Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.




  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    In my post I suggested a proximity chat, rather than a discord like voice chat, please tell me why you still think that would be broken.

  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    I want random voice coms because some people who are on console CAN'T use discord, or there are some people who aren't on a swf because 1. They don't know about dbd discord servers 2. They know they are bad and don't want to burden people on discord with bad skills (which was me for a while) and plenty of other reasons I'm sure, all I know is that a vc within the game would fix a lot of issues. Also plenty of my friends who liked playing dbd said they stopped playing purely because there was no way to talk to people. There are plenty of reasons to add a vc to a game, but you haven't really given a good reason as to why not, so please, I insist.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    The way i would do it is if someone pings saying that the gen is at 90% it gives a sound and image notification letting the other players which gen is close to being done they don't have to go looking for it.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Useless survivors will be useless survivors obviously, but the perk is going to work well for those who are paying attention. Kindred gives critical info to people when it is needed the most. Not everyone you play with is going to know how to play due to no proper mmr system, but the ones who do will get good use out of it.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    There are plenty of reasons to add a vc to a game, but you haven't really given a good reason as to why not, so please, I insist. Voice comms lead to harassment, some gamers just want to rage, some feel the need to racially/sexually harass others, etc.

    You act like this doesn't happen, but it has happened and will happen again.

    Even if players could just turn it off, that leads to harassment in post-game chat.

    BHVR implemented chat filters for a reason, voice comms would literally be a step backwards.

    "There are plenty of reasons to add a vc to a game, but you haven't really given a good reason as to why not, so please, I insist."

    No game needs VC, and there are almost no good reasons to add VC to DbD. The only thing survivors would benefit from is knowing who is in chase. The most common dialogue in a try-hard SWF. All the game needs is mini-tentacles for non-obsession survivors.

    Why would I want to hear someone saying "I'm in chase" while the HUD could tell me in less time/effort?

  • FrostySnow
    FrostySnow Member Posts: 24

    I would suggest making a walkie talkie item. Needs to be turned on to work, uses batteries (add on items) different clarity speakers (another add on) and has an effective range (tier 1/2/3) Can be dropped or lost, possibly found in a chest. It will bring voice coms into the game in a limited fashion, and give BHVR a way to limit its use if need be. And if you don't want to run it on a build, you don't have to.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    imagine there were a toggle where you could -

    press one to say : I am on a gen

    press two to say : I am going for the save

    press three to say : I am being chased / the killer stopped chasing

    press four to say : I am healing

    People who have been playing the game a long time have a sense of what needs to happen and when. They can tell if someone was saving and got interrupted. Just one of these events can save minutes per game. How?

    If you know exactly when the killer leaves chase then he's going to change targets. This gives you 10 seconds to get ready before they can even possibly ever see/hear you. Not getting into a chase immediately can force the killer to go to a different part of the map. This sometimes happens several times in a row vs a SWF with good communication.

    Imagine a scenario where 0-3 people go save. If three people go save then 30 seconds are not used to repair by three people. That's 60 second of objective lost because two people should be working on generators.

    Why is all of this problematic? The killer objective is longer than the survivor objective by minutes even after the generator changes if you play efficiently as survivor.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly; you can do a Quick Chat system; in which it comes up with prerecorded messages. (Not voice dialogue, more premade text messages that will be notified to the team) in which the Survivors could update the team on their status. It also comes with Status icons that will be implemented on the Survivors portraits, to let everyone know what they are doing and what is happening.

    The Quick Chat option, can be used when you get the free time; to send a to your team or a particular surviving teammate; like.... "Claudette, let me heal you!" Or "Dwilight, Help me do a Generator" or even "Everyone, I will distracted the killer!" (You can also mention whom the killer is also, once the Survivors see killer for the first time). Equipping certain perks, will also notify your teammates on what you can do and what you have and can do. It even more useful, if the game can detect multiple Survivors in close proximity of each other, reveal to everyone that you are running certain perks and builds too.

    Example: Just imagine you started healing a Survivor, both of you are injured; until you realize the other Survivor has Autodidact, as the perk icon will appear above their heads when you two or more come close to each other. Same can happen with Generators, when more then 1 Survivors is fixing a generator, you can see the Dwilight also happens to brought along Prove Thyself.

    As nice as Voice Promixity chat is more immersive, it would make killers more strong and it will be somewhat of a weakness to solo ques; plus SWF can simply use third party applications without using game voice chat if enabled.

    Anyway to buff Solo Que to be on par with SWF, when it comes to information gathering without perks; as well as giving Survivors a means to communicate without spamming crouch button or two emotes. Or even shaking your camera in any direction to mess with the heads nods.

  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    And my point is that a vc or prox chat will help those useless survivors be less useless, you make a valid point on how it will help people who know what they are doing, do better, but I'm saying thats not the biggest issue with solo Q, which I believe are the useless survivors doing things that arent going to win the game.

  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    Look, VC gamer rage is a thing in almost every multiplayer game out there, how do you think their player base survives? The reason why is because Voice comms actually help more than it hurts, YES I GET IT, there are some toxic people out there who will rage, that will never change, and if someone is worried about harrasement in endgame chat after turning vc off, the simple fix is to have an option to disable endgame chat. There are work arounds to these problems that you aren't considering.

