Everyone is thinking it, I'm just saying it...

When is the Nurse rework coming?
No, not a "we gave her two more meme add-ons and doubled her cooldown", a real bottom-up rework that allows Nurse to co-exist with the rest of the Dead By Daylight killers and knock her off of the unhealthy platform of the only killer where your best counterplay is dying somewhere inconvenient.
I'm not going to get into add-ons or perks, because I exclusively play perkless and add-onless as Nurse and I still stomp every game as long as I least look at the screen while I'm playing.
Nurse is piss easy. No, I'm not joking or exaggerating, nor am I trying to stir the pot. "Nurse is the hardest killer in DbD" is a lie we've told ourselves for far too long. Play one or two matches with her (and maybe bring Plaid Flannel) and seriously try to tell me she's any kind of difficult when she ignores pretty much every rule in the game.
Dead By Daylight is game where you live or die (or kill) based on minute positioning details. It's all about making the other player hesitate for even just a moment so you can get a half meter of distance and safely drop a pallet or vault a window (or hit them when you trick them into being out of position). This is more or less the entirety of chase in DbD. Fighting tooth and nail just to get a few feet away.
Nurse ignores all of this. She goes straight through the windows, the pallets, the walls, even the floor and the ceiling, and she gets right on top of you and hits you while you can do literally nothing. Then she does it again in mere seconds, and you're on the hook. There is no more game. No more choices to make, no more split second decisions and reads. It might as well be "Bubble Popper Clicking Simulator" for the Nurse and "How long can you hold Shift+W?" for the survivor. (yes there is counterplay to Nurse, it's just all really dependent on the Nurse player being bad... which is not what counterplay means).
So, teleporting on command to the extent that Nurse does is bad, but costly and conditional teleports like Freddy, Sadako, and Dredge are fine. But this begs the question, what the hell can we do to fix Nurse? Should she be completely reworked from the ground up for the sake of the health of game? No more teleporting for Nurse? Should she be nerfed significantly? Maybe just not teleport through walls at least?
I don't know. If this was my mess to fix, I would opt to completely change her from the ground up. Even if it meant upsetting fans of the killer. They did it to classic Freddy back in the day and turned one of the most unique and interesting killers (but also one of the worst) into a fairly boring but effective killer. Boring is at least better than broken in my opinion, and having a character that is an undisputed S+ tier for over half a decade is probably not a good thing.
I apologize but I wasn’t thinking it. I don’t play as her. I’m not any good with her. I do enjoy a good game against her so long as my teammates are comfortable against her.
9 -
I was not thinking it either, but I am glad you are saying it. Fight the power, man! Let's stop Nurses from being able to earn livable wages!
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I can always count on you to be the funniest person in the thread lol
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Eh nurse is whatever. Console players never play her and she's not really that common to play against. Maybe once in 20 matches, so for me it's about once a day. She's fun to play against imo, even if we get clobbered
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I have hard time going against good Nurses, so I do wish for some nerfs to happen. Although I love her power, it's so unique and fun. She maybe needs a complete rework... but I am hoping that she keeps her power, and get some nerfs/restrictions so that the survivors being chased have more counterplay.
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I don't think anyone that's good at the game thinks Nurse's base-kit needs a rework
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It really isnt.
She deserves a full Rework. Not something half-ass like just nerfing Range Add Ons. They are problematic, 100%. But so is Nurse itself.
So there should not be something like "We nerfed her Range Add Ons", because this would still keep her as problematic as she is. I really hope that the Devs do it right this time and not take months to nerf her, just followed by years where she is as broken as always.
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Maybe everyone is thinking about it, but the chances are developers aren't the one of them.
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Looping the killer is the most fun part of playing survivor and nurse removes that by forcing you to brainlessly hold W. I can see why my teammates don’t want to play against her it’s just really boring. There’s no counterplay, you just hope that she messed up her blink.
