RPD East Wing: Thank you for (Probably) changing it the right way

As we've seen in the most recent patch, in the custom match, the RPD map now says the East Wing which I'm sure is a mistake but is probably what we will see with the map rework. It seems they took the idea I and others had. It didn't have to have a complete rework of it's layout. That would've been a very annoying change and would've ruined the map. The best change was to just have multiple versions which has certain points blocked off depending on the one you get to make the map smaller which I'll admit is a good thing. Now this is obviously assuming this is simply what it is but it probably is. Maybe they might've made the loops lightly different or something but that remains to be seen. If this is how you changed it though, thanks for not butchering one of the coolest maps in the game.
