General Discussions

General Discussions

I”m officially calling it.



  • Member Posts: 1,370

    ''I have 3 accounts and around 9k hours.''

    Ahhh, are you good buddy? Why?

  • Member Posts: 938

    Get real. You aint droppin this game. You're too addicted.

    And if ya do, then we at least have less one doomsday sayer.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    I mean im not running a single slowdown, i dont camp, tunnel or run a single add on but god forbid i get a first down too fast and survivors just throw themselves at me to get out of the match.

    If people dont throw themselves at me, we actually get pretty enjoyable matches. I am not even good at killer but my win rates have sky rocketed because, please dont take this as an attack i mean this literally, people like you just give up and ruin the game for their fellow survivors.

  • Member Posts: 114

    We shouldn't run perks to "fix" the game! It's on bhvr to fix the game so people would like to play it and pay money for it and pay for skins because they enjoy the game.

    So far they did the opposite. Buffed the most unfun gameplay option in a game - tunneling. I installed the game few days ago to do an experiment and see how it goes. 16 out of 20 games where tunneling games. Actually the only killer who didn't tunnel was Oni because he is massively bugged and he have his power all the time and zoom around the map without any problem. He is now better blight I think with constantly having his power.

    I played in earlier hours so most likely killers were younger age people and they completely don't care about any "honorably" gameplay and just go all out to win. They have to be put "in a box" and this shity tactics should be killed at the core of gameplay, not fixed with builds where you have to run 3 perks in order to play for more than 2min in a match.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Could you tell me what the nerf to spine chill was?

    Cause im a baby survivor and spine chill just seems amazing to stay away from a killer that doesnt even know you are there when used as a proximity indicator. Spine chill, windows of opportunity and even my baby @ss evades killers 90% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 319

    It’s pretty silly to call out one piece of this update and act like he’s saying that alone is losing games. The entire package of changes, small, medium, and large, are seriously impacting the fairness of the game and survivor ability to win or even enjoy themselves. The bloodlust buffs are shortening chases. Shorter chases equals faster hooks and less time on gens. This translates to more survivor losses. If you cant grasp that concept there’s nothing more to talk about.

  • Member Posts: 319

    It’s pretty silly to single out one piece of a suite of changes and act like that’s the thing he’s talking about. It’s the whole package of changes, small, medium and large, that are imbalancing the game. The bloodlust buffs shorten chases. Shorter chases equals quicker hooks and less time for survivors on gens. Gens that are already now taking much much longer due to the changes and slowdown builds. If you don’t grasp that concept theres really nothing more to talk about.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Bloodlust shortens LONG chases. If every chase that gets started goes to Bloodlust, your Survivor game is going GREAT.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Hey man other than the thana/pentimento build, what slowdown builds are people running commonly?

    I used to enjoy the busted PR/DMS combo before but since it got gutted i dont really find any of the slowdowns appealing. And with how fast people heal in my games thana just doesnt really seem worth it.

  • Member Posts: 319

    No. I’m a terrible potato and cant hit a skill check. Thanks for the probing question. The thread is better for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,370
  • Member Posts: 319

    All sorts of variations using: thana, dying light, eruption, call of brine, overcharge, pain resonance, dead mans switch, deadlock, jolt… people seem to pick their favorites or are experimenting with various combinations. Usually 3 or 4 at a time.

  • Member Posts: 857
    edited July 2022

    Not gonna lie, it would be pretty funny. Still, the devs aren't scrambling scared #### so the numbers might not be that bad. Then again, this is BHVR...

  • Member Posts: 319

    ah. It started when I wanted to play after I got a DC penalty. I just made a new account. Turns out its good for that and also when I complete a tome I can go to the other account if I still feel like doing the challenges.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Posted this in my thread from 2 weeks ago, posting it here to rub more salt into the wounds of the deniers 🤡

  • Member Posts: 255

    From my point of view, you really take the game as a 2nd job and seem to forget, that it's still a game. You invested in three accounts?! Wow. But that would not have been worth my money. I stopped putting money into the game a long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    So we're still doing better than April and May of this year and the Anniversary event was last month is what you're saying?

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Survivors received nerfs once in years and cries for weeks... but if killers gets nerf after nerf after nerf, survivors calls: "get good".

    Funny, isnt it?

  • Member Posts: 707

    Survivors throwing the game away is an indication of hopelessness and a wish to just end the game or give up. That is what’s happening in my games. There are times where the killer has 7 hooks and 4 gens left. No progress on gens and the game is lost - the solo mentality then is to give up and move on to the next game rather than spending 10 minutes trying to finish a gen just to die again, just like the match before and the one before that and so on.