Now that deadhard and DS are dead it’s time to rebalance nurse and blight next
3 -
Really? I was thinking that people should stop crying for petty reasons and start adapting and play the game... Regarding the nurse well, as long that swf are in the normal matches and not relegated to custom matches she can stay the way she is now.
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I definitely wasn't thinking the nurse should be reworked. Only really her addon's and maybe her blink attacks.
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I'll gladly take your opinion seriously if you could back up your claim of 4king every game without perks. I'll wait.
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Im not sure how I would do it, but I agree Nurse needs some big changes
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Instead of reworking Nurse you should be asking for them to rework maps so Nurse isn't the only killer who can actually do anything against mildly competent loopers. Nurse is only good because she can bypass the bad map design. And your solution is to nerf Nurse instead of the maps? Talk about misplaced priorities.
2 -
And the cycle repeats itself.
There will always be "that one killer" survivors can't tolerate and whine until they get nerfed.
First it was Freddy, then Spirit, then Wraith, now Nurse.
I remember back when Spirit was on the chopping block. "It'll never happen to Nurse, we all respect that Nurse has a high skill floor, Nurse is fine!"
5 -
I don't want the Nurse reworked, but she definitely needs changes:
- Make any attack where she uses 2 or more blinks count as a special attack.
- Make her maximum teleport speed constant regardless of addons.
- Make it so if she blinks through a falling pallet she gets pallet stunned.
- Make it so that if she gets hit with a pallet during her fatigue she gets pallet stunned.
1 -
They're never gonna gut nurse. The best you're gonna get is add-on nerfs and her M1 becoming a special attack. People love to reference streamers on this forum so I will do the same. Hardcore Survivor showed how beatable 99% of nurses are. These guys weren't even running good perks when they did it. I don't think a single nurse got more than a 2K on them even after they reached high MMR. Even the blights were more lethal. People on this forum pretend like there are god nurses all over the place. The bigger problem is that the average solo queue player is just woefully unprepared to play against nurse.
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Everyone is thinking it, I'm just saying it.... Pirates!
Anyway nurse wasn't changed because it doesn't need to be changed. She might confuse some people who have a hard time getting used to a killer that behaves differently than a Trapper, but that's her job
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So 1 out 5000 players can play against 99% nurses. Balanced!
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She needs a buff low kill rate.
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DH isn't dead, it's better against Nurse than it was pre-nerf
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Sure. I'll upload a video later today and post it on this thread. It might end up getting posted WAY later today since I have some work that needs to get done. How does something like 3 or 4 consecutive games sound?
I really do hate playing Nurse though, I think she is very boring and way too easy. You don't have to think or adapt all that much to the survivor you're playing against, you just blink on top of them and down them.
0 -
You forgot "We like how he performs so we nerf him" Hillbilly.
Good ol' Community, always wanting to nerf [Top Killer here]. Sad its only applicable to the Killer side, after all, the only differences between
Solo and SWFSurvivors and Survivors who use Comms are not game mechanics.1 -
I've been hit by so many DH's the last couple days it's ridiculous.
Yes it's easy to bait out if you're looking for it, but you're not necessarily expecting it anymore, so you don't have time to react.
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As long as she doesn't get the Freddy-Hillbilly-Deathslinger treatment.
Do you have even the slightest idea of how frustrating and infuriating that is when it happens to the character you love?
I can understand being frustrated with Nurse, but no player deserves to go through that.
4 -
I agree, its very boring to depend on the other side to make mistakes in order to have a chance at winning.
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People are going to hate me for this, but...
I love the Nurse the way she is. Her add-ons can definitely be toned down, and maybe the way she accesses her power or its cooldown can be tweaked, but I don't want her to be reworked from the ground up. Letting her go through obstacles lets her play the game in a completely different way, and it forces the survivors to find unconventional strategies for dealing with her. I don't think that aspect of her gameplay is overpowered.
