage so that it handicaps the killer terribly.
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Try getting stuck there as Blight, Billy, or Oni....that's a nightmare for sure....about any stealth killer or Demo is strong on that map.
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Only name not hidden is mine
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As stated I haven't played on it much.
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When Dredge came out, my FIRST ever encounter vs him was exactly that.
It was terrifying, but hell, i'd love to see that again.
I'm not a new player in any way, i've got thousands of hours and i get lost on it every time
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Just FYI the devs have an RPD rework on their roadmap for 2022 fiscal year. I don’t know what they’re specifically planning for it but the current version of RPD isn’t going to be around all that much longer.
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The forums?
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I don't want to have to memorize a labyrinth in order to have a chance. I want to play the game. More often than not I can't get where I want to because even though I see the aura of something 5m in front of me, I have to take a 50m detour.
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The good news is RPD is a terrible map for the dredge. Hardly any lockers are near generators. RPD is a walking simulator for Dredge.
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Even as a Dredge player I hate this map.
It is just so poorly designed...
Also, a good 40% of the map just doesn't have a single locker on it. Yeah it has a lot of lockers, but they are all grouped up in a few places and that doesn't really help at all - like that one hallway that has like 10 lockers in it, yet most of upstairs doesn't have a single one ;-;
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Let me be clearer.
When you start out, you get the IMPRESSION that it's a maze😁
And as you go along, you get to know the map better and better, and eventually, without even realizing it, you get to know it really well 😉
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RPD sucks.
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And that's why removing map offerings from the game will hurt killers more than survivors
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Actually the dredge I faced absolutely loves that map and the sheer number of lockers.
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It may not be favorite, but it sounds like the start of an horror movie.
edit: you should follow the suggestion from @Triplehoo : showing names goes against forum rules.
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Playing Dredge on RPD isn't too fun either. The lockers are never where you want them to be, or they're facing in ways that make you take roundabout paths.
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RPD was designed a specific way, to funnel players towards zombies through tight passages but provide a few open areas which reward passing through such risky areas. This being said, it doesnt fit into DbD. RE and DbD are two completely different styles of games, and if RPD is designed for only one certain type of gameplay, when it's moved over the other game (DbD) with little to no changes, it's going to cause issues.
Most people hate RPD. The map looks amazing, dont get me wrong, but it just doesnt fit into the game.
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....I may have done this as Dredge before with Sacrifical Knife....
I am extremely sorry.
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RPD rocks
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i Just had the same scenario. 8 hooks and one gen barely done. lol. 12 hooks for him.
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The least fun thing for me to face is survivors who are either hiding the entire match (worse when it's 2 and I just get angry when it's all of them) and they wanna do gens. Like the chase is the fun stuff. Also survivors who just wanna gen rush is unfun. Like the 4 stack BNP is a snore factory.
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Only names not blocked out are character names and my name
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I'm pretty sure I'm reading one survivor's name (yours) and the killer's name.
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Yeah I'm stupid. Thought y'all were crazy lol.