Is survivor still playable anymore now?

So with all recent updates, we have the following changes :
Killer pig head perk greatly buffed and can easily make waste of medkits if a ongoing healing is interrupted;
DS disables even if someone try self-healing, making this perk become very situational, merely useful against tunneling;
Self-heal greatly nerfed to promote boons, which wastes extra time to do totems;
DH changed and very impractical to use;
BT buffed, but only encouraging risky hook saves which actually leads to faster killer kills;
Killers now have Hook Goes The Weasel which additionally slows down already 90s slow gen repairing;
Overcharge now greatly regress ongoing gen repair especially paired with Pop Goes The Weasel;
In the past few days, I grinded from ash to irisdescent on my killer with Doctor and Nurse with nearly no difficulty, since survivors rarely have counter-play except for gen rushing, and the latter is easy to break once you kill fast enough and know how to control your gens; on the contrary, I have rarely escaped the door when playing survivors since it has been dramastically more difficulty than half a year before when I quitted the game. Any suggestions on how to play survivor now (except swf) or you also think the game is fu*ked and poorly balanced now?
p.s. : in the past you needed to queue up and wait to play survivor while playing killer was always instant match, and now the situation is reversed, killer needs to queue up while survivor instant match
Also to mention : many tiles are also changed and makes juking not as easy as before
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BT buffed, but only encouraging risky hook saves which actually leads to faster killer kills;
BT -always- encouraged risky saves, which is why I would've preferred baseline DS over BT.
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These seem like giant skill issues
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Survivor does feel vaguely unplayable now, but mostly because everyone is busy throwing the game. I do not think the sloppy butcher buff that happened before this update is why survivor feels worse. Lol.
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Yes, yes it is.
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After taking 4 days break from playing SOLO-Q - no - still lots of DC, suicides on first hook, survivors throwing games, some killers tunneling and camping.
Btw not sure why, I keep getting so many nurses and blights to game.
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It is playable. But you might end up getting a really rough playsession.
Like, I did not play the whole week, because I was too busy (was back home late in the evening and needed to get back up very early in the morning and I prefer Sleep over DBD). And I did not miss the game at all. I played during the weekend and either Saturday or Sunday was a really horrible playing experience.
Funnily enough I went against Nurses on Monday a lot, so this is MMR for you - dying all day, followed by a day full of Killer players who run the best Killer in the game. Yay.
But yesterday was quite enjoyable. I guess today will be horrible again.
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Survivor is very playable but there is a risk, that you feel how killers felt for the last 5 years.
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Yes, it is. People like to overreact. It's harder, but still playable, unless your definition of playable is "steamroll the killer and 4e every game".
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Unplayable is a big word.
It's harder yes but that doesn't make it unplayable.
I'm enjoying survivor a lot more now honestly. I don't escape as much as i used to but when i do it feels like i really earned it.
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Lul. Honestly feels like survivors adapted/ got over the changes. I routinely get my ass beat even when i get very fast downs.
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Yep, same. Turns out, the killer buffs/survivor nerfs weren´t as harsh as people claimed.
Playing without slowdown perks is really a eye opener.
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I dont know how u can keep saying that playing survivors after patch is such fun ... Are u guys playing SOLO or SWF ? I have 4k hours and my teamates DC lot of, and I keep getting ltos nurses and blights to game
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Stop overeacting. Survivor still playable.
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u must be so lucky, my tewamates DC lot of or suicide on first hook. Also i keep getting lot of nurses and blights.
R u playing survivors ? And are u play SOLO-Q?
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haven't touched survivor since patch. killer is way too much fun now. I think I'll stick with it for a while. 😭🤣
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Yeah, I was playing killers too, games r much easier than it used to be tho.
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Survivor still playable
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There will always be Killer players who struggle, no matter how much you buff Killer. The abilities of some players are quite limited.
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I have continued to have success playing the exact same way I did before. Not that much has really changed.
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Were you one of the people that genuinely believed killers got 4ks all day every day since the patch?
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Then whats the point of your reply :)
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Just rush with Commodious Toolbox with Extra-Charges, use Built to last x 4 players, know how to drop a pallet etc. and u win easily against a lot of killers in the raster.
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I just said that some players are just so bad that they still struggle with Killer.
I mean, I said that Killer was the easiest it has ever been before Boons were released. And there were still players who had problem with playing Killer.
Right now Killer is the easiest it has ever been and naturally, some players still struggle. You cannot make it easy enough that every Killer will have success all the time.
