

DLC Chapter Idea - Absent Light

New Killer: The Miner

Back in 1848, people had just discovered something amazing, and moreso, a place full of it. The California Gold Rush was a huge deal, sparking many varied emotions that aroused the Entity's interest throughout it's ten year span, causing aggression.. Appropriate to its name, people were quick to get there and quicker to get out with their newfound fortune. However, among the first to find all this gold was a man named Harold Carler and his partner Chuck Kennedy. The two were renowned businessmen, owning a large mining company in the area. However, their lackey tag-along accomplice Hank Jerm was oft forgotten. While Harold and Chuck scarcely did any actual mining and instead reaped the profits, Hank was their hardest working, most beneficial worker. Hank's work made them some serious money ever since he started bringing some shiny metals back. Gold. While it was others who made the California Gold Rush a large thing, it was Harold, Chuck, and Hank who were the first to make a profit off of it. Realizing this as their chance to get ahead, knowing it would soon blow-up, Harold and Chuck were eager to enforce ridiculous hours onto their miners, including and especially Hank. Hank never got a break under an hour, and it began to show on his physical body. His posture hunched, his clothes baggy, his face horrifying to look at. The conditions of the mine certainly didn't help either. Hank was never a handsome rich boy of the West, rather, he was barely able to find a job after his pa was killed doing the same job. But this was an entire new low for Hank. Eventually, as anyone would under those conditions, he snapped. What little sanity he had left had oozed away into his sweat that he broke slamming the rocks with his pickaxe. He threw the pickaxe away causing a large clang to echo throughout the caverns, though he was not able to consciously recognize this, already being distant from the real world. As everyone else in the mine backed away in fear and stared on in curiosity, people watched the broken man hobble towards something unknown. While he used to be a respectable hardworker, everyone fear him in the backs of their minds now. He stopped, bent over, and picked something else. He cackled. It was a horrifying noise that bounced off of wall to wall, a noise that no one had expected Hank to be able to make. A fuse lit. People screamed. A large boom was audible for miles. It was dynamite. After the initial boom, only more followed, though this time it was the mine caving in, blocking all exits. In a desperate attempt he used his broken body to try and find an exit, but there was none.
Harold and Chuck heard about the disaster, and it was the end of their industry. They were told their were no Survivors. Everyone would believe this for the next seven decades.
After the heat of the Gold Rush, people were still curious about the blocked up mine, and were desperate to know if more gold hid inside. While they did find gold, they found something else lurking within. Something that was a freak of nature that should've crumbled away 70 years ago. Charred corpses, torn apart, emptied of their contents. What did this? They were about to find out.
Only more came to investigate the mine, and while they found the bodies, what did this to them was missing. A missing link, and a forgotten puzzle piece of the California Gold Rush.
(I did the math, and assuming he was 13 when the Gold Rush started in 1848 and was working that young, and woman got rights about 70 years after that, that would leave him at 83 years old when he is seen in-game. Yeah, this one is going to need a lot of magic Entity stuff to cover things up, but women had to at least be able to vote by this point so our Survivor could link up to the killer.)

  The Miner is a **Chaotic** killer, slowly slinking up to disrupt the Survivors' plans using his **Gold Mine Specialty,** which allows him to hurt, stun, and destroy. 

  His perks, Work Harder, Fade into Dark, and Hex: Broken Body take away Survivor's abilities and defenses mercilessly, leaving your prey vulnerable. 

His power, Gold Mine Specialty, is a bundle of dynamite that has been modified by the Entity. By charging the power, The Miner will hold the dynamite and allow the fuse to tick down. The longer he holds it the sooner it will blow up when thrown, however, he will cackle louder and louder the longer it is held. Upon releasing the power, the dynamite will be tossed underhanded towards the location. Uninjured Survivors hit by the blast will be put into the injured state, while all Survivor hit by the blast will be knocked aside onto the ground, temporarily stunned. The explosion will also destroy dropped pallets, break generators, and light vaults on fire, causing them to be harmful to jump through temporarily. You start with 3 dynamite in your inventory and can obtain more by going to designated Dynamite Supply Crates on the map.

Other Notes: Supply Crates and be Sabotaged. Hangman's Trick will reduce the time Supply Crates are sabotaged.


