6.1.2's new combo.

Leguś Member Posts: 175
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Imagine this scenario:

Pain Resonance activates on a Generator Survivor has been working on.

Because Survivor is technically instantly repairing that Generator, it won't regress if Survivor leaves it.

KIller can go towards that Generator, force Survivor off of it so Dead Man's Switch is activated.

But what if Killer runs Pop Goes the Weasel.

Because Dead Man's Switch gets shortened to 20/25/30s and Pop Goes the Weasel keeps 35/40/45s duration, it means a Generator can be unblocked and Killer can just kick it for extra regression.

Welcome to the new old meta ladies and gentlemen.

If the Pain Resonance change was meant to stop Merciless Storm's combination, shouldn't Merciless Storm be looked at?

I would've just made so Merciless Storm's Skill Checks have a 12s duration. Normally, it would only have 9s of needed window. Meaning it normal scenarios, it wouldn't matter but would've been weaker in those cases of hyper-powerful slowdown applied to a Generator like Pentimento, Pain Resonance and consecutive Jolt triggers.

And if someone noticed from my posts, back then you would've taken me a Kill main but I'm actually thinking of Survivors this time. New meta combo because of trying to fix a very weird interaction.

I actually dislike the changes.


  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    A gen at 99% that gets hit by Pain Res will go down to 84%. Pop brings that down by 16.8%, plus the default kick's 2.5%. That's 34.3% of a gen, plus potential regression. 30.8 seconds for a killer hooking a survivor, waiting 30 seconds themselves, and taking 2 seconds to kick the gen.

    The killer's time wasted is more than the progress removed by these perks, and that's at their most effective. Yes, you'll see it used a lot, but if survivors are working on separate generators (as they should), the survivors will make more progress than the killer will prevent.

    Anyway, Merciless Storm should have just been changed so that if a generator's progress is above 90%, the skill checks trigger. It's not exactly a complicated line of code to change.

  • Patchouli_Knowledge
    Patchouli_Knowledge Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2022

    Yeah this is one of the most stupid changes I've ever seen. I posted this on another board. If devs really don't like the effect on Merciless Storm, just give it a limited number of skill checks it can trigger or something. The point is that the problem is clearly on Merciless Storm, not the other perks. What about jolt anyway? What about potential future regression perks? They should just make a simple fix on Merciless Storm instead of messing with other perks, introducing more problems and potentially having more things to worry about in the future, and also nerfing DMS for no reason of its own (now DMS basically has to be used with Pain Res or Pop like OP mentioned. On its own it's garbage. It can take 20 seconds for a killer to find the gen being worked on after hooking a survivor, so it would only block the gen for 30s - 20s = 10s. WITHOUT DMS, the survivors may not be able to work on the gen for 10s anyway if they are driven off of it. This is again just back to more limiting build choices for killers, not to mention PS + DMS is just punishing solo q while doing nothing to SWF when the solo q SWF gap is clearly already the biggest problem the game needs to urgently address at the moment.)

    Vote OP up devs need to see this post!