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Funny, thats exactly what i thought about the survivor role and the amount of my teammates that afk/suicide for no reason at all.
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Survivor is still easy af, stop being babies.
Killer was unplayable for 4 years.
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I am solo survivor ranked 1 right now so yes just respect the meta and play smart in the chase.
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You focus only on the negative while ignoring the fact there were several survivor perks buffed. Personally, I've been enjoying running all new perks and builds with survivor. Distortion stealth builds work much better than I imagined. I also survive 6 of 10 in solo because less people are trying to toy with the killer and either focus on gens for an escape, or hide and do stupid stuff for a 4k.
As for que times, I still have less than a minute que time on killer in the evenings and less than 4 minutes during the day. Nearly the same as it was before the patch.
The problem for survivor side is the patch made it so the old style of playing where you relied on pushing E while toying with the killer is gone. You don't have all that much leway for stupidity now. That will take some players a while to adjust to.
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Dead Hard and Decisive Strike got nerfed. I think we can all agree that survivor is unplayable now.
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Well...I admit that I haven't played survivor in this game in the whole last year, but neither killer for me; still I come back and kill with ease, but survive and only get ass kicked nearly every single game. I believe there is skill issue, but I also believe that is not the only issue, if not a second one against perk probs.
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Haha tell that to yourself the next time a killer tunnels you out of the game in 2 minutes and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
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With the recent survivor buffs it feels more safe to play survivor. Tunneling is over it was a very good update, now they need to look at camping.
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Hope you get bad killer and good teammates. If it's nurse the game is over before it starts.
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Perhaps you get enough 3-4K to face against much better survivor. Not because survivors adapt.
Buff hard enough you will face against Ayrun or similar, you will still think survivors adapted and the buff still not enough.
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Yeah and teammates who dc if they get hit once. I actually think played with you once agains't doctor few days ago when that happened if you was the jane romero.
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I’m a killer main but I’ve been playing survivor a bit more this week and even though I’m a klutz I think my win rate has been about 40%? 🤷♂️ I get a gen or two done, get a rescue and a couple of heals, and as long as I’m not the first one found and killed I have a good chance of getting out. (Where I suck is my timing on skill checks is terrible, I still miss them unless I’m really paying attention, and I’m not good with the third perspective camera in a chase so I kind of have to guess when to juke and such. But I do from being a killer have a good idea where vaults and pallets are and know enough to mainly hold forward and chain tiles to stall for time which works pretty well even as a n00b.)
Anyway all that is to say, yeah, survivor is still playable. If I can get out even occasionally as survivor anybody can.
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Yeah thats for sure possible. But i am an average killer so im probably facing average survivors.
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Yeah, that was me. Even made a screenshot.
Its honestly the biggest issue right now. People suiciding/disconnecting left and right.
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Solo queue isn’t playable, swf is semi-playable though.
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that would be great because i really liked playing killer back then, at least in the past 2 years
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no it wasn't i know many killer mains who loved playing killer, not just me. It's just you who can't take the stress and losing some games and accepting that some games you can't win, which is in the nature of dbd and hasn't anything to do with "toxic survs OP!", because in the next game after playing against those good swf's you would usually destroy a solo squad who can't do anything against a sweaty high/mid tier killer
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What tiles were changed to make juking not as easy?
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I find it funny when people say that he is still playable survivor hahahaha. now at most you can win 1 game out of 20
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What tiles were changed love to know can you tell me
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some of the "new" (except i think 1 they're all from other maps) ones are very unsafe, especially that strange one with the two 90 degree windows. I mean it's better than LT walls i guess
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They are mindgameable, which is actually good. It's ok for killers to have counterplay at such tiles as well. Jungle Jyms for example have very little counterplay for killers, at least m1 killers.
Those window tiles are also the only new tiles that were added. There were a few other tiles added to macmillan that only existed in other map realms, one of them is a not so safe tile, but still allows for mindgames, and the other tile, introduced with the Yamaoka maps I believe, are actually very strong for survivors.
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Tunneling is stronger than ever before it was hard to get one out 2-3 mins in the match but it's actually easy now. Use ph and try to get survivor tormented and then hook him normally and facecamp the second hook state and when he is saved hit him immediatelly to take otr away and then down and use final judgement.
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Killer required actually skill to win consistently before now you can play poorly as killer and still win. Before you have to mindgame and capitalize on survivor mistakes.
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Totally fine.