Good job, BHVR, you completely obliterated Thanatophobia

AarcvanDemen Member Posts: 46
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

You might as well revert the buff to Thana to its original state because this is just pathetic. Because Plague and Legion get to have use out of this perk doesn't mean that other killers have to suffer from it. What the hell is the point of using this unique perk on Nurse when it's originally designed for her? No reason whatsoever.

Please, rethink your balance choices, this is complete asinine.



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Honestly the least thing they could have done with this nerf is have it count in dead people as well.

    Seriously, the only way you ever get any use from it is by having all 4 Survivors alive and injured. As soon as one of them dies, disconnects or heals the entire Perk goes in the bin.

    6% is laughably low, ESPECIALLY since it doesn't affect anything else than repairing, sabotaging and cleansing speed.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I have some solid guesses but I'm not trying to get banned.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    The issue is that Thana Legion and Plague are barely any weaker than before. Thana was a pretty average slowdown perk on everyone else; it wasn't bad, but you could get more mileage out of gen regression perks. So this didn't really change the meta for anyone.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's worthless on legion now. There's medkits nearly every game and all a survivor has to do is bang out a 10s heal to deny an entire perk slot for the killer. That's assuming that survivors just don't leave as soon as they see mend. Most of my chain frenzies are 2-3 targets which doesn't benefit me at all anymore.

    At least plague gets a fountain out of it.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited August 2022

    I know that when I play killer, I put those perks in my uhh... Six perk slots which I definitely have.

    I also like how you slapped Sloppy in there for reasons.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Thing is, it puts survivors in a position where they can either waste time or waste time. Healing is pointless versus Legion (aside from doing risky hook saves) because you can't really avoid the first hit and they can find you so easily, so while the reward isn't as tangible as Corrupt Purge, telling survivors to heal is still benefitting the Legion. Especially when any medkits run out. Unless the Legion is really flopping, they're still going to get good slowdown out of Thana, one way or the other.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    I'm not much of a killer player and I don't use thanatophobia much, but what I'm really curious about is jumps in balancing. I've seen it in a lot of games, but honestly it's interesting to know the reason and number break down behind them.

    Like, why 5.5% to 2%? Why not 3%? Why is it 8%+12% and not say...10%+10%? Or just 15% overall? Is it because of other perk interactions that make up the percentages or..?

    For that matter I'm kinda curious about why so many percentages exist in odd forms in dbd, like a 2% action speed bonus in spine chill. Is that a holdover from something else, or just to make the ranks up?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's not pointless if you can make it efficient. Legion doesn't magically fly to your location as soon as you're healed and immediately injure you. He's gotta frenzy then catch you and in the meantime he's not getting any value out of thana. Then if during chase with you a single ally heals he's back to square one with thana value.

    So it's just a matter of efficiency. Is it efficient to keep one survivor healed in order to deny an entire killer perk slot? Of course it is. Especially with how fast heals are with buffed botany and Circle.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    i didnt think i would have to clarify that you cant use those six perks at the same time, and you can use differente combination of those six.

    Have you ever played a thana legion with sloppy? even if it does not affect directly to gen repair speed, it will affect you if you have 4 thana stacks and everyone has mangled effect. It is really not that difficult to see

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I've never played vs. a thana legion with sloppy, but I have *been* a thana legion with sloppy. Sloppy isn't that great on them cuz it only counts on the final hit. I prefer brutal or bamboozle. Legion's weakness is in chase and it's better to cover that however you can.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063
  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Frenzy doesn't apply Sloppy, though... the Legion addon that applies Mangled when people mend is way more powerful.

    Eh, fair enough. I doubt it'll be viable in every situation, and you can't rely on specific survivor perks or items or items across the board, but survivors can generally keep someone healed versus a non-snowballing Legion. I maintain it is still slowdown, though, since decent survivors wouldn't be healing versus Legion otherwise and it doesn't usually benefit them to be healthy.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    This is just a step towards a camping meta. Thanatophobia encouraged killers to patrol and injure as many survivors as possible and keep them injured instead of sitting by a hook and only getting 1 value out of it.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    yeah let’s point fingers and start harassing developers over a stupid change. Go the ######### outside and touch some grass it’s just a game

  • Obelt
    Obelt Member Posts: 357

    Just use pento now way stronger

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Huh? gen increased by 10 seconds and for some reason they choose weird number?

