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What's Your Biggest "Oops" Moment In Dbd

Member Posts: 942

Just accidentally had one, was on Garden of Joy and EGC was happening, didn't realize Yun-Jin was healing Claudette where she was unhooked and accidentally led Dredge over. The Claudette was thankfully healed though by the time she got hit again, felt terrible.

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  • Member Posts: 313

    When you wait by the exit gates when suddently the killer pulls Blood Warden out of their sleeve. Oops!

  • Member Posts: 942

    Nother oopsie, Oni was in demon rush, my frames dropped when he was running at me and he teleported to my direction and I got murked lmao

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Mine was a while ago. Unhooking a survivor was immediately followed by a "mori" and my "Ooooooh ####".

    The killer had managed to hide he had Devour Hope and I just gave him the nuclear option.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I have done this multiple times, go to protect an injured teammate while they head for an open gate just to get hit with NOED...

  • Member Posts: 974

    When I threw a pebble to bait the killer away from me. I ended up leading the killer to the exact spot of another survivor.

  • Member Posts: 299

    Had a challenge to hook people in the basement when I was playing Meyers. Got my stalk 99ed and downed an Ace pretty early in the match who I got in basement. Patrolled the nearby gens but remained nearby to get make sure I was close enough to get to the basement. Catch a David going for the unhook and make my way downstairs. Pop my Tier III as they unhook and I try to lunge at David but Ace moves in for the body block.

    Completely forgot I had Tombstone Piece on still. Straight up killed Ace right off the hook.

    I felt so terrible and they were console so I couldn't even apologize if they happened to stick around. 😭

  • Member Posts: 436

    Wasn't any one moment in a match, it was a match where I couldn't literally do anything right. Stuff like: Mind gaming myself back right into the killers grill during loops. Getting yanked off the hook trying to save people TWICE. On the final gen I missed 5-6 skill checks when it was like at 90% when my buddy was on the gen with me. The killer to his credit only hooked me twice and kept letting my teammates get me off the ground. I was at Red rank when this happened and the killer DM me after the match and said " I literally thought you were R20". It was humbling/funny both and may friends still bring it up from time to time.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Blinding myself and another survivor with my flash grenade....

  • Member Posts: 190

    I once fell for a "farming" Bubba....and just Bubba, but Bubba before his 4.1.0 rework. Even made a thread with a poll about it on the forum.

    Personally, I thought it was a really clever play on his part, especially when up against the ropes, ( and back then - before 4.1.0 - that poor, poor child wasn't just against the ropes, he was practically a punching bag) but I will never forget how salty the other survivors were in the post-game chat, and that thing had no filter back then.

    Those were some crazy times back then...the way it felt to see a secret offering in pre-match, which 95/100 time meant you'd be going up against an Ebony Mori, only to learn a few moments later that your killer also happens to be an Iri-Head Huntress on a warpath and getting gone in 60 seconds. Commodius toolboxes having 180 charges at +50% speed bonus, allowing one survivor with Commodius+BNP+swivels(+35%) to actually be more efficient than 3 survivors working on a single gen today. Welp, there once was a time when this game was at the cutting edge and practically single-handedly advancing the science of broken game design. Anyone remember "The Hills Have Eyes" event, which ended up lasting for a month and a half all the way until the next update?

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I was playing on PC but with a controller and it ran outta battery midchase.

    Always check your batteries, my friends.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    One that comes to mind is I was down to the last survivor alive (I don't remember which killer I was, might have been Doctor?) and on The Game. I found them, they were injured, and I'm chasing them on the upper level and OOPS accidentally fell down a hole midchase. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ By the time I got back on their trails they finished opening a door and got out.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I queued in as Twins before. I guess that counts right?

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited August 2022

    an oops moment for myself

    stunning a legion who had nemesis and rancor and like 3 seconds after the final gen was done I stunned him and got rancored immediately

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Oh yes I've had batteries die mid run to unhook someone and then the batteries died and they died lol

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I main Trapper

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    I installed DbD

  • Member Posts: 3

    Trying to look cool at the exit gate as a trickster kept missing his knives.... I forgot he could just bonk me over the head with his bat. I was hooked that game lmao. I also refuse to get caught in bloodwarden again, if some melon opens the gate and someone goes down then I am leaving regardless

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Was being chased by a Wraith. I could see the shack not far from me, and thought "Hey, I could try and loop him at shack!".

    There were two people healing there.

    ... I did not know that.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Doing chases as Plague, thinking it was bugged as I couldn't infect them, only to realise at the end I forgot to remove the Prayer Tablet Fragment.

  • Member Posts: 412

    Funniest oops moments are when I try and go for a body block save, but instead end up getting in my team mates way causing them to go down.

