Latest Thanatophobia Change

Thanatophobia Rework
Each injured, dying, or hooked Survivor will now provide a 1/1.5/2% action speed penalty. If all four Survivors are either injured, dying, or hooked, Thanatophobia grants an additional 12% penalty to Survivors’ action speeds.
So after one survivor dies, the perk is nearly useless. In addition, you can only get good value with plague, legion and nurse.
I think this will mostly only be used on plague and legion though. They are kind of homogenizing perks.
It's a 60% effective nerf for Legion. The effective uptime for all 4 survivors being affected at the same time is so low, that the big bonus for 4 survivors might as well not exist.
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I think this would only work for more than two killers if the action speed penalty also applied to healing 😬
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It’s back to trash tier
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Wow kneejerk nerf at its finest.
"Whining on the forum only helps when killers do it."
Another patch to prove the opposite.
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Dead perk on everyone but plague. At least she gets something out of survivors denying it.
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Nobody but Legion and Plague used it when it was 20% because Circle of Healing
They buffed it 10%.
Survivors complained that going from 20% to 22% was unbearable and made games magically take 20 minutes instead of the 4 minutes they're used to.
They then removed the 10% but ALSO nerfed it by 60%, required all 4 to be injured just to get back to the pre-buff level, AND built in a "the perk shuts off" mechanic on top of everything else.
All that because they buffed it to try to get more killers to use it in the first place.
There really is no one at the tiller.
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Tbh I honestly dont mind it, with the killer buffs recently etc and perks like lethal, COB etc (that compliment different playstyles) I feel killer is still absolutely playable. The new thana just makes it fit more in line with being a perk to compliment a build rather than a perk to carry a killer (which is often the case)
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Talk about a knee-jerk reaction and hasty decision.
Thana was mostly used by Plague and Legion with full slowdown builds to painfully make gens take forever.
Nerf it, making it bad for every other killer apart from the only two killers it was a problem on from the begining.
After the nerf, forever plague and forever legion will still be a thing. Am I missing something? Just what is the though process with this nerf?
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You are missing the fact that people can heal and cleanse. You are welcome honey buns <3
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Hard knee-jerk,not even legion makes use out of this. Proof that if survivors cry hard enough,they get their way unfortunately lul.
Well,at least I have DMS+PR and dying light to replace thana and such on legion!
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Alright lad, legion perhaps wont be so bad. However you are missing the fact the perk is still bad on every other killer and giving plague machinegun vomit in solo que is a great idea if you want to kill your team faster. You are welcome honey buns <3
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Seriously... this was literally the exact opposite of what they should have done with Thana.
Nobody besides Legion and Plague could use it because nobody but them could consistently have enough people injured for its numbers to get high enough to matter.
They should have made it so the first "stack" gave 8%... then each additional stack gave half the effect of the previous. So 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15%. Overall weaker but so much better for every killer besides Legion and Plague.
Now I'm not sure if even Legion and Plague will still use it because it is absolute garbage unless everybody is injured.
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Or you can be smart about it and have 1 person go cleanse at a wildly inconvenient place for plague like a place where the gens have already been done and Plague and other survivors arent even near. You then pay attention to make sure you arent fully infected fast. Its only ever a problem when you do it in a thoughtless way.
That was always an option and a smart way to do it.
You are even welcome on the tips and tricks for playing against Plague honey buns, im full of usefull info today, all free for you <3
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Oh great idea. Except you missed the part of SOLO QUE honey buns <3. Coordinate this with your random team mates is not always possible and you still haven't even mentioned anything about the perks lack of usefullness on other killers. If I wanted tips I would have asked for it laddie. There are better ways BHVR could have adressed the problem of "Thanatophobia feel a little oppressive, especially when paired with other slowdown perks" as they stated.
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So what, still a nerf over original thanat? Why?
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Sick of spooky scary solo queue being the source of all the ills in the world. You're one fourth of any given team. If you're a good teammate then you're almost halfway to having a decent team. I try real hard to be a good teammate and I have had some stellar teammates in solo. If you make good decisions then that has a big knock-on effect for the match.