    This “throwing the game” is likely just a reaction, like killers before felt they had to camp to get kills. Justified by Killer mains as a valid reason because gens where being done too fast. Camping is just throwing the game away for everyone just like giving up and DC’ing. When you decide to camp a survivor at 5 gens left, the game is over for that survivor and the game becomes an M1 simulator for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 228

    thats the spirit, dont try to improve on your gameplay, just rage and whine about it on the forums,

    Instead of trying to beat legion and Plague just die on hook. Need more people like you :D

    It's not like anyone stands a chance against Legion or Plague, so just Get sacrificed on first hook.

  • Member Posts: 319

    My experience, solo and swf, is legion is extremely annoying, unfun and difficult because of the slowdown builds. Generally he hits everyone so we’re at -22% gen speed, then add in eruption, call of brine, whatever… the gen progress bar is practically standing still… it’s run, mend, eruption procs so cant do gen, go to nearest other gen, time to avoid frenzy again, repeat. I mean… how unfun is that. Is this a horror game or an unbearable oppressiveness simulation?

  • Member Posts: 134

    I 100% agree with this post. Broken Broken Broken. Death of DBD...

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Its not your actions it's your mental state of you're saving us all by pulling the plug and that mental state is widespread because you are simply not alone. You and others are not conveying enough empathy and patience to defeat a challenge. Instead you are making things impossible. You know the games will be challenging so if you are not up for it just go do something else. Simply put.

  • Member Posts: 319

    Congrats. But PS accounts are free. It costs nothing to add a new account.

  • Member Posts: 304

    ”We will address tunneling and camping.” Does not address camping and arguably made tunneling worse. You shouldn’t need to run a perk that to fix core gameplay issues

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Now here me out...what if they DIDN'T run slowdowns? Ikr? A bloody miracle, but guess what? It can ACTUALLY happen

  • Member Posts: 53

    Now its the Killers time to be annoying and Strong for 6 Years now :D

  • Member Posts: 319

    Yeah. Putting your opinion onto Principal Skinner doesn’t make it any more true. You can’t just “adapt” and shouldn’t just roll over and bust your ass trying to “adapt” to ######### that’s broken. AND… it’s not like most of us haven’t already made major adjustments to try to deal with it. And exactly how do you “adapt” to garbage matchmaking that puts you with noob teammates so that you basically have a 2 or 3 man team vs a killer that is high mmr? You can’t.

  • Member Posts: 278

    I don't think you get the idea, they became "viable" by slowing the game in a boring way and winning matches by exhausting you to dead with long matches and dirty playstyles, not by being viable in chase like blight.

  • Member Posts: 319

    Lol. Yeah ok. Well since I am in fact getting noob teammates and I am in fact a high mmr, old red rank player… you are just wrong but I’m not going to have a stupid side discussion proving my hours to you. Believe me or don’t. I don’t care. But all you have to do is watch any good survivor streamer in off peak hours to see them also getting paired with crap teammates. The pool of survivors just isnt big enough for quality matchmaking and it will be worse when fewer are playing. Simple logic. Play at 4am PST and how many players do you think are available within 5-10% of your MMR?

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    When did solo queue teammates ever have BT though? Or at least the ones that actually unhooked you never did.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I disagree. This will not kill the game. Survivors and killers and viewers on youtube and twitch have played through the game when it was full of bugs, hackers and sbmm. This patch has less game breaking bugs than many others, hackers are back but that's no surprise as they'll be delt with like how they were done with the ban wave. It will be ban wave after ban wave in this game.

    The players are already adapting to the patch, I've played several games where solo q teammates have kicked my butt and I'm running good perks and addons. I know I'm one killer but I've faced off with killers and won because of one thing or another and I only do solo q.

    If you're complaining about Franklin's bring boon healing. Many killers dont use shattered hope and even if they do you can boon in a dead area of the map where it wastes killers time.

    Camping bubba will never go away it's a fact no way around it. But just like legion and plague you don't run into them every match. You may find more but you dont have to cleanse the hex plaything like scott had said.

    This patch was a very killer sided one yes but it was a necessary thing. Killer felt incredibly unfair and unfun. Even if you won you felt drained. Both sides were tired of the other sides meta and the perk reworks made it so that could change over night. But players don't change as fast.

