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Honest question

This isn't an us VS them. Doing challenges so I am forced to play blight. Had to break 8 Pallets or doors with a lethal rush. I'm on console and really am not that good.

Survivors brought me to artists map. I went in thinking OK, prioritize the challenge and if I can do anything as far as hitting survivors I will.

Low and behold I think they were actually around my skill level. They wasted some time booning which I was fine with. Had a clicky nea. OK no biggie. Had a Jake make a nice Sabo play. I was spreading pressure. Not slugging. Not tunneling. No add ons as I try to get decent with a power before modifying it.

My perks were discordance, I'm all ears, call of brine and dragons grip. Not very oppressive I don't think.

Anyway, down to 1 Gen left, they kind of 3 gen'd themselves. I hooked one for the 2nd time and she dc'd. OK. Whatever. Next I left the gens to chase clicky girl and commited to her and hooked her for the kill. Chased the Jake a bit and downed him. He was on death hook. I hooked him and he dc'd.

It was the end of the game. He brought a cake, someone brought a flan. He got a Sabo play. At least a Gen or 2. Unhook and heals. Not to mention protection hits. He would have gotten a decent amount of points. Instead he got zero.

My question is why? He wasted the whole game. I can almost understand maybe a lot of blights and DC first down. Or suicide on hook. But he played the entire game.

Why? Can someone explain it in terms that don't make it us VS them?

I asked afterwards as they were console also but he never replied.

I really am curious.


  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Honestly, He probably left early not realizing it. It happens sometimes. Like you are frustrated with the other survivors or whatever and play it out and assume that when the death animation plays you can leave without it counting as a dc but if you do it too fast it can be buggy. I really wish that they wouldnt count a dc as a dc if the person didnt want to watch the death animation. I mean it still plays out. I get that its only like 10 seconds but if you have been on the floor for 3:59 like you want to get out asap. I also think that during end game collapse the killer should be able to leave without penalty. Like waiting 2 minutes for the tbagging survivors in the exit gate is just crappy.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,402

    It is almost impossible to fully understand the mind of someone who DCs.

    I've seen a few DCs which were justified, but countless that were not. Both from Survivors and Killers.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,824

    Mayhaps it was a connection issue? It’s not always a critique of the game.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    Though there is no way to tell, it is entirely possible this wasn't a person choosing to DC.

    There is a horrible bug right now where if you are playing almost any PS5 game (DBD, Genshin Impact, Dying Light 2, Stray all cause this) on PS5 (you can play PS3 and PS4 games on it too), then your system just suddenly dies once every thirty minutes or so. I've reported it here on the forums, but it isn't affecting everyone so getting it looked at by Sony or BHVR (or any of the other developers) is like a full time job for the players as opposed to the people that would actually get paid to fix it.

    If you are encountering this bug, switch to the PS4 version on your PS5 and you should be good. I played PS4 DbD on the same PS5 for around 100 hours since someone suggested it here, and have had ZERO crashes since then.

    So, it is entirely possible that they are experiencing this bug. Before I switched to the PS4 version I crashed in DBD all over the place. A few times in game, mostly in the queue, once I even crashed while leveling in the bloodweb. In GI I've crashed while sitting outside the game on the main menu. Games that have the PS4 version will run on the same exact hardware and not cause this crash. My son, who also has a PS5 and is also experiencing the exact same problem, had the same problem with Stray, that new cat game, and he switched to the PS4 version and it was immediately fixed just like DbD.

  • mrmann2000
    mrmann2000 Member Posts: 7

    So I’m a survivor main, and proud to say no matter how toxic I never dc. But, at this point the game feels extremely slow and unfair as a survivor, I’m not saying it is unfair, but it feels that way. If any of your teammates isn’t the absolute goat, you’re screwed, one mistake and the killers recent speed boosts will punish you, and forget repairing gens by yourself, that extra ten seconds might not sound long, but I’ve played over 10 matches today and maybe managed two gems by myself without the killer just naturally ending up on me. When you compound this with the perk overhaul causing survivor strategies to be less reliable and requiring new plans, playing survivor just isn’t fun right now.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    That's horrible. My daughter has a ps5 and has never had that happen to my knowledge. However, we were on Xbox when this happened. Never had my xbox crash except on 1 game. (Mechwarrior 5)

    I play survivor too so I know the 10 seconds does add up. And if it was mid match I wouldn't even ask. But I had hooked him with 1 Gen left. He probably had 20k points easy without the cake and flan. He would have had 70k points most likely. I just don't understand why.

    I guess? But I only slugged one person that match and that's cause I felt bad when I lost an unhooker and accidentally downed the person who was just unhooked. I then blight rushed away from the area and let them get full health again. It wasn't the Jake.

    I don't record my matches so it's my word that I wasn't being "toxic" during the match.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Could be but considering it happened right after a down or hook it probably wasn’t the connection.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    They probably had a bunch of ######### matches prior to you and they'd just had enough.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,198
    edited August 2022

    It's probably frustration boiling over. We've all had matches where we know there's a super obvious 3 gen that needs to be dealt with but we can't deal with it because we're occupied with the killer. And then teammates either don't do gens at all, try to power the exit gates with boons, or do all of the gens except the problem ones.

    I'll be honest, very little tilts me on survivor quite as much as when I lead the killer on a long chase away from a 3 gen only to hear two boons go up and zero gens done by the time I'm hooked.

    It's very frustrating being a more optimal player and being matched with teammates only there for tome challenges

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    Does she have the digital only version? It might matter. My son and I both have the disc version. If you ever have the crash you will have to unplug the PS5 completely, then plug it back in to even turn it on.

    I got fairly lucky in my disconnects, as I was always in a position that everyone would wonder what happened, there was no reason to dc. My son, on the other hand, was completely embarrassed, because most of his would be right after the killer hooked him or right at the end of a chase. This is because his luck with being found right away is about 75% and he loves the chase so it usually worked out well for us. Then he'd get kicked and it was never a great situation. Thankfully this was all before the mid chapter patch. We've been good to go on the PS4 version for a few weeks now.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    People who intentionally disconnect do not care about bloodpoints. Period.

    People who intentionally disconnect play DBD to have a good time, and they disconnect when they are not having a good time.

    It is that simple.

    Why they were not having a good time, you'll never really know.

    There are a ton of little interactions that happen between survivors (that the killer doesn't witness) that can tilt a person into leaving.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Some people are simply not good at losing (or winning). I remember a friend who would regularly dc to deny the killer a bbq stack. Save to say, he doesn´t play dbd anymore.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2022

    lmao I got a killer who dc'd right as he hooked me for the first time, he just hooked me, then DC'd, and then typed "ez" in the post game chat.

    I wanna see that guy again lmao, actually died laughing irl