This game is really unfair and unbalanced

copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

We as a community need to start holding these game developers accountable for balancing a game so that it is fun competative for everyone. I am a killer main and I feel this game is absolutly unfit for anyone to play. I have been playing this game off and on a couple years; Too many times i am faced with a heavily unbalanced match that either makes it unfair for me or other players.

first match scenario would be were survivors seem way over powered against me based on my skill level as a killer and i feel unable to catch anyone because they were infinite loop masters and gen rushers that team either teabagged me in the end or stood and allowed me to get atleast one hit at the exit gates. In the end the match was neither fun for me or them.

2nd scenario would be me against 4 way underpowered survivors were they just cant get away from me at all and it becomes really easy to capture them while all of them are crawling on the ground or on the hook; I begin to feel sorry for them and allow 1 or 2 to escape. This wasnt fun i felt like i was taking candy from a baby.

The third scenario is were im sure survivors are guilty of as well; this is when right after a match when survivors were way too good and overwelmingly outplayed me and finished the match bullying and teabagging. by now im excited to try the next match on my highest game because of the unhealthy frustration from the previous game; however this new crew is not a sweaty crew like the last. I have now vented my frustration out on a casual gaming crew of survivors who were just there to have some fun while i took them all out way to easy and quick.

Guess what happens next? well its happening right now; survivors are calling out that killers are over powered and killers are are calling out that survivors are over powered. all this and the developers Behavior seems to constantly update the game to make it even more unbalanced as if this was their intention

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    Maybe if they gave casual ranked players a speed boost and sweaty ranked players a speed nerf. I think this might make things better for everyone overall.

  • IH8ThePatch
    IH8ThePatch Member Posts: 9

    Totally true RE balance.

    DEVS seem to put in more stationary 'unmanned' killers (probably to help 'balance' the escape rates?).

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    A speed boost / speed nerf? You can’t be serious. 😂 the game is balanced fine. If you don’t think so, you probably just suck. I play killer, and so just fine. I get lots of 3/4 k’s. I also lose some matches to some decent survivors. I play solo q, and I escape probably 70% of my matches, and I die to some good killers. The game is fine.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Heres the thing that is holding the balance back from any other online game that has a competative scene and that is a market for it. This game primarily is a relax and chill game with a tad bit of suspense. I am not saying it couldnt be there just its not really balanced for it in general like say a game like Overwatch is. Sure dbd could potentially get there it would just require a lot of work and i dont think the majority of the players would like the balancing act that would have to happen were it to go that route. I mean look at how much they are complaining right now with this last patch

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I think the game is more balanced than ever.

    Honestly my survivor games are working great and if I do not face a good Nurse or a camping Bubba the game is quit fun. The changes to pallet breaking and hit-speed made the good old shift+w require more skill to fool the Killer where you are running, the buffed survivor perks are fun (Off the Record is dope as solo player, no more hook farming me) and Killers are more diverse than ever.

    And most important: Survivor teammates now split up fare more than ever, making our chances to do something that game even higher.

    DbD always had the tendency to feel bad at first. When I started the game I had the same feeling as you and it was frustrating because I was unable to spot my mistakes, the Killer found me any time, I could never get a survivor and so on. As a Survivor I had to improve my stealth game and play more to the objective here, learn a few tiles that I now can play decently and add some helpful perks (Kindred mostly) to my kit. As a Killer it was the same: Learn some tiles, learn when to drop a chase, spam my ability to get better with it and stop using NoeD...

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Its an asymmetric game. Balancing it at all levels is impossible. The game is balanced around casual experience.

    Even though our usual doomposters says otherwise, the kill rates atm is probably around 60% for casual play when we discount all the times survivors just give up on first down.

    Game is atm unfun and unbalanced because lots of people just throw the games. Solo q's worst enemy is solo q.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52
    edited August 2022

    MMR matched you with good players but you suck at the game due to not being to mind game good enough or just chase good enough or predict survivors in general. Basically get better at chases and you won't suck. Also tea-bagging is hilarious so i don't know what you are talking about. After all the longer the spend tea-bagging the less time they have to run away. Idk what you mean by bullying but i can think of 2 scenarios: A head on squad or a flashlight squad. For head on just quite literally don't walk into lockers. If you know that someone is in one then sidewalk into the locker without any kind of mind game which at least for me works for most of the time or just bait them out of the locker. For flashlights just wear headphones and look at rocks or something while picking someone up so they can't flash save.

    Basically git gud and you won't have a problem.

    This game isn't casual it's either competitive or in-between. The best way to enjoy the game is to get good at it just like with any other game. Also it really doesn't take much brainpower to get good at this game anyway. I just picked it up again after not playing for nearly 3 years and i already climbed all the way back to nearly silver 2 on survivor and silver 3 on killer after 5 days of playing it. I started playing again since monday.

    Also the update made the game more fun. People love complaining.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Before: SWF.......Killer..Solo q

    Now: SWF...Killer.....Solo q

  • CypherDBD
    CypherDBD Member Posts: 9

    I think the real problem of the game is the toxic communauty...