    Adapting is something we always do in life or in games. The next patch(not hotfix) will change perks tweak numbers and maybe bring even more full on perk changes and game mechanics. Basically this patch was the best way to shake things up besides adding a new killer and switching a few perks to be slightly better or worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Actually good survivors have already adapted to the new changes and are destroying killers with genrush/sprint burst builds. If you're at a high MMR, game is borderline unplayable for killers at offpeak hours where you'll get matched with nothing but extremely good players because there aren't many casuals online. Plenty of games a gen pops before I even find a survivor if I went the wrong way at spawn. Game is no picnic for high MMR killers, only if you're stomping babies in solo q

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You make an excellent point which is yet more evidence as to why solo queue is awful

  • Member Posts: 288
    • Legions (and Plague) everywhere running 3-4 anti-gen / slowdown perks--

    • Legion is one of my mains. prior to the patch survivors did not heal against me and often won because if you don't heal legions power is halfway useless. EVERY single match people are healing now. Thanat was BARELY buffed. I called bs here. Legion has always been POPULAR but also WEAK and got bullied. Us legion players got just ebough to finally play our main without bully squads, and now everyone is bullying us for him being "OP".

    • Nurse and Blight still broken and still in high rotation-

    • key word here. STILL broken. These two killers were strong before and strong now. this entire argument is completely irrelevant to the patch. I dont know why you even included this.

    • Camp Bubba still a thing amazingly-

    • once again see above. if you hated this before why are you quitting now? why even make this point separate from your previous one? bubba is an easy killer, accessible to low skill level newer players, easy to loop and put in a tantrum, and with all the new endurance effects just do an endurance and unhook so he can't camp. i main bubba. i camp maybe 1/3rd of the matches, and ive had cracked players endurance hit the saw and if that happens he hits the hook and tantrums. but thats not the point. the point im making here is if you hate blight, nurse, and bubba, nothing changed. irrelevant to the patch.

    • Camping / Tunnelling at a seeming all time high due to nerfs to DS and DH and ineffective base kit BT. this one i cannot disagree with. on the one hand ds and dh were crutch perks. second chances. you only used them if you messed up and got downed. period. if you out loop the killer you don't need them. frankly i never ran them before the patch and i DO run dead hard occasionally now because it WAS unfair before. maybe put it back to one second now idk. literally countered trapper entirely out the game, as well as a few other killers. DS however was over nerfed. I'm a killer main and i no longer worry about it. I don't usually try to tunnel but if someone stupidly runs in front of me off hook thats their fault. but they used to do it intentionally to tank hits wish ds and wasted it. But now its not only unable to do that, its not useful it all. trash perk. AS A KILLER MAIN I AM SAYING DS IS TRASH. PLEASE FIX IT.

    the devs said this patch was for two reasons. 1) boost killer win rates 2.) shake up the meta.

    1) if killer win rates were low, then the changes were needed. period. its a horror survival game. for two years now i have not felt as a survivor that the killer was a threat. have you honestly never seen people tabag/click/cheeky head on bully squads? the fact that this is a game based around an unstoppable force hunting you and youre able to mock and meme, means the devs were in the right. i still get toxic survivors but they can't showboat anymore. they either die showing off, or dont show off and do gens. frankly everytime i lose as killer now, is a match where people do gens and don't harass me. and the games they do harass me i win instantly. maybe survivors just need to be less toxic and actually play the game

    and i always here "gens are boring." fine. don't play survivor. gens are your one objective. literally. you have no other goal if you want to escape. you can taunt the killer and loop him all day. it doesn't get an escape. period. and now that they can't bully anymore they want to dc.

    i had a squad absolutely CRUSH me last night. since the patch ive won probalby 80-90% of my games. and of my losses ive only had two 4escapes and one 1escape. (i think thats accurate). both 4 escapes survivors just stayed on gens, looped well, and didn't waste time harassing me. frankly i was happy after the losses because they games forced me to play better and i rewatched my vids to see where i needed to work on my play style.

    i dont think they realized how HEAVILY survivors need second chance perks. i stand by my statement that at some point you need to just outplay the killer. if you went up against someone like OTZ for example- i doubt you are at his level because lets not be arrogant here, he is in the top one percent. its doubtful any of us are at his level- he would not care AT ALL about your second chance perks, unless you were at HIS level.

    but that being said, average survivors are not going to play perfect every game. we need second chance perks-im a killer main but do play survivor, id say 60/40, maybe 70/30- and changing the meta is great. i was getting bored, but they took second chance perks away- but didn't replace them. instead of i think off the record and base kit borrowed time was it. and the base kit borrowed isn't going to stop killers form tunneling

    that being said, you know what else wont stop killers from tunneling? regular borrowed time. or dead hard. or ds. at the end of the day survivors need to accept if a killer wants to tunnel you out- they are going to tunnel you out. second chance perks only work against killers that aren't hard tunneling and just so happened to go after you again as much as it sucks. but if they hard tunnel you could have been saved with borrowed time and base kit borrowed time, into classic ds and classic dead hard, and pop a styptic, the killer isn't magically stopped by any of the powers.