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With the case of Forever Freddy and Spam ADS Slinger, it was pretty necessary. It's not fun to play against a killer where matches take 10x as long or where you pretty much can do nothing but break LoS and pre-drop pallets. Btw, I'm a Slinger main and maybe 50% of my 1.5k hours have been playing Slinger. He's still pretty good, just most players are terrible with him and then give up. I think the Terror radius nerf was uncalled for, but that's another discussion for another time.
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I've never understood how people peddled the narrative that nurse is difficult.
I agree with you--she is too strong and (despite what people say) she is really not that difficult to become proficient with.
However, her power is insanely fun to use. I mean, who doesn't like the ability to teleport through walls and appear next to a survivor at a moment's notice?
I wouldn't want to see a ground-up rework. Instead, I'd prefer to change the effect her power has on survivors.
- Maybe her blink hits only inflict deepwound, and she has a fast cooldown for blinks where she doesn't swing (so she can close the gap)
- Maybe her blink hit inflicts a status effect similar to Nemi's virus, that forces 3 hits to down a survivor--but its only removed when hooked
- Maybe her power builds up like Trickster's Showstopper or Oni's Blood Fury, and she needs to play hit-n-run until she gains lethality
I think the key to nerfing her, while maintaining her fun-factor, lies in the lethality of her blink hits.
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That is not the Freddy change I am talking about, and Slinger was fine as he was..
And it doesn't matter whether or not those killers have sheer strength. Freddy can still be used effectively and Billy is still good, but both of them are so damn boring and feel very bad to play.
That is what has to be adjusted, and that is what CAN'T happen with Nurse.
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I think she should get reworked far off in the future at least. There are much more important things to fix right now.
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oh you mean OG Freddy? yeah he was so cool and weird back in the day, I didn't care that he was kind of bad lol
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Of course I do!
I am the most dedicated Old Freddy main in the entire Fog. I care about that killer.
More than anyone does.
More than anyone ever will.
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She can get fixed when SWF gets fixed. As it stands she is the only killer that is capable of going against a SWF of this level:
Even with that, it is an extremely uphill battle for her.
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I watched that video, I remember the nurse player playing very badly and missing most her blinks. Besides, if the answer to playing against the top 0.1% of players in the game (which are also using very strict self imposed rules) is bringing broken add-ons on a broken killer... all I gotta say is "skill issue." Gotta be the best to beat the best.
That being said, Hens and co. would destroy me no matter who I played haha
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Boo ******* hoo. Nurse is overpowered, far too easy for how strong she is, and has been a problem for 6+ years. No tiny nerf will fix a mess of design like her. It needs to be ground up - no more crutches for nurse mains who can't play normal, actually challenging killers. It's not like DH got spared because its users really enjoyed it and got used to using it, so why should even more broken things like nurse be kept the same either?
And all three of those killers you mentioned are still perfectly fine, strong killers. Sure, maybe the hillbilly nerf knocked him down from S tier to low A tier, but deathslinger barely changed in strength. Freddy even got buffed! Changes aren't the end of the world.
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I think good nurse is possible to beat but you have to practise hours a day agains't her and that is not what casual players wanna do. You also have to be in swf and have good communication.
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I don't care about sheer strength, I never did.
All of those 3 have one thing in common: they feel bad to play. Their "reworks" removed everything good about them, and left only hollow shells in their place.
No player deserves to deal with that, like I did and so many others did.
It should not happen anymore.
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based and nuance-pilled
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Guess I wasn't thinking it either. Especially after they just recoded her. That's BHVR's seal of approval to me.
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Okay then, don't forget the endgame screen!
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Yeah freddy was interesting when he was the only killer who could teleport now many can and he still has no regular power really. Those snares are laughable.
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I'll try to edit out the queues so you don't have to sit through it or skip it lol
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I'm not thinking it.
But I'll say I don't agree with what you said... Nurse is a great killer and aside from an addon pass should stay as is.
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Here you go. Too lazy and too drunk to edit. My point is not that I am good with nurse, but that nurse's power is so ridiculous that it doesn't really matter how good or bad you are