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    Totally complete

    It was 5.5 per survivor but now is 2

    Just make it 3 dude


  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    I have no idea either, in other news I was just able to purchase a "Tickle Me Elmo" on ebay.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    I don't want it to be a crutch, I just want it to actually do something useful in a feasible manner. Keeping all 4 survivors injured for more than a few seconds, even with Legion, is a pipe dream, and 2% slowdown doesn't seem worth the perk slot.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As a technical note, if Thanatophobia was a consistent 10% slowdown that would work out to being 100 seconds to finish a gen solo which would be identical to the 100 seconds it took with the prior version of the perk when it was 20% regression and gens took a baseline 80 seconds to finish. So hypothetically if they tweak this new version of Thana to be about 10% regression with 1-3 survivors injured, and 20% with four injured, then other killers could use it and still be seeing 100 second timer baselines which might be ok. 🤷‍♂️

    Point being I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to have it be a big bonus at 4 injured survivors, but the 6% when it’s not is probably too little to be useful.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297

    i mean 1.8 sec extra gen time (this is if the survivor stays injured for a full gen repair of 90 secs) is really not worth a perk slot.

    And yeah the perk can be good if all survivors are injured at the same time, but that really never happens perhaps with legion and plague as exceptions.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    I mean, like yeah I appreciate that breakdown (though I was doing my own to try to figure it out), but my comment was more about the roundness of numbers in general in dbd, and also like...2% is less than half of 5.5%, which is a pretty big balance change and forced them to compensate for the situation in other ways, introducing new gameplay (though that isn't always a bad thing).

    Also from that breakdown, level 4 only shaves 3 seconds off with this balance, which feels negligible, but also level 1 adds 1.8s, level 2 adds 3.7s, and level 3 adds 5.7s. That's not a lot, just taking the merits of the perk by itself. I mean I know they did this to nerf very difficult times for survivors (which I appreciate, since I mostly play survivor), but like let's look at somewhere in the middle, 3.5%.

    If my calculations are correct, and there's no reason why they would be, at 3.5%:

    1 injury = 3.15s extra

    2 injuries = 6.3s extra

    3 injuries = 9.45s extra

    4 injuries = 12.6s extra.

    This nerfs the top level significantly to 102.6s (which I assume is the least used case) while providing more utility for killers and also not adding a crazily heavy burden on survivors. And that's a 2% decrease. 3% looks even better and more tame, while still providing value on lesser hits.

    All I'm saying is, I know the devs have the facts and numbers, but I've seen many people jump from large to small and then finally (years later) settle on a middle ground, and I'm just curious what makes people do that, because on paper, it looks like a pretty significant change.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    adapt and move on, bro. there are so many other perks. This is just killer entitlement that I'm hearing. If you start losing matches because of this it just means you were boosted and you had an inflated MMR.

    See, again all the same arguments survivors got to hear for the last two weeks!

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    they didn't fix what made it exploitable that people hated so much

    What were they supposed to do? Nerv legion and plague? Jesus, there are easily 6 other alternatives if you want passive slowdown and you cry about the nerf to the one perk that only really worked too well on two killers.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited August 2022

    Perks have been changed to affect specific killers powers plenty of times. Those two have the most potential to even see the perks value, let alone consistently. That didn't change, they just made everyone get less value overall. Plague and Legion are still the only two who would bother to run it, they just get less than they did after the buff. Now we went from trying to buff the perk to "shake up the meta" to nerfing it worse than it was before the buff, all in a month. There are any number of ways they could have handled it differently, but this sure ain't it chief.