    so stop blaming the update for removing those perks and causing tunneling. sometimes it just happens, eve had survivors get unhooked and jumps care me not even knowing they were near me and get hit again. that's their fault

    but hard tunneling? sorry pal but ten perks like ds and dead hard isn't stopping that. so once again, not a good point. i dont think the majority of players actually understand what tunneling really is.

    • Franklins seems to also be more popular since healing items are now more common- ive seen franklins in maybe 1% of my games. and frankly no matter how annoying it is, its a trash perk. why complain about it? oh no. the toolbox/med kit is gone. ok. big whoop. killer could have brought bbq, noed, im all ears, call of brine, over charge, theres a hundred other perks that absolutely demolish franklins. if i play survivor and see franklins my reaction is "thank god this killer is playing a perk down". lose my item then franklins is useless the rest of the match. hell yeah ill take that deal any day. not to mention its the easiest countered perk in the game. the moment i see it trigger on someone else/ my swf calls it out/ it happens to me, i just hide my item. seriously it does nothing if you just set it down.

    i saw a killer hit a girl last night and i was running behind to get to a gen and ran over her medkit and realized he had franklins. i got to my gen and dropped my medkit in a corner. later in the match i just went back injured, picked it up and healed.

    franklins is a LOW tier perk that only hurts low mmr players. im sorry but this point is beyond ridiculous. and one again has nothing to do with the patch. at all. your point was this patch ruined the game and franklins hasnt chnaged a bit and items are not strong unless youre in a swf cranking out brand new parts or insta healing anyway. maps are barely worth being a meme and keys were nerfed into the dirt last year. you are at best losing what? a medkit when teammates can heal you, or a tool box that does a small portion of one gen per match?

    • Teammates giving up at record levels (including me) because of all the above. This is true and thats not the devs fault or the game. if they hate they current meta they can stop playing. im escaping i believe 60-70 percent of my solo q games. point blank. i dont want to hear anyone blame the patch for quitters. i dont quit. i dont dc. i dont die on hook. and guess what magically i escape. people dcing are just toxic players throwing temper tantrums. let them. go find hatch. stop saving them. no one is making them dc and no one is making them play

    these people are choosing to log in and play knowing what the meta is then ruining it for everyone else. they can uninstall. they just need to uninstall the game. but some of us love this update

    i love the killer buffs because i can play weaker killers now. you all complain about seeing blight and nurse every game. but now i can play any killer at all and dont need the busted ones. you hate the busted killers but used to bully the weaker ones. what do you actually want? do you want blight and nurse gone, only weak killers, but also able to escape 100% of the time?

    you can be mad at this patch all you want but none of your arguments are even related to the patch except the quitters. and those people are the ones choosing to play and quit. behavior just needs to ban them.

    I can NOT believe you have 9k hours and are mad at franklins of all things. if you really have 9k thats cool good on you. But you may as well be mad about thrill of the hunt or deer stalker. franklins- average perk at best and easily countered at worst.

  • Member Posts: 913

    Really? You can't adapt to mechanics that are "busted"? DH was busted, and killers had to learn to play around it for years. CoH is still busted.

    Worst part is, nothing about the new update is "busted". I think most survivors just have to adapt to the fact that they lost their crutch perk more than anything. 50 seconds of extra gen time doesn't compare to the 2-3 minutes per match you and your teammates could potentially extend chases with DH. That's really what this is about.

    I don't get why so many people are crying about solo queue. I play solo when I play survivor, and I don't have many problems. Sure, you occasionally get matched with people who are selfish or stupid or whatever, and survivors are strong enough that sometimes you can win anyway. You play as best you can, maybe get the hatch, take the bloodpoints, do better next game.

    I certainly don't disconnect if someone dies at 4 gens, even though I know we're probably all already dead, because I don't feel like I'm entitled to win the game every match.

    And it's really not that bad unless you have the mentality that you should be able to win every single game. I guess a lot of survivors do have that entitled sort of mentality, because they haven't had to make peace with the potential for loss the way a lot of killers have. Haven't survivor streamers been able to do almost 400 escapes in a row on solo?