    My other oops moment is when I pull a pallet and end up on the wrong side of it.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Long time ago but i played a match as Legion and i was doing terrible

    I just lost survivors left and right. They all just suddenly dissapear into smoke

    Halfway through the match suddenly realised i had my headphones on backwards so when i heard survivors on my left they were actually on my right.

    Felt a bit silly

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I had a opps moment....I never tunnel off hook because that's just not fun I always go for the unhooker unless the one that got unhooked used BT to body block lol but back to the story......

    I hooked a Nea and walked away to find another survivor when she got unhooked I turn and follow the scratch marks. I lost them both around a jungle gym. As I was looking around I heard running so I quickly rounded the corner and swung my blade.....I downed the Nea by mistake.....I bowed a few times as a I'm sorry and picked her up to let her wiggle off....when she did I bowed a few more times as she pointed to a corner for me to face for being a bad Killer ....

    After that we farmed each other the rest of the match.

  • Member Posts: 734

    I got double teamed by Nemi's zombies in the corn. I was trying to bait him away from camping a hook in end game, but then i turned around and got a good ol' one two punch by zombie 1 and 2. I then died because I went down and my teammates just left instead of trying to save me (first hook too).

    I just had a game last night where an Oni had Floods of Rage and I hid in a corner of a bush in a tile on Dead Dawg thinking he would just check the gates (since I just finished a gen next to a gate). I got smacked and died.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I have two.

    The first was on the Rotton Fields against a wraith. Me and another survivor went to rescue someone from the basement, and as we were coming out, our 4th teammate set off Haunted Ground. All three of us died right then and there. Coincidentally, I was working on that totem earlier and would have gotten it out of the way sooner had that same teammate not led the killer right to me.

    The second was on the Game while I was playing Huntress. I had downed a David w/ No Mither right above a small hole. I didn't see him and ended up falling down trying to look for him, when he was just barely on the top floor the entire time. The kicker? When I realized that he'd picked himself up, I reloaded my hatchets and rounded the corner with a hatchet ready. He was still there, so I just downed him again. It was almost a good play...

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Teabagged over the hatch in a game against Deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Had an almost similar experience to that, was on Rotten Fields (meat tree ver.) killer was Bubba. So one of our teammates goes down near shack and gets hooked in basement, he wasn't camping, so my ballsy ass goes for the save. Low and behold, Steve had the same idea. I unhook the Haddie and Bubba is coming back, and I just feel my heart drop. So there's three people in the basement, and Bubba is on his way back chainsaw revving. Well when we all skedaddled out of basement, I nearly sandbagged the freshly unhooked Haddie.

    Thankfully, almost everyone managed to get out, rest in peace Steve, we would have gotten you off hook, but Bubba was facecamping and we all were injured, even if we tried, we would be chainsawed. Your sacrifice was not in vain, love ya man.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Everyone was in basement and I was the first one out. I was on the stairs and my co troller disconnected blocking everyone in, which then the Bubba came and ate us

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I was playing against an insidious camping Billy on Midwich once, but rather than facecamping he’d stand at the end of the hallway and chainsaw all the way to the hook as soon as an unhook happened. I had music on so I couldn’t really hear him charging his power that well, and you can imagine my reaction when I turned around after unhooking a Dwight only to see an angry man with a chainsaw charging at me.

  • Member Posts: 438

    Biggest woops moment, trying to body block nemesis from hitting Steve. I crouch to block him from outside FoV, he had his tentacle out. He whips. Tentacle hits Steve. Steve mori'd on spot.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Basically all of my oops moments involve Haunted Grounds, the most embarrassing one was against a Wraith

    i cleansed it right as the Wraith was walking past, he uncloaked, slowly turned towards me, and then downed me, i just stood there and accepted my fate

    we laughed about it in post-game chat because it was easily the funniest Haunted Grounds moment i had, but i was holding my head in my hands when i realised the Wraith was right there

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I've just remembered an "oops" moment that I expect many of us went through.

    A few months ago, following the tutorial update, every builds was cleared and I went into several matches without a build ready.

    The first time, I felt something was missing on the screen, I just couldn't put my finger on what.

    For the next few days, several killer and survivor games were started without a build (yeah, I can be a bit absent-minded sometimes)

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited August 2022

    Not sure if I could pick one, but it would probably involve getting Blood Warden-ed

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Deciding it was a good time to do my Adept killer challenge, with zero add-ons and combining it with the (old) Orange Glyph πŸ˜…

  • Member Posts: 4,903
  • Member Posts: 812

    Had a pretty bad oops moment the other day. Artist was chasing me through RPD, and I ran past Feng Min who was healing herself. (I didn't know she was there.) Then Artist downed her. She was on death hook, too.


  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Wraith and no I did not, went against a very good swf on Suffocation Pit 😌

  • Member Posts: 492

    Trapper walking into your own trap. There isn't. Bigger "ooph" moment.

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