Okay... you can remove nurse now

I honestly cant be bothered playing if every time it's a nurse my team gives up instantly...
You may as well just delete her, I just want a normal game but since nurse seems to be 70% of my games and everyone gives up is there even a point playing?
Dear killers, whoever gives up first just slug them the whole game. Force them to DC or wait out the game because they're just getting what they want while punishing those trying to play.
Yeah that's not how DBD works sadly, and people just suicide on hook and refuse to play among the DCs so that wont help.
They will keep doing it till nurse is gutted, like every other killer that gets nerfed.
It's bad enough I see nurse as often as I do but when those games are just unplayable because of my team what's the point in even having them in
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Yeah, I'm convinced alot of survivors dont actually want to play this game
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Nurse is fine if you are good as survivor
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Ironically I actually like going against nurse, because it forces me to play LoS mindgames as much as i can and avoid being in the open between loops whenever possible. Even if she (likely) gets you eventually, its still possible for even bad players like me to at least force her to waste some time, which adds up if people arent instantly DCing/hookciding and instead trying the same. It doesnt take too many chases to learn how to bait her into attempting to blink to spots that require more precision to not miss either the blink or the swing after, and if/when she gets you there she just staright up outplayed so cheers. Its going to sound really weird and unrelated, but learning how grapplers and mixups in fighting games works makes you better vs killers like nurse: You go into a situation knowing full well you can lose even if you do the "right" thing, but you learn how and when to hard commit to the best option at the time (even if its not the best option overall, or vs other characters) and roll with the outcome. She forces you to try to play different, which is exactly what people are *saying* they want when they say they hate playing the same 3 killers all day.
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Yeah but they wouldn't do that and some people will just go AFK as theres no kick for being AFK either
I'm dont have much of a problem with nurse just my team when versing her not actually nurse herself
Agreed, I enjoy going against her and any other killer just wish my team wasnt so entitled and rage quit the games early on because 3v1 a good nurse is stupid hard especially when others struggle verse her anyway
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Just use it as practice when they do. work on mixing things up and being as unpredictable as possible, while making it as hard as you can on her to get the hits and/or track you. she'll either just give up and go for the easier targets, or waste tons of time with you and maybe even have fun chases. Or you'll just go down and end up out of the match soon either way.
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Hell just give it literal FREE chance of escape without any penalty, no one would care.
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I do, I have even gotten quite a few compliments about how good my chases was but it's more of the fact I just want a normal match
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Unfortunately what any of us want is rarely in the cards with this game on a good day. They continue to double down on trying to let the degree of random factors determine matches more than structuring and balancing core mechanics, so every game you have to acknowledge you are probably going to be eating a **** sandwich.
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Nurse is great, nurse is hard, whining about nurse is comical
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How to ruin an entire game with just a single decision
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DC penalties do need to be increased but then people will just suicide on hook more often. Get rid of suiciding on hook and people will just afk, nothing much can be done sadly.
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DC penalty is the way to go, and a quite heavy one. It's not the killer's fault if some survivors behave like entitled children. If some people don't want to play, they don't have to, probably give them 24 hour ban for 2 times they DC in a day. It's not like they will remove a killer to please these people who drop their games
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Say what?
You mean they are forced to play Dead by Daylight even if they don't want to?
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Yeah it's an issue which is always present unless there is some sort of penalty for their actions. Most people will do everything that is allowed in multiplayer games. You can't ask them to play nice. Of course "Remove Nurse" is not the answer. Probably remove these people. at least for a while
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BHVR needs to add an honor system, where people that DC or give up early are purposely matched with other people that DC or give up early.
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Good nurses are pretty tough to face but bad nurses are kinda fun. Get them on a long wall or something and just run to the other end of the wall every time she blinks.
They could bump the volume of her screeches up even more if the wanted to just do a minor tweak though. Knowing where she is all the time would make it harder to sneak up on you.
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Punishing legit players that put a lot of effort into learning a killer over the actions of some salty people sounds... healthy...
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The day that map design will be decent for every killer of the game and swf will be relegated to custom matches I'll fully agree of what you said, but until then she shouldn't be reworked...
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I honestly don't even care about their effort, I just don't want anyone else to endure what we Freddy, Billy, and Deathslinger mains were FORCED to endure.
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On the other hand this game has a huge hacking problem right now mostly made up of salty survivor mains who want their crutch perks back. Lmao!
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The Nurse is the one who is ruining games against her. No matter how we spin it, being slugged for 5 minutes is not fun. Pure and simple. Note that we are not arguing about how balanced it is or whether it is not. I am saying that games against Nurse are boring and annoying, leading people to DC'ing.
Now, I am not supporting DC'ing, at all. Say you punish people for it, without addressing the root cause (yet another bandaid). What will happen is that instead of DC'ing, people will stop playing and just go AFK. This doesn't make the game any more playable and enjoyable. The only way to fix this is to address the root issue of how boring it is to go against a slug Nurse. There is next to no interaction between the killer and the survivors. People don't play games just to look at their screen for 5 minutes being able to do nothing besides waiting.
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Points out his team.
Wants to punish Nurse.
Where have we heard this before?
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They should rather put some work into the other Killers to bring them up to par, the gap between killers shouldnt be that wide. Third post today where i only can shake my head and lament the community's commitment to "buff survivor to the level of survivor with comms, camaradery and a desire to win" while demanding nerfs to the stronger killers in repeat (HB, Spirit, Nurse).
