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Who is your favorite killer to play and the least favorite?

Title + if you can give reasons why for each option. It can be more killers for same answer too.

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  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Favorite: Demogorgon

    I don't know why, maybe I'm just an ST fan-boy, but Demogorgon is the most fun Killer imo.

    Least Favorite: Nightmare

    There's no gameplay related reason you'd ever want to play Freddy over Demogorgon

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    My favourite if Legion wasn't allowed because they're my babies, I'd have to go with Blight.

    Least favourite are trap killers in general. Too much time to spend on doing stuff and it's not much of a chase. I find them annoying and more boring than Freddy on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Favorite to play : Equally Legion (because Stabby Mcstabfast and chains are fun), and Hag (squirrel brain go brrrr teleportation !)

    Least favourite to play : The only other one I've played is Trapper, not that fond of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Favourite - Nurse. Different playstyle, unique mechanic.

    Least favourite - Freddy. Pretty boring, very weak.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Favorite - Artist. I've been maining her since she was introduced to the game. She's really fun to play and sniping survivors with crows is really fun.

    Least Favorite - Trickster. He's really boring to play as and feels very clunky to use.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Favourite: Pig, Trickster, Clown, Nemesis

    I just like their gameplays

    Least favourite: Blight. "What am I doing? Why wasn't that a hit?!"

  • Member Posts: 217
    edited August 2022

    Favorite Killer: Deathslinger and Demogorgon

    Deathslinger is very rewarding if you play well and Demogorgon is a good all-rounder that can easily get in chases and end them quickly (if you get a good map, not to good structure spawns/setups and play well).

    Least Favorite: Hillbilly

    While having a great mobility and a dangerous power, good survivors annihilate him (and good window/pallet setups). He also was my first killer I played but after a few rounds you were only playing against good survivors, which was frustrating and that's (one reason) why I don't like him.

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited August 2022

    My favorite killers to play are Nurse and Huntress.

    My least favorite killer to play is probably Bubba, or maybe Sadako.

  • Member Posts: 175


    Least Favourite:Twins/Nurse(only because I’m woefully bad with her)

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    Demogorgon is really enjoyable. I like when Ambushs with Pig works as planned. I love to see people running into my traps as Trapper (and then I am disappointed they got out with their 1st try.....). Still a Freddy-Main, but he struggles so hard, that games are mostly Stress-Tests instead of Chill Games.

    Least: Definitely Trickster, Ghostface and Bubba.

    Overall I play Freddy, Pig, Demo, Trapper, Huntress, Nurse, Nemesis, Sadako most of the time (besides dailies).

    I only skip dailies from Deathslinger, Trickster, GF, Bubba and Hillbilly.

    I have started to enjoy Hag a bit to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Fav- Spirit Been playing her since her release and she got me more into the killer role.

    Not fav- Nurse can't get her blinks down or hag always out of range of the traps. Don't care to play either of those killers

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Favorite at the moment would be Dredge, not only is teleporting around the map fun but I get good jump scares out of it, especially during Nightfall. Sadako is a close second, her teleport is almost as good and her stealth is a bit more flexible so I like her for similar reasons. Dredge seems to be somewhat more effective overall, mainly because the teleportation is a little more useful that the Undetectability, and also because he does have a mild anti-loop ability in his remnant.

    Least favorite is Nurse, she’s the only killer I actively don’t play. I can’t stand staring at the ground half the match.

  • Member Posts: 367

    fav- Sadako (sorry freddy you have been replaced). Just love everything bout her from gameplay to designs ect

    not fav - deathslinger. I really cant find any enjoyment out of him.

  • Member Posts: 734

    Favorite: Artist

    I just like playing her because of her ability to chase a survivor and pressure a gen across the map. I love "setting" up a bird at a loop that's actually aimed at a gen I know is being working on and it causes the survivor to leave the loop and the other survivor to leave the gen. I also like going for bird snipes across the map, so satisfying getting them. Harder when the survivors are good (they actually change their pathing). She takes skill and map knowledge which I like, and she's pretty strong as well. I was playing a lot of trapper and pig before she came out.

    Least: Hag

    She just feels so sluggish and slow when moving and I feel like I'm never going to catch up to a survivor in a loop. I'm also not great with her height. I feel like I can't mindgame as well because I literally can't see the survivor around the loop. Not fond of having to set up traps either with her because they're so easy to disarm when the team is coordinated. I also don't bind her teleport to scroll wheel because I don't care too much when playing killer, so I can get really disoriented or just whiff when trying to teleport to traps that are set off.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Legion's my favorite.

    Least favorite that I own? Artist. Games as her feel very unfair.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Favourite : Nurse, almost pure mind-games (against adequately matched opponents)

    Least favourite : Sadako, do I really need to explain?

    There are a lot of killers that are fun to play, and a few that I don't like at all.

  • Member Posts: 911

    Favorite: Deathslinger. My yee-haw echoes deeply into the night.

    Least Favorite: Demogorgon and Plauge. They play really loud noises in your ears all the time, so it's hard to hear footsteps and breathing.

  • Member Posts: 702

    My favorite is definitely oni.

    1) his appearance (I use Minotaur skin) is terrifying and feels like an actual monster / killer. I’ve also always loved the lore behind the Oni.

    2) he has a power that you have to earn by winning chases at the start.

    3) oni’s sound effects once activating power are just phenomenal, everybody in the match can hear everything, and the oni just feels powerful.

    4) His power takes skill to use, and once mastered, has incredible snowball capacity when combined with infection and monitor ;).

    least favorite - legion, because it’s the same boring gameplay. Press m2, run, press m2, run, press m2. It’s also boring for survivors. Do a gen, get m2, Mend, get back on gen. Repeat.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Favorite: Nemesis

    The zombies are kind of dumb but they give away survs location a lot of times.

    Least favorite: Blight

    Or any killer that requires you to move fast to down someone (Bubba, Oni, Hillbilly) I'm too slow

  • Member Posts: 167

    Favorite: Pig, I’m a huge saw fanboy and Amanda is my second favorite character from the saw franchise (my favorite being Hoffman, I’m still hoping he comes to dbd in some way whether it be as the killer for a second saw chapter or a legendary pig mask skin for Amanda.), I love her power and the way she can put the reverse bear traps on the survivors heads as well as her ambush.

    least favorite: Wraith, in my opinion he’s very boring and basic to play and has a generic power, I just don’t find him fun to play at all.

  • Member Posts: 790

    Demogorgon is the most fun, hence why I main him.

    Least fun is probably artist, but mainly because everyone W keys against her, rightfully so.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Favorite: Freddy.

    Least favorite: Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Honestly, I wouldn’t say I enjoy one killer the most at the moment. I’m happiest when I’m learning how to play someone new.

    I do have a least favorite though, that being Hag.

  • Member Posts: 190

    Favorite: Spirit

    Least Favorite: Nurse (because I can´t handle her xD)

  • Member Posts: 662

    My favorite is Sadako because I just love everything about her, from her animations to her power.

    My least favorite is either plague or hag, they have always felt unbearably clunky to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Do it at rank reset you only need 3K but better to be safe and 4K and you should basically get it.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Favourite : Dredge who is also my Main ( i also love to play as Artist )

    Least favourite : There are many like Trickster, Legion, Huntress , Myers but i would say mostly Wraith because he is boring and i dont like his Design

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