RPD East Wing: Thank you for (Probably) changing it the right way

As we've seen in the most recent patch, in the custom match, the RPD map now says the East Wing which I'm sure is a mistake but is probably what we will see with the map rework. It seems they took the idea I and others had. It didn't have to have a complete rework of it's layout. That would've been a very annoying change and would've ruined the map. The best change was to just have multiple versions which has certain points blocked off depending on the one you get to make the map smaller which I'll admit is a good thing. Now this is obviously assuming this is simply what it is but it probably is. Maybe they might've made the loops lightly different or something but that remains to be seen. If this is how you changed it though, thanks for not butchering one of the coolest maps in the game.
I really hope they also change at least some of the layout of the map. This map only being half in size I fear will make it insufferable for survivors. At least i don't know how they would want to win on that match if the map is now only half the size, with no other changes.
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I'd still love it if they included the full original map in the rotation, but with an extremely rare occurence just to spice things up a bit.
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I've always said it should stay but only in custom matches. I mean if I was making the game a I'd do what you said but I doubt it's what they're gonna do so at least have it in custom matches.
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Unfortunately they can't change the layout at all just the spawns of gens totems hooks etc. It's a licensed map and can't be changed from it's original layout.
As it stands the map is just way too big and horrid to do any type of Gen defense or pressure as Killer and as Survivor just trying to get to someone that's on the other side of the map will be difficult.
What I don't know is how they will do the doors since that map has 2 set locations for the doors
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How would this even work? Rpd is almost 1:1 in scale, right? Like, a few doors are blocked and I think theres a 3rd level besides the Library, but how would you divide East and West and make them full on maps?
Just barricading the middle sounds like a killers wer dream and a survivors nightmare; survivors already DC enough whenever somebody brings a badge
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I dunno if you played RE, but there are many other areas that exist outside of the actual building. There are outdoor areas, a parking garage, etc, that could be incorporated to increase the size of the map, while cutting the indoor part in half.
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Well probably they would do something like east wing and center or west wing and center. That way you could still incorporate both exit doors without doing much
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There's no way in hell they can cram 7 gens into half the current map. It can already spawn 3 gens on the west wing upper floor all along one hallway.
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It’s BHVR map design, I wouldn’t praise it until I’ve actually seen it LMAO
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Please no. Huge maps are a barrier to balance. It can stay in customs, though.
Mother's Dwelling needs a similar rework.
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I'd assume the same, that certain rooms and areas will be blocked off in the different maps. They might possibly even expand it a bit
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Just delete RPD and give us Raccoon City map instead.
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I platinum those games. It's my favorite game franchise. I know there is more and I'd like to see more but I don't see them doing that.
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That's why gen spawns will be changed.
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I do have to say the map is currently too big, but an exactly cut in half would be too small. Not sure what the solution is but I noticed the east wing phrase as well.
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You don't split it down the middle. You make two variants, each with a smaller portion blocked off. Similar to how maps like Badham have multiple variants.
The map doesn't have to be half the size, only about a third smaller.
Something like this: (red is blocked off)
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The other issue with the map is just a general difficulty with reaching hooked survivors in a timely manner if you don't know the map.
If you really want to have some fun, use HEX: Plaything and HEX: The Third Seal on RPD. Makes the map so much scarier.
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All I know is I am dcing as killer every game. These people are still finding ways to exploit rpd so that the killer can't get anyone in that goddamn library half the time and I'm sick of it. If survivors can dc and quit over every little thing I'm not playing this ######### ######### tier map anymore.