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Anyone else playing less?



  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Yeah, I'm taking a break from the game atm. Nothing to do with the update though. I'm just burnt out.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Since SBMM iv played less and less especially killer. I'm kinda a survivor main the past year now but I still play less, tired of hackers and random teammates rage quitting or refusing to touch gens

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    I've been playing lobby simulator for a while now, while watching tv shows or playing other stuff.

    Starting DBD is a habit, but I can't get myself to press 'ready'

  • Member Posts: 46

    Definitely : killers queues take forever and playing survivor is useless right now since I am paired with totally beginners.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I'm actually playing more than I used to. Killer is no longer frustrating and survivor was never that hard to begin with, yes there are a lot of potatoes but that doesn't keep me from escaping. Interestingly enough I don't even care about project W that much either.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    Something must be seriously wrong if you were willing to return to LoL. I haven't touched that dumpsterfire since early 2018.

  • Member Posts: 199

    I absolutely agree. Once BP bonuses are gone I'm more likely to play 1-2 matches and go to sleep as due to amount of BP I get every game (it's ~38k every time) I feel like I cannot unlock anything in reasonable future. It seem like what I have unlocked pre-patch is everything I'm gonna get unlocked.

    The progression system is just straightly bad and new players are extremely discouraged to progress as the current pace and the amount of perks to unlock are... horrendous to say the least.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I've been playing less, but more so out of burnout after playing quite frequently for the past two months. I'm playing more of the Evil Dead game and Fallout 4 at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 847

    Yea i do dailies and archives then im kind of meh on it after. Maybe just some burn out but the amount of bp awarded every match doesnt feel rewarding enough anymore. Rip Bbq and wglf. Idk why they are so scared of players earning good bp during a match.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I've been playing less recently. It just doesn't feel as rewarding to play anymore and the grind feels 10x worse

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    I remember being very excited for my first two matches this patch,it was lots of fun seeing all the new silly combos and having fun.

    Now I'm kinda playing less or playing on autopilot without even thinking about it, really,I only play to get tomes done and I don't really get fun games anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    I think the biggest problem for me is that, while Killer for me was always "stomp or be stomped", survivor felt like more or a back n' forth

    now it's extremely "stomp or be stomped" if I play survivor where either the killer gets rolled or my team

    it ain't fun

  • Member Posts: 154

    my gametime is going down rapidly. look at the player stats and the long killer queuing times since the new update came out. they lost many survs with it

  • Member Posts: 628
    edited August 2022

    I'm finding myself gravitating to other games in preparation of Q4 releases. Specifically Splatoon 3 and Pokemon Scarlet. The latter isn't really a direct competition, however the former is absolutely an issue for DBD Switch Players.

    Its an online multiplayer game without an official end for the most part. New weapons and kits, meta balances and maps and community events. It has both ranked and casual modes, along with Salmon Run returning and not to mention a fun single player.

    I know console players get a bad rep, but I do think Splatoon is superior to DBD in most ways that give the most bang for your time. Queue times are almost instant, continuous lobby (with rotating teams) and Splatoon 2 gave regular updates (monthly new kits, Splatfests aka Sweatfests lol and meta balancing). The latter occurred well after last Splatfest.

    DBD was a fun game, and not related to recent patch, but Splatoon/Pokemon releases in the same 3 months is going to make DBD go to 0 lol

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Yup. I'm just getting tome challenges done to get through rift and then playing something else. Not having fun as survivor. Killer I've always found boring - either I steam roll the survivors or they steam roll me, there is no middle ground so it's not worth the wait. Not a fan of the forced prestige with unnecessary toll to prestige, it feels like waste of BP which discourages me from bothering to play and earn BP.

  • Member Posts: 138

    I wonder if a lot of survivors are focusing on tomes which can explain why survivors are seemingly throwing matches by doing irrational things. I got sacrificed endgame one match as the last survivor because I needed a new item to escape with but couldn't find any chests! Then post chat was asked what the heck I was doing. So I didn't ruin the game for anyone but myself, but definitely some head-scratching going on from the spectators.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Personally, I play less since russia got blacklisted, my friends playing less as well.

    Dead by daylight have a lot of stuff only available for auric cells (that we can't buy right now), so we just play less. -_-

    Just waiting for things to get better.

  • Member Posts: 696

    I've actually been playing less since the release of SBMM/MMR. I want to come back full time but until they fix that (or remove it completely), I have no reason to play a game that stresses me out all the time. So yeah, sometimes I'll hop on and then be reminded why I took a break earlier this year in the first place. Matchmaking needs a huge overhaul. I never get matched with other people of similar skill sets anyways. They're either way above or below mine. As survivor, it's always much lower (new players, ect), and as killer it's always much higher (including SWFs, cheaters, ect).

  • Member Posts: 942

    Same, but with survivor, DbD brings out the worst in me sometimes due to my already existing anger issues peaking when playing this game because of how teammates play more so than killer. I pretty much stopped playing SWF as a whole cuz my friends don't even want to play the game anymore.

