Everyone is thinking it, I'm just saying it...

When is the Nurse rework coming?

No, not a "we gave her two more meme add-ons and doubled her cooldown", a real bottom-up rework that allows Nurse to co-exist with the rest of the Dead By Daylight killers and knock her off of the unhealthy platform of the only killer where your best counterplay is dying somewhere inconvenient.

I'm not going to get into add-ons or perks, because I exclusively play perkless and add-onless as Nurse and I still stomp every game as long as I least look at the screen while I'm playing.

Nurse is piss easy. No, I'm not joking or exaggerating, nor am I trying to stir the pot. "Nurse is the hardest killer in DbD" is a lie we've told ourselves for far too long. Play one or two matches with her (and maybe bring Plaid Flannel) and seriously try to tell me she's any kind of difficult when she ignores pretty much every rule in the game.

Dead By Daylight is game where you live or die (or kill) based on minute positioning details. It's all about making the other player hesitate for even just a moment so you can get a half meter of distance and safely drop a pallet or vault a window (or hit them when you trick them into being out of position). This is more or less the entirety of chase in DbD. Fighting tooth and nail just to get a few feet away.

Nurse ignores all of this. She goes straight through the windows, the pallets, the walls, even the floor and the ceiling, and she gets right on top of you and hits you while you can do literally nothing. Then she does it again in mere seconds, and you're on the hook. There is no more game. No more choices to make, no more split second decisions and reads. It might as well be "Bubble Popper Clicking Simulator" for the Nurse and "How long can you hold Shift+W?" for the survivor. (yes there is counterplay to Nurse, it's just all really dependent on the Nurse player being bad... which is not what counterplay means).

So, teleporting on command to the extent that Nurse does is bad, but costly and conditional teleports like Freddy, Sadako, and Dredge are fine. But this begs the question, what the hell can we do to fix Nurse? Should she be completely reworked from the ground up for the sake of the health of game? No more teleporting for Nurse? Should she be nerfed significantly? Maybe just not teleport through walls at least?

I don't know. If this was my mess to fix, I would opt to completely change her from the ground up. Even if it meant upsetting fans of the killer. They did it to classic Freddy back in the day and turned one of the most unique and interesting killers (but also one of the worst) into a fairly boring but effective killer. Boring is at least better than broken in my opinion, and having a character that is an undisputed S+ tier for over half a decade is probably not a good thing.