    Maybe - like killers have had to do long before this update, and still have to do now, whatever you may think - you just need to accept the fact that every game can't be a win, and rise to meet challenges you may not expect.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Gonna call you tim the tool man taylor cuz you hit the nail on the head (im showing my age with that reference i know)

    Killers get a whole FIFTY seconds extra. Meanwhile ONE dead hard could extend a chase an entire 2-3 minutes. And survivors always had 2-4 in my lobbies. My swf buddy would literally loop killers upwards of five gens, just letting the exhaustion reset in chase, and he would heal in chase. 50 seconds vs 2-20 minutes depending on how many DH and how good the team was, no not even CLOSE to even. Yes i learned to bait it out, but ONE mistake against dead hard would cost the match. I do agree it was over nerfed but it is NOT fair to compare that perk to a measly 50 seconds.

    I play solo q. I rarely lose because the killer plays unfairly, or even because they out play me. I lose because i run to a dead zone and get caught, I path badly, or teammates just simply refuse to help with gens. point blank. oh and recently of course people dcing/dying on hook.

    I don't dc for ANY reason because a) i want my points and b) survivors get mad when killers dc and they were winning. but you think the killer should have his match ruined when they are playing well and winning? of course.

    And once again youre right. You are NOT suppose to win every game. Escape some die some. Period. DBD is not a traditional game where you level up and advance and finish the story and watch the end credits. Its more like a sport style game. Its a MATCH and you may win or lose your match. You look at your overall record and keep improving.

    I know i just repeated all your points and agreed, but we seriously need more of us calling people out for their entitlement and flimsy arguments. Were some parts of the patch overboard? Sure. why not. but how are the devs going to find those problems and fine tune them when all of the game play data/numbers are being skewed by quitters? all these people "protesting" are really just making their own problems ten times worse and extending the time for the devs to fix anything, while the rest of us enjoy our games.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Too many crybabies playing survivor I'm afraid. So many games I lose just because teammates DC, instead of learning how to play the game. If these losers could quit the game instead of crying and DC:ing, attack people in chat etc this game would be a lot better. BHVR should do a perma ban raid on players that DC a lot.

  • Member Posts: 445

    1000% agree OP.

    If I'm solo, I usually give up against the Lesions with 2+ slowdown perks. 1 slowdown should be limit.

    With the increase in gen length and so many secondary objectives (mending, pinhead's box, etc.), it's just brutal that multiple slowdowns are allowed to be run.

  • Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2022

    When I'm playing killer, DCing doesn't ruin my game. I breathe a sigh of relief that the rest of the match is going to be chill af.

    It does ruin the game for other survivors, though, especially since I'm not one of the nice killers who farms with you after a DC unless there were five flans or something.

    Only two DCs today so far, and one was when the game was clearly already lost.

    As a survivor, I hate it, and I do wish something could be done about it overall. I don't mind winning games as a killer because someone DCd, but I recognize that it's not fair.

    Secret Neighbor has a system where survivors who DC a lot have to play "penalty games" with other DCers, which can be especially miserable. The more you DC, the more penalty games you have to play. I think F13 did something similar.

    I think a permaban for ragequitting is a bit harsh, but putting them all in their own little ghetto where they can't ruin the game for other players until they learn to play without quitting would be a good solution.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    They became viable because they could slow the game down enough to not tunnel, go for many chases, and still win. Why would you not want that? They can still lose. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Killers are always adapting. Killers at a basline are too weak to win on their own, so whether it's through balance changes, playstyle changes, different perks, different add-ons, or what killer they're playing, killers who want to win are going to use those things. It doesn't matter if it's "boring" to you; it got them the win. If you take away the ways that the killer can win one by one, then we'll actually have boring matches. We see this play out! Killers who aren't confident that they can win with chases will camp or tunnel, or switch to Leatherface.

    There could be like 10 viable killers at this point. Not just Nurse and Blight, but Wraith, Hillbilly, Freddy, Spirit, Pyramid Head, Twins, Pinhead, etc. But they all got nerfed, and those nerfs supposedly came from people complaining that those killers "had no counterplay" or "were boring to face". So now you see way less killer variety than before, because people don't want to play killers they can't win with. It's crazy how people don't see this.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Just do what everyone says is the OP build: Run Overcharge/Call Of Brine and simply hope that they don't just come behind you and gen tap, and that they miss the skillcheck every time. I've found absolutely zero success with that perk combo, except in matches where I would have won anyway, but according to everyone else it's the most broken gen defence we've ever had.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    You might just be burnt out you know. 9k hours is an absurd amount of hours for a game that basically never changes its main gameplay loop.

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