

Art the Clown "Terrifier" Series Killer Concept

Member Posts: 98

In light of him being added to desired killer surveys, and the fact that a sequel to "Terrifier" comes out this year, I revisited and updated my Art the Clown Killer Concept. Art certainly fits the aesthetic of DBD, and while he is another clown, he is different enough to have a niche in the game. The jump scare opportunities would be great, and his perks Boom, Crossed Wires and Hex: Sleight of Hand would cause major shake ups to standard game tactics. Obviously a radius around hooks would have to block Art from using his bag to camp hooked survivors by teleporting back to them. A city street map could be really interesting with alleys, restaurants, apartments, and maybe parking garages.

Here is the build:

He would be a challenging killer to win with, but so fun to utilize in my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 1,720

    I gotta say, I actually laughed out loud at the sentence "after the last generator is completed, the mime pulls out his gun", that one caught me so off guard. Im sure its accurate to the character, but im not familiar with the IP

    I am a huge fan of the idea of a killer that can wield multiple weapons for different powers. Although personally I'd change the hammer to do something else. Blindness isnt a huge deal, especially when only for 30 seconds, and its secondary effect is basically the same as the syringe, which feels like a direct upgrade. Maybe the hammer could inflict mangled, which is a pretty useful status effect, and probably in line with what a hammer would actually do to a person.

    His bag teleport does seem pretty useful too. A combination stealth, map mobility ability that doesnt have a huge downside. Not being able to swap weapons sounds manageable, especially if you like your current weapon. Boom is a perk I like in concept, but I think it should have a slightly different effect. Being blind inst a huge deal if youre not in immediate danger. If it made the survivor incapactitated instead, that could potentially have a noticable impact. Crossed wires I think is great as is. Its only really useful in a few specific scenarios, but it would work excellently in those scenarios. I know I would have the largest ######### eating grin if a group of survivors tried to get out through a 99, just for the door to reset instead. Im a little confused on what Sleight of Hand does. Does it actually change the physical locations of every totem in the map? If so, I'm not 100% sure what the advantage of that would be.

    Overall though I like this concept a lot, keep it up dude

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    This movie made me so nervous he would be terrifying the new final girl in the upcoming movie looks cool she would be a sick survivor

  • Member Posts: 98

    I agree with Mangled on the hammer. Boom would create a loud noise indicator like an exploding gen when the flash bomb goes off. This would make it worth while as a locator. Plus canceling their progress on cleansing totems would be a life saver on Hex Builds.

    Since totems are randomly arranged each match, Sleight of hand would reset the totems to a different possible random rearrangement of locations, so you could be cleansing a hex and have it either disappear or be swapped to a different location. Basically it would just make it to where you couldn't trust it to stay still long enough to heal, block your scratch marks or imagine if it leaves when you are trying to get up with Exponential. All could be game changing.

  • Member Posts: 1,720

    Ah ok, the totems being able to swap mid-cleanse definitely makes it sound more powerful. Come to think of it it would also be pretty funny for someone to be healing im CoH just for the totem to randomly go somewhere else. I can definitely see more of the use in it now.

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