zombies need to remove collision after hit

zombies are by far one of the dumbest things in the game and the fact they can bodyblock is not fair at all
They are supposed to be annoying.
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On the contrary, they're so slow and stupid (as zombies should be!) if you get into a situation where they've bodyblocked you then that's entirely on you.
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sorry but i guess youve never been on an indor map huh? you dont see zombies or know where they are and they can destroy you. its very unsatisfying and unfun
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Come on, they're still smarter than my average random mates.
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If they do that, they need to make the zombies smarter and not get stuck on every little thing to give something to nemy because its just taking away one of the few good things about the zombies.
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If a zombie injures you, you do lose collision.
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hmmm i guess that makes sense as to why i was bodyblocked
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Zombies have a smaller collision box when they attack you to allow you to slip past tight spots. Unless you're wedging yourself into a tiny corner there's no reason for you to get body blocked by one.
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If they can first fix them to not get stuck in one spot all the time then sure, but not in their current state. They’re too buggy as is currently.
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If you get body blocked by a zombie...an AI programmed by BHVR...that can be heard before you even see them, moves slow unless using an addon AND CHOOSE to stay in a corner...you deserve the smacks
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Ok so indoor maps don't exist?
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how the hell do you still get bodyblocked in an indoor map, you aren't in some super skinny maze where a zombie can just block your entire pathway, what map of dbd are you even playing lmao
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My favourite zombie behaviour is when I get hooked in basement and one slowly walks down and stands infront of me for 30s casually
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This doesn't mean anything. You still have room to move around them, or better yet, turn around. I play a fair amount of Nemesis and I'm telling you this is not an excuse.
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That's not really the case in Midwich. The block the corridors and you know you'll be hit no matter what. In a chase you know you're done.
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They do remove collision? Or are you asking for invulnerability after a zombie hits you?
In today's version of the code if a zombie hits you, you should be able to zoom through him.
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I think the reason the zombies get stuck on objects is that their AI isn't "seeing" objects. The theory that I stick to is that they're given the basic floor plan of every map for reference and operate using that. The problem arises that since most objects aren't stuck in the floor plan and are procedurally generated in each game prior to the match starting: the zombies don't know that they're there. It'd be like using a paper roadmap when on a trip, but the map is 40 years old and isn't up to date. I don't know if this theory is true, but it makes sense.
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You can hear the zombies and the only way they could be near but you not seeing them is they're around a corner. Perhaps looking first?
And yes, I've faced Nemmy in Midwich. Admittedly the zombies are a little more effective than on an open map but still, if they manage to trap you in a corner then the fault isn't on the zombie's design and their frankly stupid AI.
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I'm pretty sure you still get stuck on the zombie. I've had chases in indoor maps where there was a zombie ahead of me in a doorway, Nemesis was behind me, and it turned out backtracking into Nemesis was the only possible move because you can't get through the doorway even after the zombie hits you.
If it's in a hallway (and it's not RPD, maybe), you can get around them even if you can't avoid the hit, but in a doorway or some weird nook with a gen/totem, you can't get past.
That said, I kinda agree with the general sentiment that in most scenarios this can happen, it was your fault for not noticing the zombie was approaching.
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They are smart enough to linger around hooks and gens in the 90s lol
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You can hear them even more on those maps! Plus if you think hifing in the corner is the best strategy to hide from a roaming AI on an indoor map when you break line of sight easily by walking around a loop I say again YOU DESERVE THE SMACKS.
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I mean sure as long as you don't lost collision with a killer after they hit you. Cause if you get trapped in a corner by a killer you deserve 100% to go down.