Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The Other Side are Players Too

After this patch, I feel like the rise in Us Vs. Them has become rather prevalent. This patch is quite unusual because it favors killers, something that has not really happened in along time. Not only does it favor killers, it favors them a lot with a series of changes that make playing killer less painful.

However, this patch also revealed a simple fact about most players; they have no idea how the other side works at all.

You have survivors who are horrifed at the mere idea of being tunneled in endgame, and killers who have to bring the strongest perks on the strongest killers and slug everyone because they might get gen rushed.

It should be noted that the survivor has no clue what tunneling actually is and the same goes for the killer and gen rushing.

While the latest batch does have its problems (75% grind reduction is a lie, Blood point Bonuses, Botany Buff, Self Care), it does have some good changes.

Disabling DS and Off the Record in the endgame makes sense because the only way to counter these perks was to tunnel or camp.

Making Corrupt Intervention deactivate on downing a survivor is a great way to balance the perk.

A lot of perks that were limited in effectivness like Hope, Surge, Overcharge, and Inner Focus got changes to them that make them more worthwhile to use.

At the end of the day, remember that there is no reward for High MMR. Just take a breather and focus on having fun, not just sweating every match.



  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    It can definitely feel that way, especially in these forums.

    I hope you'll meet more reasonable killers in the actual game. I know I did commonly before the update, and I know they didn't disappear. :)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited July 2022

    I see plenty. But most of them are correctly pointing out that you can't balance this game around solos and SWF - someone has to lose out.

    Solo needs some help, but you can't just buff solo out the wazoo.

    Beyond this - yeah, no. With posts like this:

    can you blame killer players for being a bit defensive?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    A player base, no matter how finely you define it, will never be a monolith.

    But my god there has been some whining recently.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Hmm, I'm not sure you're getting my point.

    Let me see if I can explain.

    This game has 2 matchups.

    Solo versus killer

    SWF versus killer

    Now, if you buff solos, you also buff SWF and all killers lose out.

    BHVR have said that they won't be nerfing SWFs.

    Therefore, the only way to handle this is to buff killers - because someone is going to lose out, and it's more fair for that to be part of one faction than the entirety of the other.

    Killers who play low tier picks know that they are going to lose out. Trapper, for example, will literally never be a good killer. 'Guess you have to play Nurse instead' is that not the case? Particularly before 6.1.0, about the only chance you had against a strong SWF was playing Nurse or Blight - which is why those killers are so over-represented at higher MMRs.

    Now, naturally, you can do stuff to help solos. People keep asking for basekit Kindred, sans killer aura. No problem. The status icons? Sure.

    I'm just not sure how much difference that'll make, because the problem isn't communication - it's luck of the draw.

    But okay - outside of these changes, how do you buff solos without being unfair to killers as far as the SWF matchup is concerned?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's quite sad to see people becoming the thing they hate most, saying "they don't have empathy" while not even trying to understand their PoV, and can't accept the fact people have different opinions.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    There is no "other side". Most players are both killers and survivors.

    Of course, there are some who only play one side. But they basically know only half the game (if even that) and I'm not sure their opinion on "the other side" carries much weight.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    "Who the hell is doing this thing that happens on every thread about solo q". yea.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    Show me an example of a "killer" saying solo q isn't a valid problem.

  • CryptoMiner
    CryptoMiner Member Posts: 49

    Clearly you're not this dense (or new)... which if you are, no offense but entertaining your theories/original post isn't even worth the time.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited July 2022

    Those are all addressing survivors in general, not specifically solo survivors.

    All of those things apply to all survivors, whether solo or SWF.

    You can't only balance things in regard to solo survivors, because that just gives SWF an untenable advantage. You need to balance against all survivors as a whole.

    What solo q needs is base kit information and quality of life improvements that raise it closer to the level of SWFs, not flat balance changes that make it easier for them to escape.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    "What solo q needs is base kit information and quality of life improvements that raise it closer to the level of SWFs, not flat balance changes that make it easier for them to escape."

    But I am not saying that.

    All I am saying is that those pathetic troll posts are not good and they have to go.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited July 2022

    The vast majority of patches give us tiny adjustments to a handful of perks or killer powers. Which does nothing to anyone not running those things. The last patch for example that changed the haemorrhage effect. Brilliant, I never run haemorrhage effects. Nice killer sided patch there.

    Meanwhile survivors get things like Circle of Healing. It doesn't matter if you run CoH or not, someone on your team will, every survivor benefits from every buff to any survivor perk because someone on their team will be using it at some point.

    Boons in general swayed the balance dramatically towards survivors. I had entire builds gutted that forced me to stop playing killers entirely because I either couldn't keep up with the rapid healing (no more hit and run) or I had no information available (shadowstep invalidating every aura add on or perk). These sort of things drove killers into camping and tunnelling, because their other strategies no longer worked.