    "No game needs VC, and there are almost no good reasons to add VC to DbD. The only thing survivors would benefit from is knowing who is in chase."

    This statement is just completely wrong it boggles my mind. Lets say you take vc out of overwatch, or out of any modern FPS for that matter, but especially overwatch due to its focus on teamwork, taking out Voice chat in that game is basically the same as taking out coordination period, I know because I played competitvely in overwatch. Saying no game needs vc is just dead wrong.

    And I list like 3 good reasons as to why we should add vc to the game:


    1. "Think of how many times you’ve solo queued in dbd and come across a Claudette hiding in a bush, a David unhooking you when the killer is right next to you, or a Dwight who is completely clueless and doesn’t know what to do.

    Not only would a proximity chat allow you to make the game more survivable, it would also help these new players get into the swing of things, and feel more comfortable playing the game, adding to the overall health of DBD.

    1. When a trapper has set a trap near your hooked body and the Nea coming to rescue you is on a direct course to step on the trap

    In this situation, the only thing you need to do is warn the survivor that there is a trap, but you simply cannot. Adding a proximity chat would help survivors learn to be more aware of killers power within the game, and avoid stepping into a trap that would more than likely put the game in jeopardy.

    1. Think of the times where you had a perk such as deliverance, or the “try to hook me build” (flip-flop, boil over, unbreakable), but the survivors you were playing with had no idea, so you try to use these perks against the killer, they try to unhook you when they could be doing a gen, they don’t body block for you because the hook seems too close. Ultimately, these perks become useless and get no value in many situations.

    If you were able to just simply tell a survivor next to you, or while you’re on the hook, what build you are running, not only would new survivors be able to learn about different perks in the game and what they do, it would allow for a plethora of coordination where originally it would be absent. Also the argument that you could tell people before the game is kind of dumb, as there are so many inconsistent variables, such as, they may be a console player, or they are afk and not looking at the screen."


    No matter what way you look at it, these are good reasons to add a vc to the game and will also add to the health of the game in the long run, and I just want to point out that I'm not really focusing on the 'relaying info' part of the discussion, but rather helping new players and knowing the perks you are running side of things. I also suggested in my edit that a scroll wheel should also be added for those who don't want to play with vc on to compensate.

    And how is the only thing you can benefit from a vc knowing who is in chase? Have you ever played a swf? If you have, you know this is completely untrue.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    Absolutely not.

    Between players who dont speak english, players who sinply ignore it, players who use it to be racist, homophobic or otherwise offensive, and just flat out children, there is absolutely no way this would improve solo survivor in any way, purely negatives all round.

    What soloq needs is info, not garbled slurs screamed at you in Russian.

    That means:

    Being able to see your teammates loadouts.

    Contextual action icons over player portraits.

    A quick chat function that includes maybe 4 to 6 preset messages.

    Some kind of limited ping system, like killer instinct for survivors.

    Soloq doesn't actually need that much, it just needs to be able to convey some limited but crucial information. Its still up to the players to act on that information correctly, but you can never fix that.

  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    I like your straightforward response, but to say that there is no benefit to a vc is straight up ignorant, you didn't bring up why any of my points I made are invalid, so I have no reason to believe that you actually took the time to read the post.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Baseline aura reading sounds better than VC.

    Last thing I need in this game is Claudia on hook yelling at me in Italian while Im being chased

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Yo, this is exactly the problem with VC. I responded to someone else's message and you feel the need to change my opinion.

    You can think you're right as much as you want, but this is all your opinion. In no way do I want to hear people who think they know more than others talk down to people in DbD.

    If I heard you in VC on my team, I'd just DC and watch something on YouTube/Twitch.

  • Neona66
    Neona66 Member Posts: 6

    if a prox chat was added, a lot of people would already stop being toxic, because if you think about it, more people are comfortable talking ######### through line of text, rather than through actual word of mouth, with the addition of a prox chat, many people will be kinder to others purely because that's how people work socially.

    Completely wrong. If the voice chat was added the toxic players won't wait for the end game chat to talk **** about you, they will talk **** about you in the game the moment they feel like it. Have you played other competitive games with voice chat? Being able to speak rather than writing in chat never ever stops the trolls and toxic players to talk ****. On the contrary, they love it! Especially considering that reporting people for bad manners doesn't do anything in dbd, there is no in-game moderation system like in most competitive games.

    It will increase the toxicity tenfold.

    You yourself state that no one plays this game immersed. Voice chat will not be used solely for in-game strategy discussions. It will be used to talk **** about others who make a single mistake. Especially considering the frustrating nature of this game.

    If you want to hear children swears every match or some incredibly loud music or some trolling when someone will play the terror radius heart beat sounds the whole match then yes voice chat is a good idea.

  • jaawn
    jaawn Member Posts: 80

    100% agree with this. More (and clearer info) and some kind of quick communication feature (e.g. "I'm on my way to the hook" or "they found me!" or "heal here" etc... with reasonable cooldowns/anti-spam measures). It needs to be easy to use, encouraged, and obvious. That would help way more than voice chat without the downsides.

  • SnRw
    SnRw Member Posts: 29

    thanks for assuming that i think I am smarter than everyone... this is a discussion, the entire reason I did this was so I could change your mind, for the record I don't assume I am smarter than anyone, that is the way of an idiot

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    This would fix nothing.

    I don't think even 5% of the playerbase will use it