i miss my bbq

my beloved no longer can get 4 stacks i miss my bbq
"Was I a good perk?"
"No... I'm told you were the best."
Rest in peace BBQ & Chili, 2017-2022. A faithful companion that funded many a bloodweb.
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We all do, buddy!
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Why, devs?
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I miss it too. I really wish the devs would rethink this nerf that nobody asked for. It’s by far my biggest complaint about the update.
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I feel like I appreciate BBQ for who BBQ is now, and not for shallow reasons like BP anymore.
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As the saying goes, you don't realize what you have until it's gone. 😞
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"KiLlErS aRe StIlL uSiNg BbQ, sO iT wAsN't JuSt UsEfUl FoR tHe BPs!!!!11"
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I also miss the real BBQ
It gave me a goal in the game that wasn't just killing all 4 survivors and I'd always go out of my way to make sure I got my 4 stacks, even if that cost me a kill. But it didn't matter because I had 4 stacks!
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Yeah, even the equivalent for survivors was nice (We're gonna live forever?). Gave you a reason to make saves.
Why would they even remove the bonus BP perks when BP is "slow" to get anyways and now we need even more.
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The devs removed the bonus BP because they know the grind keeps people playing. They made up a lame excuse that they “didn’t want players choosing a perk only for more BP” even though literally nobody other than the devs thought that this was a problem. So what if people wanted to use a perk slot for more BP?
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I know you're being sarcastic but overall BBQ use has dropped significantly since the points were removed.
People really want to think BBQ made them lose their matches
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Bbq taught us how to do so much. Even when I didn't have it on my build I knew where survivors were because of the training it gave me.
Bbq taught me how to control the map from near and afar.
Bbq taught me to go hook everyone and earn my bp and rewarded me for doing it.
Bbq...I miss you...
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Me too. 4 stacks was like an alternate win condition. I miss it dearly.
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I know, but in the last couple of days there have been a few unironic topics lamenting exactly this, ie that a good portion of killers were still using BBQ, ergo we all lied in the past.
Still, BBQ was such a well designed package: everyone wanted to use it for the BPs, and if single-handedly prevented more camping and tunneling via its carrot method, then any stick could ever do: at the very least you would want 3 stacks, if not 4, and after hooking you got a new target a good jog away, so someone else could unhook your latest victim. Purrrrrfect.
Oh well, I wonder what some of the killers are gonna do now?
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I still don't know what they were thinking about with nerfing the "healthy" aspect of a perk like bbq... it literally incentivized killers to move away from the hook.
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Especially since my grind seems either bo different or significantly worse......
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gaining BP now sucks fixed the grind yea right.
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Both effects of BBQ do that to some degree, but the aura reading is more useful on killers with good map travel.
I wish people would stop asking to bring it back though, BBQ was a wasted perk slot for some killers and limited build options.
anyone who said BBQ was only used because it was 'OP' can eat crow now haha
Post edited by Sludge on0 -
It really was a lame excuse. At the end of the day it's all about choice, and if people chose to use a perk that guaranteed more blood points, then so what? Let them, but naturally that would mean it would decrease the grind even more, and BHVR can't have that. 😕
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The grind is so slow now. I honestly forgot how bad it was without bbq.
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^ This. Getting my BBQ 4-stack was my win condition.
I not only miss BBQ, but I've lost the motivation to play. My whole goal is gone, so matches feel aimless, pointless, and not rewarding at all.
I really wonder how many killer players out there are like me and have lost interest due to this change. The killers with the very playstyle most survivors want, spreading the love so survivors have a chance at a fun, well-rounded match.
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I too have lost the desire to play killer. Even if you didn't secure any kills, at least you knew that thanks to BBQ your hard effort was rewarded with a lot of blood points. Now thanks to the gutting of the perk it takes 2-3 matches just to earn what you used to be able to get in just one, especially if you had a really rough match. Simply put, this is one grind I don't care for.
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Eh cmon. I felt compelled to run bbq on all killers. Yeah its sad that its gone but it was a good change.
Im sad they didnt incorperate it into the game though.
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Anyone else feel like survivors taste like cold microwave dinners after the BBQ nerf? I miss the succulent meat falling off the bone with enough crisp from the grill reminiscent of that flavor Texas is known for.
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Yeah its sad that its gone but it was a good change.
It wasn't.
It would have been a good change if they baked it into the basekit, but they didn't, so it wasn't a good change.
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Say what you want mate, im happy with feeling like i have 4 perks to play with instead of 3.
I know i could have just ignored bbq in the first place but it just felt necessary
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You already had 4 perks to play with.
You simply chose to equip BBQ over something else. Noone forced you to do so.
Stop defending what BHVR did, because even you said that it is sad that it's gone.