    The last decent killer perk that was in any way close to being 'meta' was Pain Resonance, and that just got nerfed.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Tunneling as killer is a viable strategy point blank. Its risk and reward because you can lose all your gens doing it. You are baiting the team to be altruistic. Period

    Gen rushing isn't even a thing. Survivors ONLY objective to escape is do gens. period.

    Either side complaining about either thing is absolutely entitled and does not understand how the other side works. period.

    I love this game and play and win both sides. People need to learn the new meta. Point blank. It took me a good chunk of games and all my builds on every character I play is different from pre patch and my win rates have actually sky rocketed on both sides

    frankly the only time i lose now is as survivor when teammates throw or dc.

    This game definitely has an us vs them mentality

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    They are aware of it.

    It's just...really, really hard to solve. I can't think of many ways to make this gap smaller that won't either require a top down rework of game mechanics or bork the SWF versus killer matchup further.

    Is it overkill? I'm not sure, and neither are you. It's going to come down to what the devs' numbers say, and that'll take some time.

    Who, exactly, is saying 'suck it?'. I can't think of anyone offhand.

    As you said - 'not exactly'.

    Skill issue, in the sense of 'survivor is about coordination, and solos tend to be less coordinated' - sure.

    Dead Hard, particularly at higher MMRs, probably let people drift up higher than they should have been.

    MMR will help with this, it'll just take a while. And people also need to understand that the stated goal of this patch was higher kill rates.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    If you think I will call people out you are wrong.

    I can only hope the developers sees in their numbers what I and many solo q survivors are feeling and that is that the game right now feels hopeless and impossible.

    Even small games have some sort of information system, it can’t physically be that hard to make? I don’t know, I’m not an expert. It just feels weird that they can’t make a little effort to get this done.

  • kjolnir
    kjolnir Member Posts: 47

    I'd care a lot more about the plight survivor players think they're in right now if I wasn't constantly dealing with salty tears over how I didn't give hatch or went for a 4K instead of settling for a 3K. The entire survivor main sub-culture has all these rules they think killer mains are supposed to just know and understand and follow, and I'm sure it's purely coincidental that these rules always benefit the survivors.

    It's almost as if as a killer if I don't play in the most sub-optimal way possible and put two hook states on every survivor before killing the first one that I'm some try hard camping tunneling sweat hog juice machine.

    Some people out there really need to grow up.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    The grind was heavely increased this patch yeah you get perks easier but the actual grind is much bigger and it is much harder to get good add ons as killer and good items as survivor.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    Dirty stragedy but not that risky anymore works 99% of time no-one uses ds and survivors usually throw game trying to help when you tunnel and facecamp one. My last bubba games has lasted 2-4 mins using these fair stragedies.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Word. And I have only been a killer main since last October, so I got at least three tiniest sliver of humanity left. Go figure.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    And while you are at it, find one saying here anything other then "DS deactivating in end game was awesome, but the 3s stun duration is laughable and should be rolled back".

    I honestly can't remember seeing any.

  • kjolnir
    kjolnir Member Posts: 47

    I killer main and the DS nerf to three seconds makes the perk range from okay-ish to utterly worthless, depending on the killer you're facing. Playing against Nurse or Blight or Spirit? DS is now utterly worthless. Playing against the worst M1 killers in the game? It's probably okay-ish.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    Supposedly not being able to balance around Solo Queue is no excuse for bad behavior which, bad news bears, it is mostly coming from killers this time. If the situation was reversed, you bet I would be saying the same to Survivors. But it isn't.

    And, again, killers were NOT getting the greasy end of the stick. You point out DS and OoO taking a bit of time to change, but you forget SEVERAL changes that came before you time, and mine, as a matter of fact. Those two perks as you knew them are nowhere near close to the level of power some killers had available for them, and I am not saying those things HAD to be nerfed or buffed or adjusted. I don't handle changes well. All I am saying is that the situation for killers was not as bad as you are saying. It hasn't been for years.

    And yes, the developers weren't happy with the kill rates. But they have chosen a bad way to fix that.

    Your intention is not bad, but you are doing it the wrong way. You want to be a voice of reason? Then you have call out Survivors who are generalizing AND killers who are trolling and being defensive. Toxicity goes both ways, and must be removed on both sides equally.

    And there is nothing rational and calm about, basically, telling solo survivors to "lose out"

    Could have waited for me to reply before typing something else.

    Skill Issue - This is not what those posts meant, and you know it. They were basically saying you just have to "git gud", against things like the Legion and Plague apocalypse, or the ultra stacked slowdown. Or how about the rise of camping and tunneling?

    As for Dead Hard, I don't doubt a few Survivors got carried by it. The same thing can be said about NOED. But many posts here are endlessly claiming that DH is the sole reason why people are complaining, and that couldn't be further away from the truth. In fact, a vast minority in the Forums have complaints centered around Dead Hard's demise.

