I tried killer, I dont think I will again for awhile... again.

It's weird to think when this game first released I was a killer main and then as time went on I played both roles 50/50.
But since SBMM iv became a survivor main, every time I try play killer even the weakest tier of killers I just get hackers or sweaty friends using strong items burning survivor sided map offerings.
I tried 5 games today, each one contained a map offering... farm, RPD, farm, Giddeon, RPD.
What is the point.. you do not need to burn maps constantly with purple medkits and BNP toolboxes against freddy...
Probably an unexpected turn of events spawned from the recent killer buffs. Survivors lost a bunch of tools, so they are playing sweatier and bringing better stuff to the matches. I know I never used to bring items or offerings, now I feel forced to bring a medkit or be removed from the match early.
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The mistake is playing Freddy, while some killers can now do better, a lot are still super weak and unviable.
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I got the farm and Ormond all the time before the patch.
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Survivor really didnt lose much though, and I wouldn't mind just a small medkit but everyone is stacking strong items and map offerings
I know but I try to play all killers, I dont just want to play blight and nurse to stand a chance. It wouldn't be so bad if they didnt go that extra mile to screw me over.
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I'll take ormand over the others anyday lol, at least that does have some unsafe loops and better for most killers
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I'm really not having too much of a problem against the super sweats.
Had a squad of 4 people all over P30 (top one was P47) and I still managed a 2K on Cowshed. Granted, I was playing Nemesis, not Freddy but still. I had a game where they took me to The Game as Legion and I did well against the top 3 people in Escapes on Xbox.
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Then try the A Tiers they can definitely do very well now.
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Sometimes you will get bad luck with swf. Probably the survivors are expecting to be matched with sweaty nurses or blights and going all-out.
Although i must say that seeing map offerings does not always mean they are being hardcore. Friends of mine enjoy trolling me by burning Glenvale offerings because they know we are usually destroyed by fast killers in that tiny shoebox
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I mean, good?
Glad to see survivors are playing harder instead of suiciding on hook as usual.
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But the gen spread is so bad most of the time. You can easily lose 2 gens when patrolling.
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By patrolling I'm assuming you mean "patrolling" a hook. And if so then you should probably search for survivors on gens instead of mindlessly sitting by the hook knowing the survivors are focusing on generators.
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Just went straight in for the blind assumptions there eh.
With an M1 killer like freddy sometimes yeah, even when you commit to that chase the rest will jump back on and pop that gen you just chased em off.
Maybe mix up your build, bit of extra gen protection/regression never hurts.
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Just went straight in for the blind assumptions there eh.
What else would patrolling mean in this context?
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I would have thought patrolling gens was the obvious one, given gens were the topic.
But I commend your conviction for just diving in unabashed and so self sure with the first thing that came to mind.
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gens. patrolling gens.
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Also for OP, just make sure Task Manager mysteriously opens itself and causes your game to force quit every time a map offering for a map you don't want to play on pops up. For me, it usually happens on Gideon's and RPD.
As for killer being hard, well, yeah. If you want to win, you have to play to win. It sucks to hear it, but that means playing stronger killers or leaning HARD into weaker killer's strengths. I won't suggest hard camping and tunneling since it's pretty boring, but a little bit of tactical second staging or tunneling survivors that are out of position isn't as scummy as standing in front of the hook for two minutes.
Basically just avoid playing bottom tier killers and you should be fine.
Here's my very spicy and totally not at all extremely biased tierlist. Basically my advice is don't play killers in C or D tier unless you are running a super strong or nasty build.
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Playing killer is pretty breezy compared to playing survivor, these days.
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Wait what?
Legit P30 and P47?
That would be the highest atm i think. But in two weeks - a bit sus...
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They were on Xbox, so it's legit.
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There are just some killers that you shouldn't expect to win even if you do good. Like freddy. If you care about winning or doing well against skilled players, maybe freddy isn't the best choice.
There are plenty killers who can do "OK", besides blight and nurse. I mean if you play well, you can expect a good game with pyramid head, nemesis, dredge, spirit, huntress, hag, plague, maybe even wraith, even if you just 2k.
Freddy just... Isn't quite there.
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How do they know those stats?
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By reputation and via trueachievements leaderboards.
It's not perfect but it tracks the different things Xbox does for DBD like Feast for the Entity or Bloody Millionaire.
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Other killers do stand a chance agains't other than seal teams but they're very rare to encounter. I play lot of killers and won most my games before patch and now even more.
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How many escapes they have just interesting to know? I still can't believe someone can over P40 prestigate level is that even possible without hacks. P30 is more beliavable but highest I've seen was P21 david.
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No. After a hook sometimes you canr fined a survivor right away when you dint have aura perks like bbq so the best place to look is gens. Sometimes your first or second guess is incorrect or the survivors leave before you get there so you start patrolling gens to fine survivors.
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Camping the hook, especially if it’s an early hook, is the optimal strategy. You can afford to lose a couple of gens
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The SWEATS are the only people capable of giving you a game. It is still a good challenge for you.
Us solos get massacred within 5 minutes post-patch.
So, you just want the easy matches? Would it be better we we stood still for you?
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Camping really is a below-the-belt strategy. You have all the balance in your favour and you STILL camp.
No wonder survivors are bailing.
Thanks mate. Really helping the game there ...
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Of course, now it id designed for killers no to lose a single match!
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If you'd actually cared to look, I agree with you and have been arguing very vocally for Survivor improvements.
I was merely remarking that I didn't believe OP was playing at their best.
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This game is still survivor sided. I’m not playing for the other side to have fun: I play for me. I will do whatever it takes to win. And if people leave? Oh well, I’ll move on and play a different game. Miss me with threats