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General Discussions

New Killer BP build

Member Posts: 454
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

I wanna do a Killer meme build that only focuses on maxing out your bp categories.

Since BBQ is no longer giving bonus points at the end of the match I am looking for a perk that helps you maxing out Brutality (if there is one).

We got perks that give you extra Deviousness and Hunting points and Sacrifice is earned by hooking so something that helps with Brutality would be great.

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't know if there is a perk that helps with Brutality, but maybe using Ghostface might be cool ? One hit = 300 Brutality points, and grabbing a survivor while they're repairing a gen is 600 bloodpoints. So if you manage to sneak up on survivors, you could get a best case scenario of 900 Brutality points from them between each hook stage.

    It would drastically lower the chase points though...

    I'd advise Legion otherwise, because stabby stab quick, but I'm not sure frenzy hits give points in the same category as normal hits.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion is the best probably as each frenzy stab counts for a brutality hit as well. You can even double stab some people if you don't care about giving them a speedboost

    Mickey with mirror gives a lot of brutality bp too i think

    Trapper with padded jaws allows you to hit a healthy survivor in a trap twice for more brutality

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    There are some addons for killers that give extra bp. Speed limiters are one of them

  • Member Posts: 454

    I am aware of those but they are for deviousness

    I am looking for stuff that helps maxing Brutality.

  • Member Posts: 421

    There are no perks or addons that actually help you with farming. They don't actually give you extra bloodpoints, they just make you max the categories faster which means you'll spend the latter half of the game wasting bps.

    My advice is to play Legion or Doctor as they are the ones who max the categories faster by simply playing normally.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Mhm, good Ideas, thank you

    I think Legion frenzy hits do give points like regular hits

  • Member Posts: 454

    I know that, I said it myself in the op.

    I know only offerings (and old BBQ) give bonus points at the end of the match.

    I want to know how i can max out brutality since I often lack points in that at the end of the match.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    There are no perks that increase Brutality scoring events. However Meyers' Scratched Mirror and Vanity Mirror add-ons increase both his Brutality and Deviousness scores so if you like Meyers you could run one or even both of those add-ons and get those bonuses. (And yes, even though it's obviously really silly to run both perks simultaneously since Scratched Mirror prevents you from ever getting to Evil 2, their bonuses will stick presumably stack if that's the gimmick you're going for.)

    So I guess a possible "Ultimate Scoring Event" build would be something like


    • Scratched Mirror add-on (Increases Brutality 100% and Deviousness 200%. Permanent Evil 1 with auras)
    • Vanity Mirror add-on (Increases Brutality 100% and Deviousness 150%. Other effects unavailable with Scratched Mirror in play)
    • Distressing (100% Deviousness bonus. Normally increases terror radius but Scratched Mirror makes that moot)
    • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt (10% Hunter event bonus per totem still on the map. 10% speed penalty cleansing totems)
    • Beast of Prey: (50% Hunter bonus. Other Undetectable effect is redundant with Scratched Mirror)
    • Agitation or Iron Grasp: (There are no perks that give bonuses to Sacrifice, but these will make it less likely that you will miss reaching a hook)
  • Member Posts: 454

    Ahh, thank you very much!

    That sounds like a funny build, I will definitly try it out soon


  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Blight can max out deviousness every single game, he gets so many points

    Demo too, 1 shred hit is 800 bp

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2022

    Didn't know about the brutality BP bonus on mirror. Pretty cool. Shame it's a purple addon and makes getting hits so difficult. It's also a shame how Tier 3 hits don't even give Deviousness BP or a Brutality Bonus like Ghost Face. Seems kind of like an oversight.

    Either way, for Sacrifice, Blood Warden is an idea. Inconsistent, but if you open gates, then hook someone, you could get quite a bit of late hook/late sacrifice points. Assuming the game goes to 5 gens of course.

    I find Legion to be the best at farming points too. But he does in fact struggle with Deviousness. He only gets 250 per Frenzy hit. No bonus for instadowns, chain hits, nothing. Honestly the bonuses from Sleeping Pills could be made basekit. Maybe even give him a 200 bonus or so for downing a survivor afflicted by Deep Wounds, so he can still get some points if the survs split up.

    Either way, Distressing + Beast of Prey + Monitor seems to give quite a few points to me when I play it. Blood Warden so you may get some extra "late hook/sacrifice points". Monitor helps cancel out Distressing a bit. But on bigger maps and against better survivors you'll find they'll often simply start running really early. Go for chain hits, hit to get out of Power even if it gives speed boost to the survivors, and go for hooks and downs normally outside of that.

    You could also use Forced Penance if you want to, that gives 300 Deviousness points when it triggers, 600 if you run both Forced Penance + Distressing. But you'll mainly get these protection hits if you camp hooks. Works with your power, of course.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    Just play legion frenzy hits build Brutality and devious the long chases build hunter so it really just comes down to how many hooks you get and you still have 4 perks to choose from

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Legion or doctor are the best killers for farming. Legion is probably a bit better as frenzy gives deviousness and brutality. Often you get a ruthless killer and get no kills just because you do so many "chases"

    Doctor might be better though as i find legion makes people ragequit or DC so you end up getting less points overall.

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