Let's brainstorm new ways to use Mettle of Man, constructive only no complaining

So just spitballing, take a protection hit, heal, take another protection hit, now you have endurance and can tank a second protection hit. I dont know.
I was thinking about it, and only really came to one or two ideas.
The first would be to pair it with Break Out. Somehow get an early first protection hit, then run away and heal up. Now the next time the killer is carrying a survivor to a hook, you can take a hit which would activate MoM, then take another hit with MoM potentially getting enough time with Break Out to get the survivor off of the killer's shoulder.
The second way is something I currently do in live, but will be much easier to do with this change. Running MoM with OoO gives you constant wallhacks on the killer when MoM activates. Now that it's only 2 protection hits, and you don't need to take the endurance hit and heal up, you'll potentially have full wallhacks untill it deactivates.
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I think it might be a buff I was thinking with OtR and DS you could pick and choose you protection hits or go for something like taking two hits off the hook no heal ds to get up then have MoM active. Gives DS a purpose again
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The main application that comes to my mind is bodyblocking someone trying to tunnel a teammate
Not exactly the most ideal of scenarios but it might help?
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If the killer will be able to see your aura for the entire duration idk how long of the endurance effect can pair it with Object of Obsession for permanent wall hacks on the killer.
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That's a super cool suggestion, but also a ######### dedicated one.
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What about dualed with Dead Hard, because essentially, what is happening is you are trading for an activatable Dead Hard for a guaranteed Dead Hard, ala if what you did was bring Dead Hard you'd be able to Dead Hard at anytime, but for Mettle of Man you need to actually unlock a guarateed Dead Hard that happens outside of your control. So, you'd be able to run around with a Dead Hard essentially wired in, but only based upon your ability to reliably Dead Hard when they attack, or you could unlock a guaranteed Dead Hard (Endurance effect able to soak up an attack) with Mettle of Man.
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The problem is, can you heal yourself now? Cause i dont think you can and it really limits its usability outside of meme squads imo.
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Nope, because that's a conspicious action.
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Troll your teammates by never touching gens and justify it by saying I don't wanna lose my endurance
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Yeah than i think you need a team where like 2 people is doing nothing but doing MoM and healing each other. So something like
MoM, Botany, Sabotage, Dead Hard
or MoM, Break out, Dead Hard, Soul Guard on 2 people and those 2 just go annoy the killer and heal each other whole game. Pretty hard to do in solo games without being completely useless though probably
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So mettle of man is basically still a survive with friends only perk lol
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Very much more than before.
Unless you are commited to trolling in solo q and trust in the fog enough to think you can find some one to heal you.
The cant heal yourself part kills it man.
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The main application is with OoO, which requires a SWF, and even that might be a stretch given you can't do anything else. And you have to deal with Undetectable.
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It could be a good bait on a dedicated looper. The killer either chases you or gets all their movements broadcasted 24/7 so they cant find a single other person.
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MoM? Didn't that close already?
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Using it with Object of Obsession for perma vision on killer, using distortion for free 10 seconds of scratch marks/aura hidden every 30 seconds in their radius/sole survivor or w/e
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If you have endurance no, but someone else can heal you. If you only have 1 stack then yes you can heal and you won't lose it.
So you can take a protection hit, heal, protection hit, endurance hit.
I think it will now probably act more like a perk you use when you want to help someone who is being tunnelled.
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You can with inner strength
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Inner strength should work since it still works with DS.
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Ohh, thats what i was trying to ask. Then its pretty good imo.
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It is now a anti tunnel perk for your team.
For every other bodyblock you can stick by the tunneled survivor instead of running away.
The killer has to either take another bodyblock or stop tunneling.
If he stops the tunneled person can heal you. If the killer comes back you still have MoM. When you are healed you can heal the tunneled survivor and if the killer comes back you can still bodyblock and it makes the next activation even sooner.
The more i think about it the more i realise the community was really silly having the kneejerk reaction of calling it a nerf
It actually seems to be a decent perk now instead of meme tier
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that is exactly how I see it getting used. from throwing game meme-tier to decent if you bodyblock correctly with it.
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I think the change of MoM can be good. 3 protection hits takes a lot of time, but 1 hit then heal and you gain endurance after the 2nd hit is actually pretty good.
Pair with Breakout and this is viable.
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If thats how it works, its unironically great for both solo and swf. Just need confirmation in next patch i guess <3
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That how I read it at least. Could be wrong. Let’s hope!
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It's more straighforward: take 2nd protection and tank with endurance.
If you refuse and leave with permament endurance you will be exposed.
It's very simple.