R.I.P Thanataphobia

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415


there are really only 2 killers that had the biggest advantage of this perk and that is Legion and Plague.

Now, after a survivor dies or DC ( 12% penalty only applies to 4 survivors ), you just manage 6% with 3 survivors injured at the same time and that's way too little.

What about the Perks like: Prove Thyself, Overzealous, Resilience, Deja vu ? You can't compensate that with Thana alone anymore.

Too bad: from a top tier to an absolutely dead perk. I am at a loss for words....



  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    These increased gen speed perks are mega popular right now because of the slowdown perks killers are running. Its a back and forth. Regardless, you'll still have other gen slow builds you can still go in the future. Plaything + Pentimento can still give insane value when it comes to gen slows (although the counter is pretty simple) if thats what your looking for.

    Theres really no need for such doomer posts when there are a plethora of other viable builds killers can run. Regardless I don't think thana was that insane on any other killer except plague and legion AND its still good on them. You'll be ok!

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    The devs really should do balances in moderation. Like how they handled COH. That’s how they should approach every perk.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    What you are saying is that they should balance killer perks the way they balance survivor perks.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    At least they are not nerfing the killer perks while saying it is a "buff"

  • Bubble0seven
    Bubble0seven Member Posts: 115

    LMFAO yeah guys not like survivors also made a million posts about the death of dead hard or the nerf to DS and lately the forever ending threads about camping and tunelling but as soon as a killer says anything about one of thier perks and takes the focus away from the survivors its a problem.....okie dokie :) Continue

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Hey I was sick of those as well, I just didn't see them all in an abundance like today, probably because I've nothing better to do than read the forum today

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    Huh? No. How did you manage to turn this into a “us vs. them??” Nothing in my statement remotely suggested that. Cmon now. Sigh.

    When they are attempting to nerf or buff something, do a little at a time. So when they were trying to nerf COH, they nerfed it once- didn’t like the numbers, then nerfed it again (might have actually been 3 times total but I can’t remember). The good thing about how they handled it, was the moderation. They didn’t overdo it in one shot.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
    edited August 2022

    It's a public thread, if my presence offends you, your problem.

    When you accuse someone of something and get proven wrong, it isn't bait, it's just you being wrong. Accept it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    It's a good change. It's still decent on Plague and Legion, just not as annoying.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    And despite this nerf, Thana is still pretty much essential on Plague in order to get survivors cleansing.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Rest in Peace, Thana. You'll go right there in the same place of my heart where Ruin took refuge after its nerf.


    Joking, I main Legion. (And also, don't run Thana.)

  • loveontherocks
    loveontherocks Member Posts: 22

    It's not "painfully strong" on Plague and Legion...it's a bad perk on everyone now. Maybe on Plague it's alright because it gives survivors a reason to cleanse at least one guy, but on Legion? It's garbage.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Funnny to see all the killer crying in vein for a single perk while getting some other stupid combo back in the same patch. Killer hypocrisy at its best.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    rip a perk that was only used on two killers practically all the time

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I am really not sure if it's still going to be a problem on those two killers though. It got nerfed for them less than for all other killers, but it still won't be as strong on them either. Whether it's enough or not I do not know.

    But I feel like it's going to be good but not op anymore on those two killers and useless on every other killer. Which is definitely not the ideal way to nerf Thana. But I'd rather have it nerfed like this than not at all.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2022

    the nerf was ok , but the way that perk works now , only becomes useful just using plague / legion again 🤔 but definetly a solid nerf for those legions / plagues that likes to stack a lot of slowdown😴 , i find thana boring so thats why i never used on my legion , however the change to PR+DMS is pretty bad , once again that annoying combo is back with slower gens speeds , thats not good 🙄

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,642

    Ah yes, let us nerf this perk on everyone, EXCEPT on the killers that actually need Thanatophobia nerf.

    Pretty good job so far, BHVR.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,046

    Posting a quick reminder to keep the discussion civil and on-topic, please.

    Secondly, a reminder to one and all this is a public forum. Everyone is welcome to participate threads and conversations, so long as those participating follow the Forum rules when doing so. Thank you.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    It will be weaker on Legion (or rather, easier to meaningfully counter, though make no mistake it's still going to be miserable to go against) but Plague has absolutely no issue keeping everyone injured and she directly benefits with a power burst when anyone heals. Even the 'cleanse in a bad spot for Plague' strategy will only work twice-ish before there's no inconvenient fountains anymore... unless you're on Swamp or RPD, I suppose. Add in her infection time addons and/or Prayer Tablet Fragment and she can effectively lock down all the gens if she pleases, meaning there's no way to progress the game without getting injured. But even without those, once you have a few survivors infected, it's difficult for the others to stay clean between unhooks and gens others are working on. As with all things, comms is better at keeping someone healthy or timing cleanses so that the person isn't immediately forced to get infected again.

    So for Plague, this change is a slower start to the slowdown and a nerf from 22% to 20%. But the issue 6.1 brought is only partially the 2% increase, which isn't very noticeable on its own - it was the base gen time increasing and therefore making all slowdowns more impactful. And she can still stack Plaything/Penti or DL (Gift of Pain isn't great on her for the healing requirement, so at least there's that much.)

    Point is, I don't think thana Plague is going to be noticeably less awful to verse than she was before.

