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Losing My Best Winstreak So Far (Killer)




~The Hillbilly (Doom Engravings; Death Engravings) (Periodically, I ran no addons)


~Shadowborn; BBQ (BBQ was periodically swapped out for Gearhead if I saw more than 2 toolboxes)


~I can only kick generators if their repair percentage is at the final generator piston.

~I am not allowed to camp a survivor to death/for a hook state.

~I am not allowed to tunnel a previous unhooked survivor for 60 seconds (I am able to down them, I just cant hook them again).

~Any killers that have the ability to insta-down a survivor with their ability (non-exposed) must use their power to down survivors (Bubba, Billy, Blight with certain addons, etc).

~2 perks can only be brought into a match (no generator slowdown is allowed).

~Only 2 survivors can be slugged while generators are still being actively repaired. Once all generators are completed, you can slug any amount of survivors.

How Did I Lose The Streak:

~First off, I must mentioned, I was brought to The Game using a map offering, which is a tricky map for any killer, but Billy really suffers in this map since pre-dropping every pallet completely counters his ability. While pre-dropping was an issue, I did manage to leave chase and catch survivors off-guard for some downs. Ultimately, I lost my streak to two survivors on death hook escaping through the exit gates. I had the opportunity to start slugging during the end-game but thought I wouldnt need to since I severely over-estimated the direct line of sights between both exit gates, and couldnt easily travel between either gates. Survivors played well, I just made a huge mistake towards the end. GGWP.

~The entire point of this was to be challenging, this isnt my longest winstreak that I lost, this is my "best" winstreak that I lost, every match was hard fought from both sides, not a single match was an easy win, and ultimately every win came down to end-game pressure or survivors making more mistakes. It was fun, and I would recommend trying this out.

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  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Damn that sucks. Impressive streak though- most cant do 10 with those rules let alone 17. Good job.

    Yea, its not a straight shot between exit gates no matter the RnG in Pallet Town. Too many lengthy obstacles to curve around.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Those situations are indeed unfortunate.

    My longest winstreak was with Old Freddy, a long time ago. I don't remember exactly the number of matches, but I do remember how I lost it.

    It was because of a key.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Impressive streak. I'm sure you were wishing you had LoPro Chains on The Game.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Lol i cant even win 2 times in a row with Billy. Good job man <3

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    That's a really good streak, I can't imagine how hard it was to win 17 times in a row with 2 Perks lol.

    My best was 14 with Artist with 4 Perks and Add-Ons so I had it easy lol

  • Member Posts: 797

    This seems fun, might try my hand at my first win streak with these rules as Blight.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Honestly, I still can't believe there were people that great with old Freddy back then, because sadly I honestly thought he was one of the worst killers at anything besides tunneling since he can just force the survivor he wants to go for into sleep while leaving the other survivors and bypassing bt. So I genuinely am impressed you managed it, honestly wish they made old Freddy come back because you make me feel nostalgic, though I wonder what version of old Freddy do you want most? PTB Freddy or nerfed release Freddy?

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    It really is fun to do, but there are definitely going to be moments which are stressful, end-game situations always have me on my toes, I swear.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    I wish I had addons of any sort, it was unfortunately the one of the few matches that I didnt bring any addons into (since I had to restock my Engravings).

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Damn, that's a solid streak with all those restrictions. M2-only Billy with 2 perks, no camping or hard tunneling, and can only kick >75% gens? And you got to 17? My hat goes off to you, sir.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    I dumped months playing Billy, so I have a really good understand of how to use his power, also I use default + Frost Eyes, so people really underestimate me as soon as they see me.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    The best version of Freddy, in my honest opinion, is his on-release version. Prior to his very first nerf, I strongly believe he was the only perfect killer BHVR has ever designed. But that is just me :)

    "So I genuinely am impressed you managed it"

    Thank you <3

    Your words warm my heart, my friend, but really it was no big deal. Certainly not as impressive as OP's Billy streak.

    Freddy had a lot of hidden potential, and if you knew what you were doing you had a very powerful killer in your hands.

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