Specks of Gold: Tiny specks of gold that hint to something larger. Holding them gives The Miner a sense of dread.
Slightly increases how fast the fuse goes down while charging Gold Mine Specialty.
Decimated Blast Cap: An old blast cap that got rendered unrecognizable by the blast. Slightly increases the blast radius of Gold Mine Specialty.
Secret Pouch: A secret pocket to hide some extra profits from a days of blistering hard work. It's perfectly dynamite sized. Increases your maximum Dynamite carry capacity by 1.
Dirt: Dirt to rub on your wounds. The pain distracts from exhaustion and allows you to keep going.
Slightly increases range Dynamite can be thrown.

Nugget of Gold: A small nugget of gold that's beginning to tip you off to something. Holding it gives The Miner a sense of dread.
Moderately increases how fast the fuse goes down while charging Gold Mine Specialty.
Rigged Dynamite: A trap planted inside of dynamite supply crates that will trigger the dynamite when pressure is applied to it, making searching through the box much harder.
Increases time it takes to sabotage Dynamite Supply Crates by 100%.
Torn Gloves: Though there's little of them left, they still make it easier to grip onto things.
Moderately increases range Dynamite can be thrown.

Supply Shipment: An extremely short list of supplies ordered to send down to the mine.
Increases Dynamite Supply Boxes spawned by 1.
Pressure Based Alarm: An additional layer of security placed onto Dynamite Supply Boxes. A button must be pressed whenever the dynamite is significantly disturbed to prevent an alarm from sounding. The original purpose was to make sure dynamite was only taken with caution.
Survivors must hit multiple difficult skill checks while sabotaging Dynamite Supply Boxes.
Bloody Dirt: Dirt that has already been doused in crimson with your own blood. Rub it on your wounds and the pain only gets worse, but the punishment of passing out is the worst suffering.
Significantly increases range Dynamite can be thrown.
Kindling: Kindling gathered from outside in your little off-time, used to make a small amount of light.
Increases how long vaults stay burned by 10 seconds.

Very Rare
Chunk of Gold: A chunk of gold larger than your palm. You know what's coming. Holding it gives The Miner a sense of dread.
Significantly increases how fast the fuse goes down while charging Gold Mine Specialty.
Pristine Blast Cap: A fresh blast cap, ready to be used.
Moderately increases the explosion radius of Gold Mine Specialty.
Extra Dynamite: A supply shipment that accidentally sent more dynamite than usual.
Increases Dynamite Supply Boxes spawned by 3.
Burning Sweat: The Miner had already began to have been touched by the entity, and the sweat he released was flammable.
Vaults that are set ablaze using Gold Mine Specialty stay burning until the power is used again to block other vaults.

Ultra Rare
Whispering Gold: A humming gold that speaks to the one that found it. The Entity sparks The Miner's rage.
Gold Mine Specialty will always blow up immediately after throwing it.
The Schedule: The schedule detailing work hours. There isn't a single break for The Miner. The Miner's rage burns within the very dynamite itself.
Reduces maximum dynamite to 1.
Dynamite instantly downs everyone in its radius.


Work Harder: No matter how much you do, it is never enough. Though you can't let Exhaustion win.
Reduce all Survivor's Exhaustion recovery times by 25%.
Exhausted Survivors are revealed to you.
Your movement speed is increased by 5/10/15% for 5 seconds whenever this perk is activated. The speed boost has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

"They're miners, Chuck. They're beneath us. They do whatever we say." -Harold Carler

Fade into Dark: The Survivors can not keep track of you in your habitat.
When your aura has been revealed, activate this perk.
While this perk is activated:

  • Your aura can not be revealed again for 40/50/60 seconds.
  • (Tier 3) Survivors who read your aura are revealed to you for 3 seconds.

"As time went on, rumors about what happened in the Carler & Kennedy Mine and what caused the boom died down and it was left as another supernatural mystery." -Unknown

Hex: Broken Body: The pain you inflict is empowered the experiences of your body breaking, and it's reflected onto your prey.
Survivors that you hit contract the Broken status effect.
Once this Hex totem is cleansed, all Survivors are healed fully and gain the Endurance status effect for 50/40/30 seconds.

