Thanatophobia change. Balanced, weak or abusive?
In the brand new developer notes some changes for Thana have been shown, including a reducción in the slowdown and a bonus in slowdown isfall 4 survivors are injured (Idk if It will still work with a dead survivor) So, according to the descripción given by the devs, is the perk weaker, stronger or balanced?
Thanatophobia change. Balanced, weak or abusive? 58 votes
It needed a change but really only for legion and plague, the change they made killed it for everyone but those two killers. It is at least manageable on those two now for survivors, but it is no longer viable on any other killer.
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They didn't really do anything about the main problem of Thana. It only was too strong on Killers that could have all Survivors injured at once, an this is exactly what's unchanged. What they did nerf is only the part that's not problematic.
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Thana is definitely super weak now outside of Legion and Plague. And even on those killers they will feel the nerf. For example, once one survivor dies the new version’s penalty cap will collapse from 20% to 6%. And even though Legion and Plague have an easier time keeping four survivors injured than other killers do it’s still not trivial. All it takes is one person healing and until that survivor is injured again the penalty is at 6%. So there will be significant portions of matches with Legion/Plague plus Thana where three survivors are injured instead of four, and the relative penalty will be 6% instead of 16.5% like it is now.
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They effectively just made the perk even more useless on other killers, it's definitely not worth a perk slot even on the most mobile killers like hillbilly, nurse, or blight because there is no way you will get all 4 survivors injured unless they are playing like super altruistic or you get super greedy, which isn't the best idea in the first place. The current meta is healing and has been ever since the boon update, unless circle of healing wasn't a factor or super fast medkits I don't see thana ever getting much use outside of legion and plague.
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It's basically useless on every single Killer other than Legion and Plague now.
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It's dead on everyone besides Plague
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The change itself... I guess "redundant" is the best way to put it.
The problem with Thanatophobia, and the only problem with it, is the amount of value Legion and Plague get from it as opposed to other killers. This change doesn't address this issue, only encourages it. Now Legion and Plague not only able to get max value out of Thana, but they are also the only two killers in this whole game who can get ANY value out of it at all. Because, let's be frank, keeping all survivors injured is nearly impossible on any other killer and 6% from 3 injured people are negligible even without Resilience or Overzealous to counter it.
It's a nerf alright, but nerfs like this (which destroy perks almost completely) are not healthy for the game. Might as well delete it altogether.
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It's weak now.
Legion on larger maps against teams who split will struggle to keep all 4 survivors injured and will lose a lot of slowdown the perk has granted.
Plague on the other hand can force more corrupt purges which can be useful.
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There are many perks that only work well for a few different killers.
I think it is fine and still serves a purpose for certain killers. It doesn't mean I don't wish it were stronger.
It is no longer a meta contender though.
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Yeah, I totally agree I never had a problem with it but only on Legions which I had games drag out way too long.
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Misread as before the nerf, ignore my vote and read it as weak