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There is no way for the game to tell the difference between intended DC and connection loss/game crashing
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The game can't tell if it's an intended DC or a connection loss/game crash
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Where are you seeing people demand nerfs for Hillbilly.
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And I'm not sure if it makes any difference. Both intended and unintended DC is pretty much the responsibility of the player.
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Yeah that too. I want original Freddy back.
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That is what I fight for.
Same goes for Billy mains and Slinger mains.
We deserve our beloved characters back.
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A rightious fight.
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As it has always been.
Today marks its 3 year anniversary, as a matter of fact.
3 years since one lonely Freddy main took a good look at the results of Patch 3.1.0 and said:
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Would be fine if every nurse player didn't abuse exposed builds with totems or starstruck/noed, make her blink attack special seriously it's not that hard, imagine if blight rush attack could one shot
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If the players weren't children then we wouldn't have a problem. Add a -10k bloodpoint penalty per DC instead of the waiting time. If you don't have 10k then you go into the minus. Now people won't DC because they want bloodpoints.
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Let's punish the hook suiciders, then!
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Blight rush can one shot.
Edit: Not every Nurse uses expose or totem perks, or either.
Her Blink is not going to become a special attack.
Insert whatever additional refutations might be necessary to portray that you're wildin'.
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Also billy didnt deserve what he got :/
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I mean what’s the inventive? SoloQ is the weakest role in the game yet you get less BP than Killers relatively speaking.
Even if your teammates don’t DC they might as well have because they’re so horrendously bad 99% of the time because MMR doesn’t even work and even if it did anybody with a brain will tell you that escaped does not equal skill. Literally got a game against a Billy where a Dwight crouched the entire game and ran into the chainsaws when he wasn’t even getting chased and didn’t even know what a “gen” was. Does that match seem fun to you? At least killers get BP, survivors are completely reliant on their team to not throw like they do almost every match or if the killer isint playing scummy.
Onto that point the only fun thing for survivors to do is chase. Haha GOODLUCK half the killers are anti loop. Or they’re Blight, Spirit and Myers with busted add ons that might as well give them 4K’s if equipped. You get facecamped? Have fun staring at a screen for 2 minutes. Your teammate gets facecamped? Watch as your team all hook bomb the Bubba go down and give him a 4K insentivising it more. And in the very, VERY lottery winning off chance you get a team that doesn’t have the collective IQ of a couch have fun doing gens and holding M1 the entire match. Getting tunneled? Hey at least you get chase interaction at the trade off of certain death, less BP, and most likely de-pipping. Haha so much fun. If you’re not getting chased have fun pressing M1 for 3 minutes. Yes 3 minutes beacuse if I’m not doing a gen odds are nobody in my team is either and someone has to actually progress the game.
But hey you can just play with friends to avoid bad teammates? Nope it’s considered toxic and you’re a sweaty DISGUSTING SWF. Well what if you don’t play sweaty and meme around? Nope you’re toxic bully squad beacuse doing gen = gen rushing and not doing gens and memeing = bully squad. You literally cannot win no matter what you do. Literally a post about having an invulnerability window for killers because a killer got stunned by by a “bully squad” Head On too many times.
But what if you somehow, god blesses you and gives you actual decent teammates? Haha to the killer any coordination = SWF. Because SoloQ is so bad that a lot of killers think that if survivors can work together as an actual team they HAVE to be on comms and are a DISGUSTING SWF.
So to summarize to have fun as a SoloQ survivor you have to go against an actual fun killer that doesn’t counter the only fun thing you can do, have to have teammates that know how “gens” are and don’t go down in 3 seconds, and the killer has not play a causal game part game of DBD like they’re competing on a 10 million dollar tourny while their entire family is being held hostage at gunpoint and the entire world is gonna explode if they don’t get the 4K. So I ask again why would anyone want to play SoloQ survivor?
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Sounds like what a game designer would say
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Freddy definitely got hurt just as bad, but the worst part about Billy and Deathslinger is that their changes were purposely designed to make them feel worse to play, both mechanically and from a feedback perspective. That is the absolute worst way to normalize anything in any game ever. Potency adjustments and the like are one thing, but if your answer is to make them feel worse then all you're doing is intentionally dissuading people from using them.
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And I'll never stop explaining and insisting those atrocious changes have to be reverted.
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and we will.
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We certainly will :)
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Why i should slug them? They are giving me easy game, i will take that.
It is your problem, not mine.
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They'll just kill themself on hook instead.
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Bro.. what?? Lmfao I’ve never seen an online “pvp” game where leaving a game DIDNT hurt the team you were on. It’s gaming. Relax lmfao. You can’t force people to play something they don’t want to
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I mean when the Killer DC isnt so bad because Survivor Instant can search 4 Another Lobby
There are many reasons Why Killer DC or goes AFK like Hacker, Toxic Players that only try to troll the Killer
But when 1 Survivor DC he Ruin the whole Match for the 4 others Players, because 4 Killer the Game is Way to easy and Survivors doesnt have a Chance
There are alot Survivor that DC becasue they arent Happy whit the Killer or becasue they dont like the Hatch and it gets reverted when Killers gets tommany Kills
This Kind of Players should be punished Harder
Also whit this many Hackers a month ban 4 DCing would be awful just Thinking u are Killer and playing 6 games against Cheaters that doesnt end the Match ( there are many Hackers who ignore the Endgame Timer) and the only Way end it is DCing u will be banned 4 a month because of a Hacker