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I feel like im talking to a parrot.
Yes honey i know, thats exactly what i said, no need to repeat it like that 🥰
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Sometimes I try to think the devs are sabotaging the game just so we can all play Civilization instead.
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Ok, what about this.
The fact that some people felt "forced" to run BBQ means that the bloodpoints gained are too low, so removing the bloodpoint bonus without offering a real, consistent alternative to obtain the same result is detrimental, and can't be considered a "good change", no matter how you look at it.
Post edited by Lycidas on7 -
I dont miss it.
I am quite happy to not use the Perk anymore. The main reason to run it was just the feeling of missing out of something (double BPs). Sure, it is nice to just play a few games of Killer and reach the Cap, but it is fine like it is now as well.
I only run BBQ on Killers where it makes sense (like Nurse, Blight or Billy) and I am happy with that.
Also, I really did not like how bad of an incentive it was. It should have been an incentive to go for different Survivors all the time to get the Stacks, in reality the Killer can easily tunnel out one person and STILL get the double BPs.
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Nothing more BHVR than removing BP perks because they "totally reduced the grind" and created matchmaking incentives, but they're bugged so there's actually nothing that helps. Not like you'd ever see an incentive as a killer anyway.
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Killers will also benefit from the incentive, because their queue times will be faster.
And IMO, the incentive is not really good anyway. If I get camped on my first Hook and end up with 3k; i am not happy that this amount of BP is doubled.
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I'm still a bit sad/salty they didn't give BBQ a neat secondary effect like they did to WGLF
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That's deep, lol
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Did you not use the aura reading it gave you? If so, congratulations, you were running 4 perks, if you just ignored it, then yeah it was only 3 perks, but that was your choice
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Holly must miss that tasty BBQ chili as well 😔
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As soon as BBQ was changed (removal of Chili bloodpoints), didn't everyone notice there was a major upswing in camping? Like, I mean to disgusting levels.
The carrot and the stick.
The carrot was removed for killers to go for what @Ghoste calls the alternate win condition offered by BBQ & Chili.
Now if you remove the carrot, it must either be replaced with another carrot (it wasn't) or a Stick, to give a punishing slap to killer players every time they camp.
Yes, I acknowledge BBQ has half-decent value now even without the bloodpoint stacks, but it rarely finds room in my build anymore.
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Me too.
Why not add a bonus for killer that works like BBQ basekit? 25% bonus for 2 unique hooks, 37.5% for 3, and 50% for 4 hooks.
Same with survivor, but for every 50% gen progress you've done, same as emblem, every safe rescue, protection hit, grasp save, and gen completed while you were in chase.
That would help a ton.
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Holly isn't allowed to have BBQ; too much sugar in the sauces. I know some spices can be bad for cats so she only gets plain chicken if I BBQ something
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just make the dam bonus from tho perks basekit what the big deal I like think hear from any dev on here but most been silent about it.
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this is true one of the big reason camping is much bigger now I mean why go for someone else no more BP bonus for doing soo.
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Everyone but BHVR noticed it.
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The developers have claimed that players do run it for its aura reading and not for the bloodpoint bonus, even though thousands after thousands of players have been literally proving them otherwise by telling them so during their livestreams, on official forum here, on Steam, and possibly even somewhere else..
However, they've still, apparently, felt that people have been lying or making it up.
They've proven in the past that they're lying or contradicting themselves, so this was to be expected; What got me the most was that people have been actually in agreement with the loss of WGLF's and BBQ's main effects (BP bonus) in exchange for prestiging without losing any offerings, items, and add-ons.. Even though numerous people have been repeatedly telling them that it'd only increase the grind to the next level. No, they didn't budge at all.
I feel like the developers are at a loss of what to do.
On one side, there're players claiming they do use it for BP, on the other side, people aren't claiming anything, but that they'd gladly „give those perks away“ in exchange of the prestige reworks.. Even though it increases the grind.
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I still use BBQ now for the auras even after the BP were removed.
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I miss the old days of DBD in general, before the artist, after she was released, Freddy's addons got nerfed, ST got removed, Bubba's mask were gone, NFT controversy. has made the game quite stale for me, i still like this game, but the magic has kinda worn off
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Ironically I never used BBQ before the patch because I don’t care that much about the bloodpoint bonus and the aura isn’t as good for me as some other perks. But since the patch I’ve used it periodically because Lethal Pursuer buffs its duration which is a fun combo. So I’m actually using BBQ more now than before it got nerfed.
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with the BBQ&C bonus got no matter if the still use the perk or not there rise in camping because killer don't have reason go for someone else.
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wdym good change? who tf was complaining about bbq 💀
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Especially when the grind is increased for new players smh