    The grind was made worse cuz bp perks bonuses are gone and mm incentives got disabled on the first day of them being out. Don't even get me started on the 20,000 bp tax, honestly I don't think the Wesker project will save the game either.

    I'm playing more relaxing games like Stardew Valley, SoT, and Minecraft to cope with my anger. Honestly I rather play Dark Souls or R6S than DbD at this point but I've put to much money into the game and I feel like it'd be a waste if I stopped playing as a whole, but it seems like the best option.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I've gotten my Killers to p2 (I didn't prestige them beforehand so as to not lose cakes) but haven't felt a strong urge to play, either. Part of it's not being in the mood. Part of it is last time I did play Mr game crashed while on the verge of winning, which killed my motivation that particular day.

  • Member Posts: 670

    I'm not playing at all and have no plans returning to dbd. The game died for me due to the insanely long queues for killers. I have no time to wait for a match, honestly. Meanwhile, I've been having a lot of funs with my 150GB modded Skyrim 😅

  • Member Posts: 411

    I've started playing less and less. It just feels like every other game as survivor I either want to dc or I do dc. No one wants to make saves until they're being chased and bring the killer to you or until you start letting go on the hook and that's just getting old. Not to mention the amount of people crouch walking around the map not doing anything.

    As killer I just find it boring now. Mostly for the same reasons but also because I only really play against what seems like newer players. Occasionally I go against a decent group but most of the time I just feel like I'm not even trying anymore. That's not counting the dc matches and I don't blame any of the survivors for doing that either as they are probably frustrated by the same things I get frustrated with.

    Personally I wish they'd just get rid of MMR. I use to have a great time when every match seemed random. One game might've had less experienced players and the next game might've been of great difficulty. But at least it switched up from game to game. The ranking system wasn't great by any means but it provided variety in a game that only has one mode.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I have a saying...I can't be playing more than 3 games of dbd in a single day.

  • Member Posts: 273

    I'm not really playing less, but I am having significantly less fun than before. It feels like killers took the patch as an opportunity to play as nasty as humanly possible; just deliberately trying to make sure people don't have fun. The vast majority of my games I would hardly even describe as playable.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I've been playing alot of Fortnite and VHS.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'm playing more. The AoT theme gets me excited to die

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2022

    Definitely playing less. I used to play 75% Solo Queue and 25% SWF.

    With the update MMR is a disaster and solo queue is unplayable. On top of it my SWF friends also hate the update and have stopped playing. So, my hours a day, every day, have turned into a couple of hours a week, or less, and declining. The BP grind now is miserable on top of it.

    I may come back if they fix solo queue but they seem to only care about making the game fun / stupid easy for killers, and not for everyone, so I don’t know if I’ll every actually come back.

    They need to put the same energy they put into cosmetics into fixing and balancing the game the right way, and maybe the numbers will stop plummeting into the ground. Soon there won’t be enough people playing to purchase the 5000th Meg skin.

    I also expect the killers will bore of the brainless matches soon, if it’s not happening already.

  • Member Posts: 646

    I've barely been playing lately. I try every now and then because the completionist in me doesn't like to miss out on the rift, but the games I get in solo queue are just so unfun... I've been encountering range addon Nurses left and right after a certain streamer made a video exposing how busted it is. I've been stuck on my 'cleanse 8 totems' challenge for a while now because going out of your way to cleanse even a single totem feels like throwing the match with the current state of the game. Overall just very unfun.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Do you think bhvr is happy with the actual status of the game. Because I think they’re killing their own game

  • Member Posts: 942

    My friends that left the game, hated fortnite, but they much rather play that game over dead by daylight, and that has been the case, they've been playing that for the past couple days over DBD

    I think that really says something when players are willing to go to the games that they hate most over this

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Without the double blood point bonus from BBQ, I've definitely been playing less, especially considering there's no incentives active right now. People love their blood points, and without the ability to earn extra blood points the game is a slog to play through.

  • Member Posts: 100

    I barely touched the game after realizing how broken the recent patch is. Whenever I did play, I only played killer

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I've actually been playing a little more since before the update, and the new tome page certainly helps.

  • Member Posts: 161

    Honestly that's probably the case. The other aspects of the game/grind just ain't worth it anymore. I guess until they fix it this is a good time to clear all the old tomes and to hell with the matches, especially solo q.

  • Member Posts: 707

    I don't know what I feel reading this. So many good people here having a miserable time. I'm happy I am not alone but I really hope everyone can get their fun back to the game we all love <3

    Hoper you are reading this devs.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    I took a break for a few months, but I’ve actually been getting back into DBD recently. I played 90% solo Q before, but I’ve mostly switched to Killer. The Killer role is easier than ever, and I’ve been having fun with it. Solo Q is not worth my time though :(

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