So yeah, cleanse once if plague has thanat. It's not brain surgery. If someone else already has: then don't.
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Firstly, it would be a much more palatable nerf than the idiocrasy they're currently planning on doing.
Secondly, Thana got a buff in the last patch because it was hardly getting used because nobody other than Plague and Legion used it. A change like this would actually fix that problem.
Thirdly, Thana was given a pretty massive indirect buff from Generators being set to 90s and dry kicking gens being made actually worth it.
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agreed , this perk wasnt stronger but was a bit to powerful on legion and plague , making gens really opressive to get done if teammates arent smashing gens constantly , soo with this change only 1 needs to heal always to prevent gens taking a huge amount of time , sadly this change aswell makes the perk way more weaker and even less viable for other killer than are not Legion / Plague.
but to be fair i think Solo Q still needs a proper buff , i dont think people are disconnecting just by thana , i think the lack of infomation + gens having a more balanced state+ killer buffs + the second chance perks nerfed , totally shows how solo Q was a bit depending of those stroonger perks to carry a bad team.
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but to be fair i think Solo Q still needs a proper buff , i dont think people are disconnecting just by thana , i think the lack of infomation + gens having a more balanced state+ killer buffs + the second chance perks nerfed , totally shows how solo Q was a bit depending of those stroonger perks to carry a bad team.
definitely, soloq always relied on the stronger perks to succeed where as swf never needed them and only used them because it made their games easier assuming everyone who was playing was high mmr good.
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The perk is honestly pretty boring and annoying, I think it being more of a "good on x killer" type of perrk is a good thing.
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GWS, I never said its the source of all ills. Every survivor has too pull their weight to win but it is not something you can expect will happen all the time for various reasons. Other survivors might prioritize archive challenges, be bad at looping or just throwing in the towel early. This is going to lead to a seperate discussion from thanataphobia so back to the point. New change is still bad and so far most have ignored OP's point: it only gives good value with plague, legion and nurse so it will still most likely only be used on them.
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These developers just never learn. This is why I stopped buying. I knew the perk was getting nerfed.
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Both of you stop with the Honey Buns now!
It's making me hungry.......
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Every single legion was using it to make sure survivor rounds were boring so they can only blame themselves
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I don't think it was thana that was causing the DCs, I think people were just throwing a fit because they didn't like the perk changes. Things have gotten much more normal since the patch dropped. I don't see anywhere near as many people DCing, and the killer queues are much better than they used to be. I checked some killer streamers, and their killer queues were also much better than they used to be.
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It's amazing how this game can never seem to be balanced right. Perks are either buffed to the point of being op, or they're nerfed to the ground.
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Unless you're running add-ons to force the broken status, which I suspect we'll start seeing a lot more of on Legion in particular.
It's really not that difficult to keep people injured for most of the game as Legion using the right combination of addons.
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It is difficult if the survivors are on voice communication. Why build a strategy that is extra weak against voice communication? It’s much more reliable to pick a strategy that is still good against voice communication, because those will often be the most difficult matches.
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Not at all. If they have the broken status effect, it doesn't matter whether they're on comms or not, they physically can't heal.
Most matches aren't against 4 players on comms.
Use the right add-ons and you can keep all four players injured as Legion for most of the match, regardless of whether they're a group using comms or not - you don't even need to apply the broken status to do it. I will still run Thanat on Legion and it will still be effective. These changes will stop me using Thanat on anyone BUT Legion and Plague, however.
Devs stated that Thanat can feel too oppressive on these killers and made it only viable on them, it makes no sense and completely contradicts the entire reason for the change.
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What's that supposed to mean? Thanato is a killer perk, why would killers complain about the only competent slowdown left? It's a survivor complaint
Edit: oh, opposite, sorry, didn't see that
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Good riddance. Thank all the Legion mains who were spamming Thanato every match.
