Behavior, what was the motivation behind nerfing Mettle of Man?

The beauty of Mettle of Main was that once you get it - it is unconditional free health state that you would not lose unless you allow yourself to be grabbed.
Now this perk abides by conspicuous actions, doesnt work while deep wounded, and makes your aura be revealed whenever you have Endurance. It is a horrible rework making the perk much weaker. I don't understand what was this for.
The amount of effort you needed to do to get that free healthstate was almost always not worth it. That's what made it meme tier
Having to have ways to heal yourself 2 times and getting 3 protection hits is a lot to be doing
New MoM is a single protection hit and a heal and you are ready to double block for a tunneled teammate
In the heavy tunnel meta we are in and with how it's much more concistantly activated makes it a much better perk overal.
How people can call this a nerf is mindboggling to me
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It’s because they enjoy watching Scoot Jun meme around.
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The largest motivation was probably consistency. They didn't want to have "endurance effects" that behaved one way and "mettle of man" that behaved in an entirely unique way.
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This^. Just read the dev update post. They openly say MoM was an outlier.
It doesn't mean the change was good. Nor that they didn't make ad hoc exceptions in the past when it suited them.
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Knowing BHVR, they probably thought they were buffing it.
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Old MoM was unique Im so sad, it was one of my favorite perks...
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You know, perks are nerfed because they're too overused, oppressive, or overperform. So... None of those reasons clearly.
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The intention behind the change to Mettle of Man is to make it more consistent with other Endurance perks - there was quite a bit of confusion around the Endurance effect specifically why some perks had the Conspicuous Actions side effect but Mettle didn't, so the change for consistency was made.
It's definitely something we're keeping an eye on and watching the feedback and how it plays out closely, I do believe we also have a few bug reports in on it at the moment so it doesn't seem to be working as intended, which makes it difficult to get more accurate feedback.
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At this point, they could partial revert it to version 1.0 with it requiring 2 basic attacks and it still wouldn't be good.
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Version 1.0? I think you meant the previous version, version 1.0 was activated with 3 basic attacks, not protection hits, with 2 that would be hilariously overpowered.
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It’s both a significant buff and nerf. It’s a lot easier to charge up now but it’s also now only lasts as long as you don’t help progress the game. How that all balances out… 🤷♂️
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"Consistency" is the new excuse for everything unreasonable.
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I'm really deeply sorry, you all can't abuse your stacking endurance anymore and actually have to make educated decisions, WHEN to take a hit. Especially in this endurance/bodyblocking meta, we have been in for the past few years, changes like this are more than welcome to anyone who actually cares about fair play.
But I do not expect any of the former perk/status effect abusers to fully understand that, of course :D
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What? Nothing about Mettle of Man was overpowered in the slightest. You had to take 3 protection hits to get it activate. Now it's probably even weaker.
I also have no idea how we are in an endurance/bodyblock meta.
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The thing is, in addition to that (which inherently weakens it), you guys also changed it so that it tells the killer it's active. Against any intelligent killer, the perk is close to worthless. You can't progress the game at all because you'll lose the perk you worked hard to get, but the killer can also see that you have active Mettle and knows two things: one, that you're a worse target than anyone else and should not be chased if there's any other option, and two, you're safe to ignore because you can't do gens. You know how sometimes you'll get a survivor following the killer around going clicky-click, and it's generally a good idea to ignore them because they aren't doing objectives anyway? Mettle is that assurance on steroids, and more than that, it straight-up tells you when the survivor has given up their Endurance and returned to progressing the game. You can even see their last known location if you were paying attention. The only thing you can do with Mettle now is bodyblock, and at that point, you're better off bringing a styptic.
I would have been perfectly fine with Mettle retaining its special Endurance status because you had to do so much in order to get it. It was very difficult to activate, not always possible, and involved more or less throwing the game in order to obtain. There was a reason it was a meme perk. Now it's not even that.
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...There was only one time we had an Endurance meta, and it never made it to live servers.
Also, if you're complaining about Mettle of Man of all things... good lord, dude. I have precisely once in my career encountered a problem with it, and that squad wasn't really doing gens anyway. Usually that perk was a killer benefit because people would throw themselves in your way without any benefit other than gaining a stack. They might get one free hit, but you got three.
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Nerf billy, freddy, MoM, and calm spirit. But buff nurse i guess. Lol. I try to defend where i can but this is getting insane.
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Even as a killer main let me say: MoM is officially worse than no mither. Ive been trying some solo q survivor because of killer queue times lately and this is ridiculous they nerfed Mom
I ran a no mither/resilience/Deja vu build a few games in a row and cranked out 2 gens solo each game. With plague and legion running rampant several of them my entire team was injured most of the game but at least my grunts of pain were ignored. Current meta is that no mither is LITERALLY better than MoM. I would 100% run no mither over Mom every match if I had to pick one or the other.
I need to take multiple hits, get healed by someone else taking them off a gen, I myself can't do a gen, AND the killer can see my aura meaning they KNOW I have the mettle of man endurance power, plus its all for one measly endurance effect? I can just pop a syptic. Or just you healed and take a regular hit
Mean while with no mither I have a minor ability to avoid detection against plague/legion who are being played a lot right now (might change after the thana nerf, but I've always felt they were underrated and people may have learned that now.), get infinite unbreakable against baby killers/ if teammates hover and distract the killer, and can do instant 9% bonus with resilience from start of the match. Stacking with distortion I've popped my first gen EVERY match with this build.
I am not saying no mither is good, it's a meme perk at best. But if it's a meme what does that make MoM now?