  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    I used to think survivors were more boring when it came to crying than killers, but now I see it's on the same level. It's obvious why Thanatophobia was nerfed. I don't know about you, but the highest rate of use was in Plague and Legion, with me I even saw Nurses using it. The nerf was well deserved, as it is being impossible, especially for SoloQ players, to make generators and have some win rate. Just stop crying and learn to play the game with no progress delay perk.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    ...Can you even read? The issue is that they largely failed to nerf Thana for the killers it was best on, but nerfed it for the killers it was mediocre to subpar on. Ergo they did not fix the problem it presented, just slimmed down the roster so that only the problem killers can run it, which is the absolute opposite of what they purportedly intended with 6.1 of increasing perk variety. Yeah, I saw Thana on a lot of different killers post-patch, but it's not a great perk unless you can reliably keep everyone injured and it did not have too much impact on those non-Plague/Legion games unless it was stacked with stuff like Gift of Pain and Plaything. I had much more trouble with killers who were stacking the gen kick perks than I did with Thanatophobia, outside of the two juggernauts.

    Also, I play both sides fairly evenly and I've almost exclusively been complaining about solo queue issues this patch, so you've even failed to correctly typecast me. It's honestly impressive how far off the mark your post is.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Can't speak for others but I dont even remember the last time I let the killer get use out of that combo. Maybe my teammates might break'em, but I just boon over hexes knowing there will be no repercussions.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Can we please stop saying Thana will still be good on Legion/Plague? How much of the game do they really have all 4 survivors injured for a significant amount of time? The perk is literally garbage tier if only 1, 2, or 3 survivors are injured (and stay injured long enough for the 4th to get injured). 3 survivors injured = 5.4 extra seconds on a gen that starts from 0 lmao.

    That last sentence says it all. "learn to play the game with no progress delay perk" - translation: Pick nurse/blight or enjoy losing all gens in under 5 minutes because survivor fun is all that matters lmao.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Legion maybe, but Plague can absolutely consistently get all 4 survivors injured for long periods of time, and if they counter it, she gets extremely powerful for a duration as a reward. Legion is extremely good at injuring people but awful at securing downs, which is why he gets included for getting the benefit, since their injure frequency can easily keep up with mending and healing enough to stalemate the two. It feels like the change was designed specifically to counter that about legion, and yet it only partially did, while making it extremely less viable on almost all other killers, and plague is just sittin pretty with the new condition change.

    That said, the first 3 stacks are absolutely horrendous. If i had to guess the idea was to try to make killers need to commit more to injuring all 4 people as an attempt to reduce tunneling or camping or something, and they just picked the worst possible way to try to implement that. People will just drop the perk and life goes on with no actual problems being addressed, like usual.

  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    Definitely agree, thats why I say the counterplay is just very easy. However, if your base killer mechanics are good on its own , the build along with deadlock is super oppressive imo

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Honestly, I feel you, the constant barrage of these perks suck and they nerfed these perks to death is tiring especially after the huge meta perk change list where everyone was trying to up everyone else over how much it was awful for them lol. I had to leave to stop using the forum then because it just made me upset because like everyone was negative.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    It’s ironic that they said they didn’t want to make any “knee-jerk reactions” after 6.1. But this Thana change is 100% a knee-jerk reaction lol. Great job.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Killers got 10-12% Thana Base Kit (80 ----> 90s gens) sooo, please. Dont cry so much

  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    First of all we mention thanatophobia always as the "isolated" perk, but we know that it is always accompanied by Sloppy or some perk that delays the time to heal, it starts there. Second, you must be a whiny main killer who relies solely on perks. If you play without knowing your basic killer kit, and use generator delay perks as your crutch for your lack of skill, I recommend you find a SWF group, and play survivor, where you'll have tons of perks to enjoy. And one point you made was about "don't use delay perks, and get generators in 5 minutes.". I really don't know what DbD you've been playing. My winrate as a survivor didn't have a win after the update, and it's not because I'm bad. I don't do SWF, I play in SoloQ. Every match being the same story of thanatophobia, sloppy and a high mobility killer has become boring and stressful, and I'm a main killer. Just look at all sides of the situation before claiming nonsense like this.

  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    My situation was frustration with mobility killers, and incredibly many match-up encounters with killer Nemesis. Since sometimes his hit box ignores hitting a survivor on the other side of a pallet, instead of breaking the pallet itself, it became advantageous until the moment I was playing. But anyway thanatophobia since it received its buff in previous patches for total 20% delay in generator time has always been a strong perk. After the 6.1.0 update (the burial of BHVR by DbD), the perk became absurd. It was always the same issue, of tanaphobia, sloppy, and I found situations where nurses calling was being used. These were the killers I encountered during my post patch experience that caused me to abandon the game, and despite that, I still follow the forums in hopes that someone at BHVR will see how they're sinking the game and save it as they go. Thanatophobia in my opinion is still a good delay perk, even after the rework, but the emphasis remains on the high-using killers, Legion, Plague, and Nurse, who manage to leave everyone injured or broken.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    edited August 2022

    I should probably go to every "Thana was nerfed" thread and comment things like:

    "Don't complain, it's time to adapt to changes"

    "git gud"

    "You need to give it time until you can adjust to the new meta"

    "You don't need to rely on a perk to win"

    It's the kind of comments survivors have been getting since the patch.

    Also, the fact that you complain about Thana and you double the bet by trying to get more survivors perks nerfed because you had your crutch perk nerfed is hypocritical.

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    More perks should become weaker when someone dies for killer. The biggest balance issue in the game is survivors have 0 catchup mechanics. If you get down early at all the game is over.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I played for a few hours yesterday and I'm surprised the perk isn't dead.

    Every game bar 1 the killer was using this perk. I only had 1 Wraith, 1 Plague and 1 Legion.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    It's really not. It's not like Plague and Legion can effortlessly get the full team to be injured all the time in every game. Not to mention that the perk suddenly loses a tremendous amount of value once one survivor is dead.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    All the survivor main community knows to do is to whine, even if they are the ones to be blamed by how bad their matches can be and their allergic reaction to kindred. Expect more killers nerfs in the future, if it wasnt already enough