Anyone else think that slowdown is creating a viscious cycle?

Like now that people have adjusted to the new meta Im seeing constant prove thyselves like literall the past 7 matches I have seen 2 or more prove thyself in 3 of them and only 1 match had no prove thyselves. I never really ran slowdown but now people are bringing provethyself and stacked toolboxes to counter other killers slowdown Im feeling pressured into it. Most of my games recently have been going 1st survivor holds W and predrops 5 or 6 pallets and in the meantime like 2 gens pop on the other side of the map. Like I have been trying to get devour to work but it feels downs come too slow in comparason to gens and it ends up just being the endgame where i realistically wouldve been better off running like NOED Bloodwarden or something along those lines. I feel like people are being so prepared for the slowdown meta that it feels playing anything else other than slowdown isn't all that viable.


  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    It is a vicious cycle. Survivors start to struggle and killers decide, instead of trying new combos or picking perks to compliment powers, to start four stacking slowdown and regression perks. Survivors in turn start bringing what they can to push gens faster. Next up we will be seeing more and more complaints of Nurse, Blight, Endgame builds, Franklin's and whatever else killers can pull out to counter the toolbox and PT play style.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
  • AvocadoPablo
    AvocadoPablo Member Posts: 19

    Well it's a great thing we have statistics for these things and I can factually say Prove Thyself is nearly twice as popular now as it was before the killer buff patch.

    Try again.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    This whole game is a vicious cycle

    When something cause a side to build around (Gens, healing, Totems, chases... etc) to throw balance out the window (and Devs help with perk changes as well)

    Gen take longer... Thana became a focal point of playstyle

    Regression being (word I can't say out loud right now)... regression perks

    And vice versa

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I would bring it for my killer games but since I came back from a long break it's helped change my mindset from competitive play to a more relaxed mindset. Now if I see beamers in my lobbies I just chuck on Lightborn to avoid searing my retinas while kicking pallets and ignore the fact other items exist.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    Okay and?

    Prove Thyself was being ran enough before that people were complaining about it being too good. A bunch of perk nerfs happened and now a perk that was already considered good is being ran more.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    This game needs other main objectives outside of just doing generators. It's what it's always needed, and many have stated that over the years.

    That is one thing I feel that games like The Evil Dead have done right in recent years. There's very little down time when playing as either side. You're always doing something, always working towards something. Which is why even though matches are longer, they don't feel that way and drag on.

    In DBD if matches were longer everyone would hate it because without more main objectives, it means more time doing nothing really, and that's boring. Sitting on generators for 6 minutes straight is boring. There needs to be more than just that.

    Other asymmetrical games showcase it pretty well. With both sides starting off relatively weak and both getting stronger as the game progresses. The side that plays better gets stronger and is eventually able to beat the other side.

    DBD could use to take a few pointers in this regard.

    Right now killers start with no pressure and less power over the outcome of the match. That only changes based on their own ability to pressure The other side into mistakes.

    The survivors start at their strongest at the beginning of the match, and only get weaker if they make mistakes, or don't do the thing that they don't want to do, which is sit on generators all match.

    It's pretty much giving a boring task with basic gameplay that needs little interaction, and then forcing players to do that or lose.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    But I do not run any slowdown and nor did I ever complain about survivors or tell them to adapt. Am I allowed to not deal with it? You sure are a mean little Avocado. I thought those were supposed to be nice, but today you have made me realize to never trust an Avocado again.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    Prove Thyself and toolboxes received no changes on this patch. You can pretty much imagine how oppressive they were back then when there weren't the extra 10 seconds on a gen.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited August 2022

    There is absolutely nothing that has changed with that perk or toolboxes where they would suddenly be better to their pre-6.1.0 variants unless we pretend survivors are a hivemind who have been holding back this entire time and only now are bringing toolboxes and running prove thyself. I saw both of those regularly pre 6.1.0 and continue to see them regularly since the patch.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    How is PT good in a game where you're alone and people won't stick around to repair gens with you? If only it showed the aura of your gen so other could know then yes, it would be really good

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    Prove Thyself gives other survivors a buff icon indicating you have it and you can choose to work on a gen with someone else is working on. Prove Thyself really shines at getting a key gen done quickly that could otherwise be hard to finish.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Only if you're close to them. I would probably increase that radius. Sometimes you don't even see the icon until you're onto the gen where the PT owner is working.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    that's why you didn't need them back then, it was a plus

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    People who have been hook get a massive repair speed penalty until the next person gets hooked.