    And MMR doesn't work. Everyone knows that.

    As for the kill rates, sure, that was their objective. But there are better ways to do it. BHVR made a very poor call.

    As always.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Yes, killers had issues that needed to be addressed which is good.

    But as a solo q survivor who plays a part with “lots of issues”. They have something to do with this patch because The gaming experience after the patch went from “the worst experience in DbD” to even worse.

    I think a lot of the criticism here is valid, although not all of it.

    But I will continue as always and do my best to try to find enjoyment in this game even though that is harder now than before.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    The empathy in this community always was rather low-ish. Every time someone mentions a personal problem with a perk or game mechanic, that isn't widely mirrored by parts of the community, you get a giant tidal wave of "that's definitely a YOU problem", "that's skill issues" and "lol. Git gud or get lost".

  • kjolnir
    kjolnir Member Posts: 47

    So Magic: The Gathering is a game that I daresay is more complex than DbD by at least an order of magnitude. Devs there view any deck that has a consistent win rate above 55% as a candidate for further investigation and potential nerfing/specific problem card banning.

    From what I read about this update pre-release, the devs view this same concept in DbD as the 2K/2 Escape. If survs in general are averaging 1Ks or 0Ks too often, then something needs to be investigated.

    And that means, by the way, to fix the problem, life for survs gets more difficult because the goal is explicitly to cause them to die more often.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707


    I have to give you a shout out, your commenting is both refreshing and sincere.

    I just read you started in October last year - a good addition to our community :)

  • CryptoMiner
    CryptoMiner Member Posts: 49

    Time and time again, survivors have been nerfed and nerfed and nerfed, with killers still crying about this that and the other. Were some of the nerfs justifiable? Sure... were all of them? No...

    As for your original statement that it's been a long time since a patch has been killer sided is completely incorrect and laughable at best.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Awww, thanks for the praise!

    I played dbd rather excessively in that time and, even though I play more killer then survivor, strive to see things as impartial as possible.

    But this latest patch was rather decisive.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    Yes, but they did it wrong.

    Say, for example, instead of buffing the base-kit, they could have buffed the specific perks that affect them: Brutal Strength, Fire Up, STBFL and leave Ruin and BBQ alone.

    That way, you get the intended effect of giving stronger tools for the killers, but you make sure they have to give a perk slot for it, preventing the possibility of a fully stacked slowdown build.

    This is just a suggestion, but what am I saying is that there were better ways to do it that don't make the game boring.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Here is a thought experiment: you take a post-patch killer with all the buffs and a full endgame build and compare them to a pre-patch killer with Brutal Strength, 3 stacks of STBFL and two wounded survivors with Thana.

    Who will fare better? Whoms opposition is more likely to crumble and rip like wet toilet paper? Why is it the post-patch killer, even though the pre-patch one got higher numbers on all fronts?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    They have the exact same potential of getting a decent result.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited July 2022

    The problem tying all of these buffs to perks poses is the problem that all M1 killers, all low-mobility killers, are then 'forced' to play things like Brutal Strength and STBFL just to have a fighting chance, while the 'top' killers, Nurse, Blight, etc. get to make use of full builds. Which is much the same as 'all solo survivors are forced to play Kindred'. Both are legit issues.

    These baseline killer changes were absolutely good changes for levelling the playing field between killers. And similarly, survivors are in need of baseline buffs that benefit solos more than SWFs. Would you be ok with a new camping/tunnelling deterrent if it was just another survivor perk?

    As for slowdown, what they should have done is as well as increasing gen times like they did, ALL slowdown perks should have been nerfed. All of them. Not some nerfed and some buffed to 'shake up the meta', just nerf all of them. Overcharge and Eruption didn't need buffs, and Thana definitely should have been nerfed.

    This would have legitimately made slowdown perks less necessary, and less effective, resulting in '4 slowdowns' being much, much less likely to happen. This would have opened up the meta far more effectively, and would not have benefitted campers as much as it has.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    But shouldn't the pre-patch killer fare much better under this circumstances? They got +20% palette breaking speed and +15% successful swing recovery contra 10%/10%. Why wasn't this build not that "crazy strong" or even "OP" in the past, but now its deemed so super oppressive that wholes teams crumble and die at 4 gens remaining?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I think that, even though BHVR clearly doesn't want to, they should implement more build restrictions, which paradoxically would open up more design space for them, as not everything has to be balanced against everything else.

    Like give certain perks a "gen regression" or "gen slowdown" keyword and you can only have to equipped at a time. Or maybe even let Nurse just have one slot for gen regression, crazy, I know, but maybe it's time for some more individual restrictions.

    You could do the same with "second chance perks", restricting the more bonkers combos without necessarily nerfing the individual perks.