Thana Has Meaningful counterplay now

The difference between 3 people being injured and 4 is huge, so you just get 1 guy who is as far away from plague and as much as possible in a dead zone or near completed gens cleanse and from then on play safe.
Same deal with legion, split up so he cant injure all 4 at the same time. Which is standard operating procedure against legion anyway and when he does eventually injure all 4, just do the same thing you do with plague.
It seems like a counterproductive endavour but its honestly not that hard to have at least 1 guy uninjured against plague and as annoying as legion is they are not very good at covering the whole map in 1 go.
The PR/DMS decision though is an obvious knee jerk reaction to an unlikely and honestly meaningless scenario with Merciless storm and will obviously backfire.
Lol they are giving us PR/DMS back.
Dunno why but ty Valve
I think they nerfed Thana in the wrong way, but honestly, I am just happy they nerfed it. It's definitely also going to be weaker on Legion and Plague. I just hope it will be enough for those two killers.
Meanwhile, it's completely useless on every other killer.
The other two perk changes are just bad though. And perks like Pentimento and Eruption also still need to be nerfed.
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My problem with the thana nerf is that's completely useless on killers other than legion, even on plague I don't think it's gonna be useable and certainly not best in slot for her.
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They should have increased the debuff and make it apply to basic attacks only. That way it would give a stronger action speed debuff but Legion and Plague wouldn't capitalize of it like crazy.
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Anyone who says the thana nerf is a good thing is clearly survivor biased. That perk is as good as dead
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Now time to use pentimento with dying light instead, I guess.
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Sp now we are all forced to be 4man swf on comms? Cause otherwise this is completely impossible.
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This mans not giving killers a chance to win at all
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The thana nerf sucks. It didn't fix anything, not really. All it did was make it worse for every killer except legion, plague, and nurse. Who just so happen to be the only killers thana was meaningful on in the first place. So it's still going to be pretty solid on those killers, nothing's changed there, but on every other killer it'll be even worse.
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Pentimento??? Do you not remember where you cleansed your totems at?
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Legion and Plague still have no problem on making Thana at max stack. This nerf makes Thana useless on other Killers. They buffed Thana because it was how hard to make all 4 injured for other Killers
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Wait what? What are you talking about?
Is this referring to me wanting Pentimento and Eruption nerfed? Because if you have to rely on those two perks currently to win, you might not be as good as killer as you think.
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It's certainly easier to deal with for swf survivors than for solo survivors. Which already makes the perk a bit problematic.
Yes, I do remember where I cleansed my totems. But increasing a gen from 90 seconds to 128 seconds is beyond ridiculous. It's too strong, definitely.
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Easy if you're in a SWF. Unless you have Bond in solo it's easier said than done. But yes, it's the common sense play
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Why Pentimento? Just don’t do totems and it won’t activate.
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It was already dead on all killers except those 2. Please dont be so dramatic
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Should have been 4%/8%/12%/20% instead.
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Nah it was still solid all around. Having a few injures wasn’t too hard. Now there is no reward except a wasted perk slot
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I don't get the nerf either. it was a good perk that encouraged good play instead of tunneling and camping aka go for every survivor not target one. But o well guess people will go back to pain res.
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You can bet we will : D
Its Pain Res/DMS baby, the casual games staple : D
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So a one time conversion of an already cleansed totem to another breakable totem where at least one survivor knows where its location is, is too strong? I'd love to hear your take on boon totems that cannot be broken without a perk and provide massive team benefits. Circle of healing In particular.
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What did you do when Ruin was a perk if you think penti is problematic? It's effects were stronger and activation requirements non existent with the same constraints.
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but Scott Jund put it best. It's still oppressive on the two killers that used it most often and completely useless for everyone else. Maybe less Nurses and Blights will run it, but Legion and Plague will still be a complete nightmare to go up against.
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Plaything Pentimento is the better combo for most killers anyway.
Not a big deal
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PR/DMS supremacy ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
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Why? Heal once vs legion and it's essentially disabled. This is not difficult. At least plague gets something out of survivors denying the perk.
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Even on Legion it's going to be mostly useless. It's really only effective at 4 stacks. One person heals or holds w long enough and you can't injure them and it is a wasted perk. 6% slow at 3 people injured is not worth a perk slot. They should not have buffed Thana. It didn't need it. Neither does it need a nerf this severe. Did they bother even trying it at it's pre buff max of 20%? Maybe try that FIRST before adjusting it one way or the other.
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LMAO. they are already trash and you want to seee them utterly nerfed? then don't be surprised if the killers will tunnel and camp even more...
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It's a good thing.
25 something extra seconds on gens on top of mending/cleansing is not precisely fair and balanced gameplay.
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Suddenly hit and run is "good gameplay" and not "suboptimal play because of CoH and instadown perks" because thana got nerfed? God, the forums are a joke.
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25 seconds needs every one to be injured. Realistically speaking a few gens should pop before that happens and after that point 25 seconds extra shouldnt matter much unless you 3 gen yourself. It was ok even on legion and plague imo but now it should be more than fine.
Well actually now i would 100% run it on plague to bait people to keep cleansing.
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Uh just use both.
PR, DMS, plaything and pentimento.
This is the way.
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Me needing to rely on these perks because every surv i go against either has brand new part and purple medkits with insta heal means I am bad at killer?
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its not the best idea but i guess you could run legions broken status effect add on but thats pretty much the only way you can make it work. and if it does only for a few second smh
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An easy fix to thana would be a slight nerf to max slowdown, alongside frontloading the value. Make each subsequent injure slowdown for less, but start out slowing more.
For example:
* 1st injure - 7% slowdown - total 7% slowdown
* 2nd injure - 5% slowdown - total 12% slowdown
* 3rd injure - 3% slowdown - total 15% slowdown
* 4th injure - 1% slowdown - total 16% slowdown
This means most killers can achive in 2 injures (fairly doable) what used to require 3, however the overall effect for killers like legion and plague are lessened. Another advantage of this is that healing is even more encoraged rather than powering through as the individual injures matter more.
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It's not a bad idea and I have considered it because 60 seconds of broken does add value to Thana.
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This I think is a fair solution and makes much more sense than what they have decided upon.
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One thing that is being missed is the slowdown on totem cleansing. Totems get destroyed so easily and often and there are very few ways to protect them. Pretty much, Undying, Thrill of the Hunt and Thana. That's it. So this change really hurts totem builds.
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Thana isn’t needed anymore because of the gen buff it should never been buffed stop being sad that you can’t make survivor solo q games miserable in that way anymore, but you can still tunnel and camp don’t worry plenty of ways to ruin someone’s game still you haven’t lost every option
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I agree it didn't need a buff at all. But it didn't need this nerf either. This is very drastic. There are other gen slowdown and regression perks though. But I really liked it for totem builds. When I use a totem I actually like to get some use out of it and Thana helped with that a lot.
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You really do expect too much as far as skill is concerned from people who play this game....
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I used to use Plaything, Pentimento, Thana and Third Seal. The main goal was to get Third Seal on everyone and keep it on. The other 3 perks were just to make it hard to figure out which one was my Third Seal and offer it a bit of protection.
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I expect people to remember where they cleansed a totem at if the killer has plaything because most of the time people use pentimento with plaything, its not expecting skill its expecting you to know what Pentimento does and how to easily counter it
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It was only nerfed because survivors cried yet again, like they always do, and they caved. Look at how fast it got nerfed compared to how long DH was plauging the game.
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Do something other than slam gens and run into pallets?
Yeah you're expecting too much LOL
People still don't know how to counter NoED LOL.