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Legion pin doesn't give the broken status if someone else finishes the mend, which is much easier done with voice comms. And it doesn't need to be a 4 SWF, because the big thana bonus requires all 4 survivors to be affected at the same time. Even if only 2 people are using voice comms, they can still nullify the thana 4 bonus.
Most maps are too large for Legion to reliably have all 4 survivors injured at the same time. All it takes is one survivor to be way on the other side of the map, far away from the other survivors, and then what are you going to do? If you walk all the way to the other side of the map, you have zero pressure on the survivors you just left behind.
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nobody said whining on forum helps only survivors.
Fairly speaking, though, this nerf means or changes nothing. Thana was never broken or overpowered in the first place. Its initial 0,5-4% overall buff and 12,5% increase of gentimes made it stronger by barely a few seconds in general, because it by itself was never really the cause of the problem.
It is other regression and slowdown perks that killers can and run with tunnelling & camping buffs that made survivor unplayable. Especially when stacked together one way or another.
Not to mention that thana was arguably buffed for the killers it was actually problematic, because from the wording in the devblog you can assume it affects action speeds instead of gen speeds which is very solid. Regardless, even if it's not the case, thana still remains very powerful on Legion/Plague, the killers it was actually problematic, while being completely useless on other killers.
So yeah, it was indeed a kneejerk reaction nerf at its finest - BHVR nerfing a scrapegoat and calling it a day.
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Legion mains have always used Thanatophobia. The patch didn't change that. Legion needs something like Thanatophobia as his anti-loop / 1v1 is bad.
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In my experience, people tend not to mend each other when I play Legion. The vast majority of the time people will mend almost immediately after you frenzy them. Good players also generally know not to pair/group up against Legion as it isn't a smart way to play against him.
No map is too large for Never-Sleep Pills / Mural Sketch Legion. I almost always get a down with the fifth hit using these two addons and can virtually run across an entire map, regardless of the size. Someone is at the other side of the map? Not a problem, I can get there, slash them and then come right back, with a speed boost to boot and usually, by that time, at least one other player has already mended and can be slashed again. I can usually keep players injured for most of the match using these two as really, I only have to find one person and start my Feral Frenzy.
The point is, this change will not really alter how oppressive Thanat is against Legion and Plague, it limits it a bit sure and people may need to adjust their builds slightly. It absolutely does make it completely useless on any other killer though.
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Thana is still gonna be a strong perk just not as broken as it was on Legion and Plague.
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Every time I buy or finally get new perks after grinding BP they become useless. thank you very much
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Except it didn’t change anything lol. It’s just trash for everybody else out Legion and Plauge, the biggest offenders are now buffed. They did the exact opposite of what the survivors wanted lol.
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Yes, and when one surv is dead you DON'T NEED IT anymore. three survs can be easily manged without any gen perks.
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Does BHVR really want to encourage these tryhard builds? Instead of Legion just playing normally, they're encouraging Legion to aggressively try to hit and run way more than normal, just to get the big bonus. And even if it's less effective to play like this, it might be a lose lose situation where it's a worse game decision for Legion, and it's way less fun for the survivors since they're constantly being hit and run.
Instead of using frenzy on the survivors in the area, then committing to hook one of them, you're spending way more time just traveling and doing hit and run attacks, which slows down the match a lot, but isn't progressing the game at a decent pace. It's like when Wraith has a 3 gen, and just zooms from one generator to another, chasing the survivors off the generators, but refusing to chase anyone. It's very effective slowdown, but it's really not progressing the game, and it way more boring and tedious for the survivors than it needs to be.
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BUFFED? Did you even check the numbers?
<6.1: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
6.1: 5.5%, 11%, 16.5%, 22%
6.1.2: 2%, 4%, 6%, 20%
The rate is far down for 1-3 survivor, and just the same as before the balancing patch for 4 survs.
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What is it with this irrational fear of corrupt purge? Yes it can be devastating in open fields or low loops, but that's not much different when facing huntress or trickster. And like the two, plague has a hard time puking on you in high loops or indoor maps. Heck, you can end her puke prematurely by pallet stun. Sure she will excpect that and respect pallets, but that you can use against her as well.
