What is the worst/best map.

Love to hear from both killer and survivor perspective.Personally as killer meat plant worst as survivor mothers dwelling as killer,RPD is up there but hopefully be fixed in rework.
Like playing Haddonfield as both survivor and killer.
As killer, prolly red forest. But many of the maps are tough if they get good spawns for survivors.
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Every reworked map, for both sides.
But, if we take them out of the equation then the worst map in my honest opinion is Dead Dawg Saloon, both for Survivor and Killer.
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Probably RPD which is one reason why they're reworking it for the next chapter.
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I’m sure someone has worked this one out but be interesting to know the survivor/killer ratios on all maps….
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Probably RPD, I am glad they are splitting the map in two.
Back in the day I used to hate Lery's as both roles for some reason but now I actually enjoy it
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RPD and Dead dog for both. Although I've played rpd so many times I literally feel I have an advantage when im killer because its like no one knows where theyre going 🤣
Also midwich... only if its brought in an offering.
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russians in the team or as killer
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The Game, hands down
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There are so many unfair maps it's hard to list them all.
Most of the maps in DBD need to be shrunk down 1000-2000m². There are multiple corn maps and the only one that is remotely fair is the one that is less than 9000m².
Crow map is too big and the basement is unfair when it is in main building.
The game is unfair to all M1 killers; it's ok with Blight/Nemesis/Nurse/Pyramid Head to name a few.
The suffocation pit has way too many vault tiles together in the middle.
Lery's has way too many pallets/vaults together in short spaces and is too big.
RPD is too big but they are chopping it into at least two maps.
Shelter woods is too darn big.
Huntress maps are too big.
Basically any map that is over 9000m² needs to get chopped down so that they are 9000m² or less. That's the bare minimum for killers that don't have movement powers and may not even have full movement speed.
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Shelter woods for me personally. Just and empty plane with few walls on edges. You running balance landing? You don't in this map.
Second would be RPD. It's just too big and bad map to play dbd on.
Third goes to game. How the hell bhvr still haven't tuned it is beyond me.
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Garden of Joy, Haddonfield, Eyrie of Crows and RPD are all awful maps.
I firmly believe BHVR doesn't know how to make a good map anymore. They look good, yes, but they play horrid.
I miss Hawkins. It had unique and fun loops never seen before or since.
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My two most hated maps, regardless of role are Lery's and RPD.
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Feels like a hedge maze the size of a football stadium.
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RPD. The absolute worst
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For killer, I would say RPD, but that's getting reworked so I'm going to go with Mother's Dwelling. It's way too big and has a bunch of long and safe loops, and a couple infinites (unless they got fixed already).
For survivor I would say Dead Dawg Saloon. The map is super small and gens are close together, and there are very little strong loops present in the map. The only strong point is the saloon, but once the walls in there are broken it becomes a weak main building.
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Mother's Dwelling
Shelter Woods
Rotten Fields
Blood Lodge
Pale Rose
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I think it's the Grim Pantry swamp map for killer. You can down a survivor with all the hooks in play and literally have nowhere to take them to sometimes. Good luck if the survivors brought sabotage.
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Worst maps for normal killers: Gas Haven (has a really big wall that's hard to play around and breaking some breakable walls give the survivors an advantage). Basically every map without a main structure (except in Autohaven wreckers)(sometimes tils setups on these maps are really disgusting), RPD (too big and hard to traverse), Gideon Meat Plant (don't need to explain that one), Mother's Dwelling (pretty big, sometimes gens pop before you even have a chance to go there) and perhaps Garden of Joy (although the map isn't too bad, unless a Jungle Jim spawns next to the main building. This map also terrible totem spots). Haddonfield can be bad if survivors stay near the houses, otherwise it's mostly balanced.
For survivors: Dead Dawg Saloon (most of the tiles and pallets aren't good and can be easily mindgamed by the killer, main structure is decent, but also not strong by any means. But the bushes on this map are pretty nice and dark), Midwitch Elementary School (but only if the killer plays Nurse), Azrovs Resting Place (usually teammates tend to put themselves into a 3-gen, but the size of this map gives you more time to repair a gen, which is quite nice. Haddonfield, but only of you can't get into a house in time (totem spots also aren't good on this map, which is both good and bad for you (bad because your boon gets found quickly, good because you can get rid of hexes faster.
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Aw, that’s my favorite map. The bushes on that map are excellent! I think it’s pretty even once the killer breaks a few doors on the main building.
My worst map is RPD. Teammates go into second stage because it’s hard to navigate to them.
Poo Poo Bird Lady’s map is a close second because it has no bushes. It’s not enough her chase music and constant cawing and screeching cause my ears to bleed, noooo, her map has to be anti-Claudette too. The dumb cow. I hate her.