
I posted this else where but feel it warrants a real discussion. Everyone complaining about thanatophobia.
Thana has always been decent. Better on some killers than others but never bad.
It slows down gens a lot. Gen speeds went up, which is an indirect buff to thana, so it was basically double buffed really. i get that.
But that is NOT the strength. The strength is that It forces players to choose: do i heal my injured state and be healthy and counter thana slow down but also wasting time on healing that could be spent on a gen, or stay injured and do the gen slowly.
I really feel like Most survivors do not grasp this following core concept: dbd is a TIME MANAGEMENT game. Every second not spent on a gen is throwing. Period. Healing is time you could be on a gen, totems are time you could be on a gen, hiding is time you could be on a gen, taunting the killer is time you could be on a gen, and chests are time you could be on a gen.
healing is the ONLY exception here to "throwing" but even then, so many survivors are so scared of being injured for even two seconds. Even if the obsession's claws are bouncing and you know the killer is chasing someone on the opposite end of the map. Being injured when the killer isn't around is fine. Do the gens! heal after! if the killer comes back just run or hide or something.
Thana is a great perk but frankly if people just stay on their gens and don't heal until forced, it doesn't do much. Gen slowdown is useless if the killer isn't near your gen. The strength in thana is PARTIALLY gen slow down. The REAL strength is making survivors heal because *THAT IS STILL A FORM OF GEN SLOWDOWN* since they aren't on gens, and the killer just comes back, injures you again anyway, and boom you are right back to square one
The concept of thana is basically a mini-legion that can be placed on any killer. Does the survivor heal or do gens.
But considering how many survivors open admit to "gens are boring" and dont do them in the first place, (i just had four games in a row where only me and one other player ever touched a gen. im not running kindred/bond ever again, its just disappointing to see what people are doing) its just obscenely powerful atm. Not because its actually strong but because of the psychology of the players reaction to it.
Thana is just another middle finger to solos. Camping, tunneling "viable strats". Stronger than ever. Gens take longer, chases are nerfed. Needed for SWF. Stacked slowdown, not going anywhere. Thana buffed. "It's just in your head, man". It's not.
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The math just isn't on the side of people complaining about the thana buff.
It's numbers are a a few extra seconds more after the update...
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They should disable all gen related perks for a month and give survivors immunity off hook until they do something to progress the game.
I want to see if spreading hooks is viable without slowdown (hAhA).
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Plus the 10 seconds added to gens. Huge Math there, just with that.
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That's how I play killer. It's appreciated by my opponents and makes the trial about the search and the chase and it's much more fun for both sides.
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I need real proof it works, if you are spreading hooks on everyone with zero slowdown and still getting kills you're playing against bad players as far as I'm concerned.
An official 1 month test and sharing the data would be real good. Then we can see just how "ez" killer is.
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I don't play for 4ks. I get them when they come and when I'm trying for them. If the survivors are toxic, I'll play dirty. But, otherwise, my typical match as Deathslinger is 26k bp (I'm hitting a lot of shots with him) with 1-2 kills and the survivors getting around the same amount of bp (prior to the update).
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Even with the 10 seconds the buff is nothing.
22% of 80 would be 18 seconds with all 4 injured.
22% of 90 current thana is 20
Old thana was 20% of 80 16 seconds.
Everyone is complaining about Thana going up by 4 seconds with everyone injured.
Thana is not the issue whatsoever.
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After an update where nothing was done to camping and tunneling. And the gens take longer. Stacked slowdown is still META. It's a convergence of unfun things. Solo survivors give up because of this.
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disagree. I play solo and am seeing my matches through to the end. Others are as well. Only part of the community is behaving this way. Perhaps if people stopped giving up every match and stopped feeding and griefing the slowdown wouldn't be as bad. I admit this patch was a bit overkill, but the reaction is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Its not like the devs aren't monitoring everything, they will make changes. This patch was in response to killers having low win rates, the next one will probably rubber band back the other way.
Complaints and asking for issues to be addressed- perfectly fine. Throwing games and everyone ruining it just makes everything 10 times worse while also making it HARDER for the devs to pin point the exact issues, because at the end of the day the issues are never exactly what is most popular to complain about and they need to see actual numbers and game data to fix things, and all this dcing/dying on hook is going to make that harder, which will make this patch last MUCH longer than it would otherwise.
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You are expecting the people who are complaining to do math sir.
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Additionally, those people somehow think that thana will be at full power for all gens.
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Holy ham batman thats my other thing. It is pretty rare to see EVERY player injured unless its against plague. Point blank she is the only killer that maxes thana stacks.
Legion CAN max it. But you CAN heal against him. I don't advise healing against him as a rule, until three-four people are injured or if youre death hook. Same rule that MOST smart survivors had pre patch. But of course theyve forgotten it because of the minor buff. thana has the same counter play it always has and everyone is just quitting instead of dealing with it the SAME way we always have. Thana has barely impacted my survivor games, and I still only run it on a handful of killers/builds because all too often i run it on the wrong killer and gens still pop. best believe im not running it on nemesis. i gotta whip you THREE times to get thana going? no thank you after a heal undoes all that work
but lo and behold i saw a nemesis a day or two ago running thana and a survivor dced and i was talking to the killer and they told me the dc player messaged them to blame thana. On a killer who takes three hits if you loop pallets/vaults.
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15 more seconds since before the update is more then a few
Don't forget it got double buffed
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You're counting the 10 from base.
Thana itself only increased by 2%. That's 4 seconds.
You can't say thana is busted and include a base game time change...that's not the perk...
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Thana before update made gens take 100 seconds
After update 115 seconds
Ofcourse you should add the base change as well. Larger base means more is effected by the percentage
It would be very silly if you didn't count that in. It all hangs together
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The problem is that everything else takes longer as it is. Then when you have to heal to try to remove the debuff, you take even more time away from gens. If it was a hex perk where we could cleanse it, it might be a different story, but unless they ban the Legion+Thana or Plague+Thana combos, it needs nerfed.
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i think this has been talked about so many times, Thana does not add additional time on generators. it reduces survivors repair efficiency by x %.
survivors repair generator at 1 charge per second by default and each generator is 90 charges. so 90 charges/1 = 90 second generators.
thana at 4 stacks(all 4 survivor injured) reduces survivor repair efficiency by 22%, so 1 charges per second becomes 0.78 charges per 1 second.
this means that for every 1 second that a survivor repair generator, they progress 0.78 charges of the generator. you are progressing generators less than 1%. to find out how long it takes you to finish 1 generator solo, you divide number of charges for a generator by how fast you repair generators.
90/0.78 = 115 seconds. you will take 25 seconds longer to do generators.
for reference old thanotophobia was 80/0.8 = 100 seconds(20 second longer generators).
thana is only 5 seconds extra compare new patch. it has barely changed and being at 4 stacks for entire game is not likely and is not advised for any killer.
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The issue with thana is not the perk itself, its its synergy with killers such as Plague and Legion. Haven't seen many people caring about thana on other killers, instead most complaints are basically only about those killers who purposefully make the games last forever. Aside from its synergy with the killers themselves, it also synergizes incredibly well with other perks too. A build which doesn't even completely rely on thana being Deadlock, Plaything, Pentimento and Thana.
I don't think thana is busted by any means but no one can deny that the perk is being used to draw out games to be insanely long. I think some type of counterforce needs to be added into the game for the killer stretching these games out far too long.
Of course, Survivors will adjust, and already have started to with the amount of toolboxes and prove thyselfs ive been seeing. I honestly feel this is just the meta that killers are putting themselves into by running thana every match.