I'm under the impression many survivors players just don't want to learn how to deal with her corrupt purge, and thats why they repeat that stupid mantra of NEVER-CLEANSE, even when it kills them. The number of games I had against survivors that threw the game away because they refused to cleanse, even in the most dire situations, is really astonishing.
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another dart board decision brought to you by BHVR, where buffing things means nerfing them to pre-buff status, and overused perks get made basekit and buffed on top
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Personally, I wouldn't consider anything in the game to be considered a "tryhard build" - this seems like something that would be thrown around by people who simply dislike playing against certain builds and is entirely subjective from person to person.
Using Legion's power to stab everyone is surely intended? His ability is entirely built around doing this/hit and run, without that he's just an m1 killer. Why wouldn't you run perks / addons to compliment his one and only upside? This, to me IS playing Legion "normally". I certainly haven't found it less effective and less effective than what, I have to ask? Stabbing two people and downing a third with m1 after a chase which will likely last longer than the time it takes to get a fifth hit?
I generally have 3 survivors mending and one being downed as a result of the fifth hit with those addons. Surely this is the most optimal/effective way to use his ability and definitely progresses the game as the person downed is being hooked. Does the game often progress slower for survivors? Yes, but that's my objective as a killer, isn't it?
If I don't manage to get the fifth hit or know that I can't, then I commit to hooking someone else. I don't understand how getting less hits, less downs, having less pressure on survivors AND spending more time doing so can possibly be any more effective.
The addon I mentioned gives Legion 10 extra seconds of Frenzy, so you're only spending an additional 10 seconds per stab travelling the map at most. Against good survivors this is generally shorter than the time it would take to cancel frenzy and commit to a chase, in which case, you still have other survivors on the map who aren't being pressured at all.
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Hitting all the survivors in an area and then chasing one of them would be normal. Trying really hard to hit all 4 survivors when they are on opposite sides of the map, where some of the won't even show up on killer instinct because they are so far away from Legion, just to try to squeeze out a bit of extra slowdown, is a bit excessive. How would you even know which direction to run in if the survivors are too far away to show up on killer instinct?
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So typical of the devs to bend to the crying survivors.
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No the hell its not better for every other killer.
Why do you people have this weird idea that if you're not legion or plague suddenly survivors can instantly heal themselves and all 4 of them run around with no injuries at all?
This is a nerf overall to every killer, in every scenario.
It went from a snowball perk that anyone can they turn it into a generic hit 1 person and barely get the old bonuses?
BHVR at this point just likes trolling numbers.
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"normal" by whose definition? Does everyone have to play the same or "normal"? Why handicap yourself to being just an m1 killer and deny yourself the one good thing about Legion's ability (to be able to down with the fifth stab), just to play "normal"?
I don't use it, but, distressing can increase your terror radius making it easier to find those who aren't quite as close. I guess game experience tells me which direction to run. Generally I have a pretty good idea which side of the map and/or where survivors are and which gens are being worked on throughout the match as I'm patrolling gens and/or consistently using Feral Frenzy when I find a survivor, which then tells me where others are. The knowledge you get from a lengthy Feral Frenzy is incredibly useful. Only the most coordinated groups seem to spread out to each corner of the map and they're so rare that it really isn't worth worrying about. With the addons I mentioned you'll likely still get several hits regardless.
It's also worth mentioning that without those addons, you'll often be in situations where nobody shows up on killer instinct anyway, unless you're playing on a small map, since the duration of Feral Frenzy is so short.
I'm simply making the most of a killer who really isn't that great and maximising the potential of his ability. To me, this seems like the most effective and optimal way to play him.
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2% is “far down” to you? 🤣
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EVERY MATCH was basically a Thanat match... MAYBE if killers didnt hardcore abuse it.. it wouldnt have deserved a nerf.. but EVERY killer practically abused this soo bye bye... And i'm not gunna shed a single tear.. the nerf was needed.