    I play survivor and killer (rank 1) and i see a lot unfair and troll players.

    I love the game, but i always need a break time (weeks/month) for this game because of that!

    Sometime i see very bad killer win, just because he camp/tunnel and kill 1 survivor in 3 minutes, free win for killer...

    Or good killer lose, because 1/2 survivors just troll the killer (bodyblock, clic clic with flashlight, t-bag...) and the other survivors 2/3 gen rush.

    I'ts just my opinion, but i think all of this broke the MMR system and make unbalanced game.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    o k

  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2022

    I see this is true too; the community can ruin the experience. In this thread there are people shouting "you suck" "git gud" although Im considered a higher level killer; making comments like this come from a ignorant mindset that implies that a person should play the game a certain way. I dont always want to run around sweaty with nurse and spirit all the time.

    Have you ever wonder why a game like left 4 dead 1 and 2 became so popular and liked?

    there is fun to be had for everyone and the game was geared around making it fun for everyone; and not just made for whoever spoke the loudest in the community.

    There was a time when I was unstopable with Clown and on average 3 to 4k 50 games straight before seeing 1 to 2k. Survivors began to cry and complain; well eventually behavior decides to slow down the clown and give him a speed bottle and slow him down some more and shorten his lunge attack and make his field of view even more narrower. now my Average is 2k with clown. I bet the same survivors that were crying and complaining before are now screaming "Git Gud" and "You suck"; such a toxic community.

    I guarantee you that they are undercover survivor mains pretending to know about killer. because every killer main at high level knows the current difficuly faced when playing your favorite killer as opossed to playing the op killer. As I play Clown I realize he simply cant compete with a sweaty survivor crew and I play Myers as well I used to play Freddie too but they nerfed him so bad it aint even funny. But on the otherhand; Im way overpowered with these same killers when playing against average survivors; while im struggling to get 1K with the sweaty crew im almost 100% 4k with average crews and I feel the emphathy for these players I intentionally let them go through the gate (sometimes). these players need a speed boost. As the sweaty crew falsly thinks they are good; ive watched them make so many mistakes but were given too many second chances while my killer is being slowed down with shortened attack hits and narrowed field of vision.

    Post edited by copperysinger5 on
  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    Im going to be real honest with you. I have been playing killer long enough to spot that you are a 100% survivor pretending to know about killer. Your comment "the game is fine" tells me that you dont know anything about killer.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    I feel like he is pretending to be a killer main as well... clearly does not know what he is talking about reason being he aint in high mmr

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Yeah no. You just need to be not a complete potato. Even without being able to communicate to coordinate it doesn't take some supreme level of skill just to do a basic match of DBD.

    Hell just having to worry about the old Dead Hard on every survivor, in every chase, every time collectively bought survivors so much time in each match that the removal of that alone has probably been the biggest tip to the scales.

    The fraction of a second reduction to animations will also collectively help some killers over the course of a match but those alone won't have the match deciding potential that the removal of the Dead Hard Band Aid has had.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm having fun with the game regardless of what side I play.

  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2022

    Im betting that not many killers are in high mmr anymore. why? because survivors complained so much to have us nerfed. if you want to measure mmr rank; show us how many killers are currently at high mmr. show us exactly how many killers are competing at top tier using Clown?

    Post edited by copperysinger5 on
  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Exactly, their logic is, 4 vs 1 well the killer should definitely be weaker

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    The single best way to balance the game is simple:

    Make Skill checks EASIER for low MMR survivors and HARDER for high MMR survivors.

    If you're a survivor who is not very good at the game, you get slower, easier checks, which let you get great results more often, which speeds up the gens, which gives you a better chance at finishing them all.

    If you're a survivor who is too good at the game, you get faster, smaller, more chaotic checks which makes failed checks more common, which slows down gens, which gives the killer a better chance at making some headway against your team.

    And, best of all: because the checks are exclusive to the specific player, even if your team has 2 pros and 2 newbies, each individual is getting a challenge tailored to their proficiency level.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    That's not going to balance the game. I've been playing for around 1300 hours and very rarely miss skill checks. Merciless Storm? No problem. Overcharge? No problem. Oppression? No problem. You get the idea. The more hours a player has, the better they are at skill checks.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    This is EXACTLY my point.

    Skill checks are hard for new players and completely irrelevant for experienced players.

    People like you should be getting skill checks with 1/4th the size for the success zones, no sound warning, and double speed. Something to actually CHALLENGE you. Something that you have a real chance of missing and you need to devote 100% of your attention towards succeeding.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Gotta say this is 100% wrong. Any casual player vs any casual killer loses every time. Hence the reason why so many people are leaving the game or have been coming to the forums with issues about soloq. I think its comical that people are still blaming this on DH being nerfed. That has nothing to do with the base kit buffs that the killer got compared to the 5 seconds of endurance survivors got. Any killer that can count to 5 can still down you by tunneling. They made chases insanely difficult for a casual player to get away from because they might not be the best at looping. I'm sure most casual players will agree that even having a little amount of skill does not get past the speed of the killer.