    Solves tunneling and baseline slowdown that the killer has to earn.

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161

    If you're not running prove/gen rushing your pretty much giving the match away at this point.

  • TheGrimQueefer
    TheGrimQueefer Member Posts: 121

    Stop talking nonsense.

    Nobody had space for Prove Thyself because they were running DS, BT, DH & COH.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    I mostly certainly saw Prove Thyself a non insignificant amount of time. You can sub CoH for PT, because you don't need 4 CoHs.

  • TheGrimQueefer
    TheGrimQueefer Member Posts: 121
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    Where did I mention SWF?

    I play mostly solo survivor when I play survivor and I still saw a lot of PTs before 6.1.0.

  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    Lets be honest, prove thyself always has been strong even before the patch came. No doubt though the perk is more popular now. Personally I never ran it much before patch but nowadays as a solo q survivor main, I run it every game. I call it my Prove Thyself grimy fingers which I eventually place on every generator. Its just too good to not use frankly.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    That's literally how this game runs though. Killers want to kill and survivors want to survive, so they equip the best tools/addons/perks etc to compensate for their weaknesses in game. If someone doesn't have good map pressure as a killer, then slowdown perks are a must. If a survivor is finding they're consistently dying before all gens are done, then gen speed up perks are a must. Not everyone thinks or plays the same way, and no one equips perks as a personal attack. It's literally just about covering their behind.

  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    And all I saw pre-patch was Nurses calling, B&C, Thanatophobia and NOED. So?

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    Im a killer main and this is entirely accurate. I only ever played one gen perk. Since the patch, I feel forced to do 2 gen perks now due to how many survivors are atacking gen speeds. It sucks because both sides feel compelled to bring uninteresting and not fun perks to the table. I wish regression was Baseline across the board and no way to regress or repair more. That would leave 4 perk slots for more fun combos.

    I'd just have gens automatically slowly regress. No kicks needed. However, there's no way to make that regression faster, and there's no way to repair faster except for toolboxes and doubling up on gens. This would leave more perk options for both sides and make gen balance far easier to manage.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I'm starting to feel this way as a killer. At first I was bringing 2 slowdowns max and games were fine I won some I lost some but I had good games either way. Now I've seen even more prove thyself and maxed toolboxes to the point where my 2 slowdowns aren't enough and I'm starting to feel like I need more.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 500
    edited August 2022

    The devs have published statistics about the most used Perks on both sides, Prove Thyself was not part of said statistics (neither among the Top 5, nor Top 12).

    Using things to decrease gens times is now more beneficial than ever, since the window of opportunity for a killer to interrupt a gen (higher gen duration, potentially shorter chases) has been spread wider, compared to pre-patch. You don't need a hive mind to understand that. The same way you don't need a hive mind to understand that stacking slowdown perks is now more beneficial than pre-patch.

    And even though there's no hive mind, killers keep stacking them slowdowns. Strange eh?

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    Unfortunately I saw this coming soon as they added the 10 seconds to gens. I knew the change in that plus DS change etc that gen rushing would be the new norm even more than before . Idk how they didn't think it would become even more sweaty and less fun for non sweaty killers/solos .

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited August 2022

    Agreed. And to the survivors saying they just adapted that’s fair. Now the literally only way for killers to win at higher or even mid upper mmr is to tunnel someone out. Zero options now but to force people off gen with the altruism.

    in taking a break. My 90% win streak is turning jnti zero now. Like op said even if I spawn beside a survivor it doesn’t matter run and throw pallets and gens pop period, had one pop at 37 seconds yesterday.

    game is absolutely now fun in either side right now

    i I tried really hard to defend this update because 1) I wanted a new meta and 2) dredge is my favorite video character in like a decade

    but both sides suck I play now that the dust has settled

    killers cannot afford a SINGLE second wasted or they lose so tunnel time

    survivors cannot afford a SINGLE second off gens, so gen rush build time

    I wish we could reverse this patch and the mmr changes from kk this agi

    what blows my mind is the player base is dwindling. You can see it on the steam charts. No discussion about it though, just a than erasure entirely and a MoM nerf no one not even killers asked for

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894