Solo players, what do you want done to improve solo?



  • krickwho
    krickwho Member Posts: 9

    Would like to get a free perk when your solo queuing as survivors, no matter how many icons or other information solo will always be far weaker then swf who's trying hard to win. Throwing to many things at new players seems like a bad idea to when there's so much to learn about DBD already, would rather focus more on what could make survivors give up early on a match.

    Considering quality of life things that have come over the year's, no more instant flashlights, instant healing med kits, removed infinite loops, disabled certain perks at endgame that almost gave survivors free escapes on endgame.

    Specifically I would like Off the Record as a free perk for solo queue, just as it is now disabled at gate's being powered, you don't know what perks your teammates have, So if your not bringing second chance perks and end up going down quick can end with spending a lot of the match not playing, if the killer is patrolling around the hook, camping, or another survivor is running the killer around your hook.

    While Off the Record is a strong perk, killers tunneling someone out or semi hook camping can be strong strategies in the game, and if the killer is camping the hook with other survivors being near it's sorta a dilemma if you should just give up but that might get the others in instant trouble. At least knowing you can't be instant downed after 5 seconds, gives a better incentive to stay in the match, if the other survivors even manages the unhook.

    Usually to many Crowd control abilities in player vs player games is considered bad in other games but in DBD as a survivor a lot of a match can be spent not playing, another annoying thing is when theirs only 2 survivors left and the killer slugs 1 survivor refusing to hook for several minutes going for 4k.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    You really gonna make me choose between Artist and baby crow, huh?

    In all seriousness, MMR improvements, above all else. I had a Feng plant a CoH against a Plague, when she was the only one healthy yesterday. Not in combination with another boon either. Just…ech.

  • zgameboy
    zgameboy Member Posts: 79

    Just give baseline kindred to solos.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    The correct answer is Baby Crow <3

    And yes too MMR improvements. They need to include more than just escaping. Hours played and how much you contribute to objectives/helping the team needs to be parameters that it takes into consideration.

  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    I don't know where SWF are being buffed, since I know groups that play SWF and they told me that none of the 4 escaped. SoloQ survivors need more basic support in their abilities, or if you really don't want changes to the survivor, don't complain when DCs frequent in your game.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So far, every single attempt to bring solos to SWF information levels has also buffed SWF.

    I also see killers disconnecting. Maybe i should ask for more survivor changes...

  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    I confess that I didn't play the last change patch, so I can't really say about the killer side, but the fact is, yes, really changing something for the survivor thinking about SoloQ, strengthens those who play in SWF. What I saw in another post was a suggestion that matches where there is SWF in the party, these bonuses that would help SoloQ survivors, be removed or disabled, and I wonder how complex this would make matchmaking queues and cooldowns to find the match that would stay.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    1. Base kit kindred! Let's trial it for 2 weeks and see what happens ^^

    2. Perk awareness (idk what to call it). For example we'll make it icon shows to the person who is unhooked but not to other injured teammates I approach. If we'll make it is active I want all my teammates who are near me to see it.

    Another example is Wake Up. I run it but don't get to use it sometimes because my teammate is opening the gate and doesn't know I have it :(

    I would also like this for perks like Head On, Built to Last, and Inner Strength. If a teammate is near me while I am in a locker they will see the icon and know what I am trying to do.

    There are so many example but I think you get my point.

    I know this could also be fixed with us seeing loadouts in the lobby but I have a bad memory lol. It would just be nice to see what perks are active for my teammates so I can go along with their plays.

    3. DS back to how it was before. I never use it but I def don't see the point of it now :(

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    All of no.2

    But no perks need to be basekit.

    Perks are perks, and auras are very powerful. Powerful enough that they would boost SWF information too. I often use Kindred even when playing with friends because the ease of reading an aura is far greater than trying to fully comprehend some quick soundbite.

    Solo survivor needs info, but not necessarily auras. Something that's more of a middle ground would be a Killer Instinct for survivors, a Survivor Instinct.

    Perhaps it could be an item, or a basekit feature, of a trait of keys or something I don't know. But the ability to hold down a button while you're not otherwise occupied, and you see the direction of all other survivors. not an aura, not a precise location, just a vague visual effect that indicate the direction they're in. You can move around to get a sense of depth and therefore distance. This is enough to know if another survivor is say, close to the hook, or if they're moving in a certain direction, or if they're close to you.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Better information on what my teammates are doing, MMR that looks at more than just escapes or deaths, and also queue penalties for people that frequently suicide or DC so that they either take much longer to drain from the account or they're put in their own queue ghettos with each other.

    I definitely want the action icons and being able to see my teammates' perks, but stuff like basekit DS and faster cleanses... as nice as they are, I'd prefer buffs that don't also aid SWF.

    Also, be nice to Artist :(

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    People would argue, that playing in SWF is punished, if solos had a bonus of some kind that SWF doesn´t have. The only solution i see is ingame voice chat. The mmr could be updated with language preference filter + a system that matches you preferably with players that you upvoted after a match.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    I read so many good ideas, I hope something ll be done in future so it ll improve SOLO-Q games.

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    Honestly the only thing that might work is proximity chat. If a Claudette is trying to heal me while a Legion barrels towards us, no amount of action icons or emotes will ever be able to surpass: "The killer's coming, MOVE!"

