Mettle of Man was already garbage. why are you nerfing it even further???

GOD WHY instead of reworking it in a good perk after so much time it was garbage now you are making it literally unusable PLEASE just lower the required hits to 2 and remove all these downsides, there is literally no reason for this murder.
Complete and utter disconnect.
33 -
at first glance, I thought... not so bad
and nobody used it before anyway
but yea I see it now. people prob still wont use it
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So now the killer gets to completely ignore you secure in the knowledge that you can't do anything useful, and if your aura ever goes away they know they can kill you.
Cool. Cool. Good design choice. 🙄
17 -
Knee-jerk reaction cause of ... no feeedback? BHVR did BHVR things again.
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Can't wait to waste time to get my Mettle of Man (2 protection hits so i will waste even more time in healing myself after every hit) just to get it deactivate as soon as i touch a generator 😎.
6 -
Because it's a survivor perk that is strong in some way. Clearly they don't know the first thing about balancing and perk design.
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11 -
they make the dumbest choices it's Insane
6 -
here is how I will use the new metal of man
first I will get one stack and then heal, now if I unhook a survivor and then take a protection hit metal of man will activate and the killer wont know because I will still be within the 16 meter range meaning that no matter who they chase either the the hooked survivor or me they will have to hit us multiple times.
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Does this mean mettle of man deactivates if you perform a conspicuous action?
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Yep. It also won't work if your already in deep wounds now. So the only reason this perk was appealing for certain builds has been taken away.
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That is weird. They want to shake up the meta, by making people use different perk combos, but they actually cut the number of meaningful combos you can have...
3 -
Yeah. I love running tank builds, sabo builds, vault speed builds, healing builds etc. So far bhvr has pretty much nuked two of the builds I loved running pre meta shift patch. MoM was somewhat usable for my sabo/tank hybrid build but alas, now that's getting nuked in this patch.
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i don't agree that the change is nerf. this perk grant certain free escapes in the end game with BT. If the killer does not facecamp hook. if you have 1 stack of mettle of man and you successfully unhook a survivor when healthy. If the killer shows up and hits you, you gain 1 stack of mettle of man for being next to an injured survivor and the other person has BT.
The conspicuous action does not do anything if the survivor completes unhook and bodyblocks for the injured survivor.
so now unhooked person has BT endurence with 7% haste and you have mettle of man active so killer can't hit you because you get sprint burst to the exit gate but killer doesn't know that, so he just hits you anyway because you are injured, so free escape.
potential S-tier perk in end game scenarios from completely useless. Not saying that it will get nerfed, but it has potential get nerfed. A perk that is designed to punish the killer for performing an m1 will never be good design.
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Garbage devs as usual. 😄😄
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Dead Hard with extra steps.
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Well, I say we give it a chance, maybe it will end up being a good end game hook rescue perk. Have your MoM loaded up and ready to go fully healed, dive in, take a hit to injured, unhook with BT, run away with Endurance. Maybe?
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They're making me want to use it less but I'll still give it a shot.
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mettle of man does not need timing. it has 100% accuracy. dh needs timing to make that same play. i hope nobody uses the perk.
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taking a hit for an already hooked person doesn't count as protection hit anymore if i'm not wrong, you need to take a hit for an injured - walking survivor (they reworked how protection hits worked some time ago) so in that instance wouldn't work, if you have MoM before the unhooking if you unhook then it is gone and anyway the killer will see your aura 24/7 so hoping to unhook in that situation is impossible and he will know you have MoM. if you take an hit after you unhook and actually active MoM (really rare situation) then MAYBE you can try to take a value out of it, but probably you will be at exit gate anyway without needing MoM. they made a situational perk even more situational.
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yes it requires timing, a timing that when you learn it you can use it with ease. but it do not provides downsides and you can use it pretty much when you want. MoM doesn't have all these privileges and now it will suffer of the same disadvantages of other endurance perks + more downsides added to it after that patch (because yes?)
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LMAO I just can't take these patch notes serious anymore.
4 -
Wait they are nerfing survivors again after the massive buff that killers just got. Do the devs even look at the forums or are they really out to kill this game?
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A allready bad perk made even worse
also now another perk legion can just ignore
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Okay, now that I got some time to absorb this I can see why every fan of MoM is on the fence. I think it would be ok if MoM gave you JUST an endurance effect, IF it didn't shut down when you do a conspicuous aciton, thats so counter intuitive.
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This is basically the logic of these patch notes as of late:
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yes it is the conspicuous action thing that ruins and the 24/7 wallhack on you that ruins everything for me. to active MoM i already waste a lot of time, now to keep it active i must not do the objective or saving someone? this defeats the purpose of the perk and it is illogical.
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I think the aura reading was for lore reasons, whatsoever. "I got a target for evil on my back the size of whatever stadium this city has", so the idea is to poke at the evil, screw up its plans, then focused and get the hell outa there while the killer rages at your heels.
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i understand that, but there is already a wallhack function in the perk that match its lore, why making it permanently?
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I guess this is the one Endurance effect that BHVR is fine with you using aggressively instead of defensively, but thats still pretty harsh.
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the conspicuous action is specifically there so that the survivor cannot use it with Object of Obsession to gain permanent wallhacks on the killer. Well technically you can have perma wallhack but you can't repair generator or heal.
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then the problem is one of its downsides becoming a strenght if you add another perk. nerf the perma wallhack thing and remove the conspicuous action condition.
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I forget wasn’t unhooking a conspicuous action?
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The change is fine if there weren't certain killers that can just put you in deep wound to negate all of it's worth.
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LOL - classic BHVR: seeing complaints on forums about a ton of other issues, ignoring them all, and then making a change that nobody asked for 😂
I guess people have been complaining about Thana so at least they nerfed it a bit. But this MoM nerf is a complete joke.
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yes it is
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even without those killers the change is not fine, the conspicuous actions are literally 90% of the actions of the game, so you waste a lot of time (and people who use MoM know too well how much time it requires to activate it) and the you just lose the perk doing literally everything, or you can just throw and becoming useless just to preserve it.