"It could've been a man. But it's body was so broken there was no way of knowing. Yet... it still moved." -Emily Heart

New Survivor: Emily Heart

Something about Emily wanting to explore, I don't know. Survivor backstories are a lot harder than Killer backstories. Long story short...

... On her journey to the West from her hometown of London, she heard a rumor of an abandoned mine where an unknown cause brought it crashing down seventy years ago. This peaked Emily's curiosity, and there was nothing that would keep her from going to find that mine. With her husband leading the expedition, the group of explorers hiked through the deserts until they found it. The Carler and Kennedy mine. After using dynamite to blow forth the entrance, they had no clue what would be lurking in the depths below. But they found gold. So much gold. Then, a cackle, a boom, and Emily who was had the back, caught up in something else that caught her interest as she normally was, was left the only Survivor from the explosion. The exit caved in behind her, and she was left alone with whatever caused the explosion. But then... a dizzying sensation filled her body, and she woke up somewhere else. It was like her prayers answered. And, it was another world to explore, a challenge Emily would never back down from... or something.
The point is, she's an explorer lady from England.

Emily Heart is a Clumsy Explorer, travelling the map and misdirecting the killer.

Her perks, Lucky Find, World Traveler, and I'm Not Lost!, benefit her while running around the map in search for specific objects.


Lucky Find: Your natural wanderlust leaves you to find things others would miss.
When within 24m of a Hex Totem, there is a 25/50/75% chance its aura will be revealed to you. If you find a Hex Totem this way, your aura is revealed to the killer while cleansing it.

"What's this?" -Emily Heart

World Traveler: Your love of exploration is turned into a boon in the Entity's realm. Whenever you start repairing one of the generators for the first time, you gain a token up to a maximum of 5/6/7 tokens.
For each token, increase Action speed except Repair speed by 3%. (Tier 3) For each token, also increase your repair speed by 1%.

"I want to go everywhere!" -Young Emily Heart

I'm Not Lost: Just because you're wandering aimlessly doesn't mean you're lost. Standing still for 12/10/8 seconds reveals the auras of Generators, Totems, Killer belongings, and the black lock within 10/12/20 meters.

"I meant to find this." -Emily Heart

The map would be the Carler and Kennedy Mine Shaft, obviously. It'd be close quarters and feature a fenced off outside section where the exit gates would be. The achievement generator would be on top of the mine. I don't know. I was much more into it for the killer part of this, now I'm a bit more tired. But I want to post this anyway.

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  • Member Posts: 571

    I enjoy the idea of this killer, the dynamite sounds great and fun to use, I like the perks and the backstories too! If the killer ever in DBD would throwing the dynamite be similar to how huntress or clown throw their abilities or would it be different?

  • Member Posts: 43

    Quick thoughts (from one person who like to make killers to another)...Are injured survivors hit by the blast put into the dying state? What happens if he holds it too long? What's the area of effect of the blast?

  • @SofaKingSpecial said:
    Quick thoughts (from one person who like to make killers to another)...Are injured survivors hit by the blast put into the dying state? What happens if he holds it too long? What's the area of effect of the blast?

    A. No, without the help of the Ultra Rare add-on, injured Survivors hit by the blast are not put into the dying state, they're just stunned and knocked aside.
    B. If he holds on to it too long, he'll automatically throw it.
    C. I don't have an exact measurement of the blast radius, Though I'd like to think if you threw it at a generator in Macmillan Estate it should be able to hit people that are at the nearest pallet.

  • @JoyfulLeader said:
    I enjoy the idea of this killer, the dynamite sounds great and fun to use, I like the perks and the backstories too! If the killer ever in DBD would throwing the dynamite be similar to how huntress or clown throw their abilities or would it be different?

    It would be closest to Clown because of the way the gravity works, all though it would have a much heavier arc so you couldn't throw it as far.

  • Member Posts: 571

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:

    @JoyfulLeader said:
    I enjoy the idea of this killer, the dynamite sounds great and fun to use, I like the perks and the backstories too! If the killer ever in DBD would throwing the dynamite be similar to how huntress or clown throw their abilities or would it be different?

    It would be closest to Clown because of the way the gravity works, all though it would have a much heavier arc so you couldn't throw it as far.

    This chapter is so cool!

  • Member Posts: 164
    This is a really cool idea.

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