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    An actual functional matchmaking. I don't care about instant queues if it means I'm constantly getting paired with Megs with less than 100 hours. You could give survivors 200 pallets per map and make DS stun last 2 minutes and solo would probably still be trash with this current matchmaking. When you rarely get 3 competent teammates you see solo actually isn't that bad.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    Assuming Claudette speaks the same language as you, doesn't have it disabled, and cares to listen, sure.

    But considering those are all huge assumptions, it wouldn't help all that much.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    Honestly at this point I want bloodwarden to be basekit. And I want all gens to be blocked while someone is on the hook. This way if I'm left on the hook until death anymore at least I know those survivors aren't getting out. Also tired of seeing survivors run straight out the exit gate when the killer isn't even camping the hook.

    Since that's one side of the extreme I'd also like to see DS made not only basekit but for every 3 seconds that a killer stays near a hook, after an initial 5 seconds, while not in chase, that should add one second onto the stun from DS. And remove the DS skill check. A skill check shouldn't decide if I'm going to be tunneled or not.

    Just saying this because if the devs are going to balance this around being a "team" based game then people should at least be forced to save "teammates" or risk losing the game.

    And if it's going to be based around making chases and downing easier then straight camping needs to be hard punished.

    In all honesty I'm just venting after being left in a trial to die again when there were 2 people down, one dc, and the other person just left, during the endgame. I just dcd as soon as I saw they left out the exit gate. It would've instant killed us on the hook anyway.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I think there's some good ideas but also a lot of bad ideas. You don't need 3-5 perks to become basekit.

    I would like to see the icons of what my teammates are doing to go live, that's probably the main change that's really necessary, and is really all that's necessary.

    Yeah matchmaking could always use improvements. But you're always going to find people that you're better than, or ones that are better than you in any online game. It's the same thing in games like COD, league of legends, and even mmos.

    You also have to think about how people have bad games and matches, it's normal. You could be playing league and that same player that's 0/10 in your game, also went 30/0 in their last game. It's the same in DBD, people have bad matches where maybe they make bad calls or plays. It happens.

    One of the big things that makes SWF seem strong is the willingness to sacrifice themselves for their teammates. There's no way to fully fix that. In solos everyone is random. While you might be willing to help your teammates, the people you're playing with might only be worried themselves surviving at all cost.

    There's no real way to fix that aspect. However you can make it more lucrative for survivors going for saves be increasing the rewards. Right now you get the most points for escaping, regardless if anyone else does. If you would've escaped but go back in to save someone else and you end up dying while they get to escape, you only get a few hundred points for the save, but would've gotten 5000 for surviving.

    This promotes a self survival mentality in a team game. This should be changed to gain more points per teammate that survivors instead of you just escaping. Like you could change it to where you get 500-1000 for surviving, but 2000-2500 for each teammate that escapes. This is all just an example, but working the mechanic in this way would incentivize helping your teammates more and feel more rewarding when you play as a team. So even if you die but they all escape, say like in endgame, you're still rewarded for your sacrifice and team based gameplay.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2022

    the purpose is making Solo Q almost the same as strong as SWF , if you are in a SWF that needs kindred to do a good distribution of who is gonna rescue , them am sorry but this is really bad excuse (voicechats apps) exist ,them that doesnt solve anything, i can tell you in my 8000 hours i never runned Kindred in a SWF for other than the aura reveal of the killer to help my friends looping perfectly against a killer staying to close to where am hooked.

    "But no perks need to be basekit." BT is now basekit , bruh.🤐

    Post edited by MB666 on
  • gldetonator
    gldetonator Member Posts: 7

    I don't think voice communication is the only solution, since at certain times of the day, matchmaking puts you with people of another language, and I think of the conflict that this would cause for those who don't speak the other language. What they have to implement in the game is more visual information among the survivors, and thus also forcing the assassins to use something that the game already has, which is the blinding effect. Perks that cause this, addons... Since BHVR wants the differential use of perks to be greater and break the "meta", do it for the killers too.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2022

    Just some kind of anti-tunneling and anti-camping mechanic that isn't a joke made basekit.

    It's so frustrating to see teammates of lesser skill/experience get tunneled out rather quickly because the killer realizes it and they probably don't have great perks unlocked or equipped. And camping is just zero fun for everyone involved. It should be disincentived harder.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Kindred and prove thyself basekit, I don't understand the huge penalty when you work with others on same generator

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2022

    BaseKit 5 second DS is the equilivent of giving all survivors one of the games most powerful perks as a 5th perk for free

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Agree with #2, 3, 5, and 6. Especially the action icons.

    I do think something needs to be done about tunneling but your suggestion is a bit too much imo. I’d rather they buff the basekit BT + movement speed bonus and change DS back to 5 seconds (keep the other nerf it got) and see how that goes. I also think hook stage duration should be increased.

    I don’t think totems need to be faster; it’s only 14 seconds which isn’t that long and there needs to be a fair chance for the killer to defend them. Hex perks aren’t really in that good of a spot as it stands. That’s also not a solo queue buff, that’s just an all-around killer nerf.

    I would be fine with basekit kindred that simply just showed your teammates and had no killer aura reveal. The killer aura reveal is what the perk should do.

    Unsure how I feel about #7.

    As for #8 we now know RPD is getting split in half so I have no further opinions on that until we get to see it.

    As for the Artist, I'm in the minority that actually likes her, so...yeah we won't agree on that one.

  • ilmajor
    ilmajor Member Posts: 5

    just give me status icons

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Killers barely have visual information while survivors hud is already overloaded with icons on the screen. I don´t think thats a good solution.