  • akanadi
    akanadi Member Posts: 242

    i will die on this hill thana was never good, it was only good on legion or plague but on most killers its pretty bad so it is no big deal calm down

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    I don't use Thana. The point isn't that I have some infatuation with this perk, I would just like perks that don't have much use (Dying Light, Smash Hit, Mettle of Man, No Mither, etc.) to have some. I like their idea to encourage targeting multiple people, but 2% slowdown just isn't worth it, and the 12% is largely unobtainable. I hardly ever use Thana because I prefer other perks, but that doesn't mean I want it to be useless.

    Hell, the buff they gave Coulrophobia, a perk that was largely useless until now, has been fun as hell w/ Doctor. I don't want every perk to be amazing, just useful in some way. Please, don't misconstrue what I'm saying.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    But hey, at least you can still run it on Legion and Plague.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    Please show me where the OP told survivors to stop moaning.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    A tracking meta would be an absolute joke. I use bloodhound and sloppy butcher and when survivors don't heal often i basically know where they are practically all the time due to the massive blood trails that last long as hell. So they either constantly heal instead of doing gens or i know where they are at all times. This would be absolute hell on nurse's calling, bloodhound and sloppy butcher on someone like wraith, especially with the speed addons.

    Thanatophobia is basically completely useless unless you have everyone injured. Even if they nerfed it due to the 10s gen increase then instead of completely destroying the perk they could have easily just nerfed it to something like 4% or 3.5% without that stupid bonus that happens due to everyone being injured.

    Now it's really only useful for plague.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    BHVR: You guy have been giving comments about how Nurse and Blight are very strong killers, So in regards to that, we Decided to nerf Mettle of man. We also decided to destroy thana because.... idk just because

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    Yea indeed. Well, the idea is fine. You get rewarded, if u achieve a goal (here: injure 4 survivors at once). I think thats too hard for almost every killer. The Bonus should be rewarded when 3 are injured.

    New Thana: Reward for doing a goal

    Corrupt / Ruin: Get punished for doing your goal

    I think more Perks should work like new Thana on both sides, but with easier goals (like i said: 3 guys instead of 4 for example). Yes I know, there is Legion and Plague, but tbh Legion will mostly not reach 4 survs injured without the yellow Addon-Combo. Just said.

    When I see Commodious Toolboxes with 20 extra charges + Build to Last + Prove Thyself (which has a high percentage tbh), then I dont think Thana is OP or anything like that.

    You kill Thana? Fine

    But whats about Prove Thyself and Commodious / Alex Toolbox?


    Main-Idea of Thana, getting rewarded when doing a objective = Great

    Thats a good way to change perks, but the goals should be possible for every killer, not just two.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    They explained why they've changed MoM and Thana.

    They have numbers, and make decisions based on these, not based on the comments. They know the MMR differences, when a player DCed, AFKed, killed himself on hook, ... and they see it for all the games instead of a microcosm.

    If Thana really doesn't work anymore, they'll tune it again.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    lets hope so, but then again, perks like This is not happening or Huntresses bloodlust perk rarely get used and they never change that

  • Kolitra
    Kolitra Member Posts: 61

    If the gens got a 10sec more with the update, it's mostly because they were done a way too fast, and it's logic to say they buffed thanato in this way. But then, boom, thanato got absolutely wrecked jsut after being buffed, this is a total #########.

    Honestly, thanato didn't nedded a buff, but certainly not deserved this destruction. Did they know injuring 4 survs is like, mostly impossible ? or it's on very rare occasions ? Okay for legion and plague, i get it, but EVEN IF it's for these two, hte change is, in any way, stupid.

    Also, for god sake, don't say it's because of the cumulable differents slow for gens, for the simple reason it's not a reason to wreck a perk at this point for that. They wanted to nef him ? okay, okay, this don't feel necessary, but, to 22% to 8%, hell on you behavior ! Go middle ground, and put it to 16~18% if it's really a concern...

    8%, dudes, even on legion and plague i don't want this thing, this is nothing !

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    Honestly never been in or seen any of these 30+ minute games that people are referring too. Can they really go on that long without the Killer either sucking or other Survivors not doing anything?

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,000

    Please show me where I said it was OP. It was a general observation

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Plenty of perks that suck on the killer you get them from but work better with other killers, nothing new here.