Camping/Tunneling is fun



  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    I respect that. Thanks for giving a polite answer unlike the rest XD

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Hey hey, This one understand too, The ones who whine about Camping or Tunneling definitely havent played in high MMR, as someone who does not use Nurse or Blight, Camping is our tiny chance of winning when survivors bring provethself and Brand new parts.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Nothing wrong with it, Plus most of the killers camp and tunnel so why wouldn't you?

  • caramelpudding
    caramelpudding Member Posts: 118
    edited August 2022

    Maybe cause there is nothing to be proud about. Every braindead person can do it.

    (I am talking about camping and tunneling at 5, 4 or 3 gens)

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Because, for some godman reason, you have to please you opponent in this game 🙂

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    Oh so that's why the previous 2 legions i played against tunneled and camped.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Camping at 5,4, 3 gens is not skillful

    You are not playing the game you're just standing there having a staring contest with the survivor on the hook or pacing back and forth clueless on what to do spinning around in circles waiting for the survivor to die or give up.

    WOW! Awesome! You are truly the best player in the match.

    It takes no skill to stand at the hook and wait for the survivors to show up lazy brain dead gameplay

    Hunting down the survivors playing the 12 hook program takes skill and makes them a better killer player in my eyes.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Some people probably get a kink from camping and tunneling somehow, lol

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    It is awkward to watch DBD tournament killers consistently face camping in order to win the match. They are supposed to be the best in the world? What crap. They must suck.

    I believe the OP wants to know a valid reason why facecamping and tunneling are not good strategy - although the OP digressed into the emotional turmoil of they-make-me-sweat-so-ima-do-same.

    If you are in a tournament, facecamping and tunneling are fair game and can win the match because the scoring system in tournament play are often structured around number of sacrifices instead of number of bloodpoints. Although I did see a clip of a Bloodpoint scored tournament and it looked amazing.

    If you are going against decent survivors in a public match, facecamping and tunneling in early or mid-game will often leave the killer in gen-pop purgatory as they just stand there and not get players off the gens. Pop! Pop! Pop! There go 3 gens in trade for one sacrifice.

    Now, in end-game, facecamping can make more strategic sense. If I ever face camp it will be in end game. I don't feel good about it, but sometimes it is the only decent option if a team is well coordinated. However, that is rare because well it just doesn't feel good to me.

    Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    haha, its like they say, Double standards where you always have to let the survivors be happy XD

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Sadly everyone has goals, My goals are to get 3 to 4k, 2k is a draw. Why move when the survivors come to you?

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    thats why you run deadlock. Thanks for the comment!!!

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Uh... Overwatch with torb and sym defense, uh.... I wanna say it's called call of duty vanguard with that little machine that can run over someone and no one sees it coming, any call of duty with claymores, ect ect

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Actually hard facecamping is usually not the optimal strategy. The longer you stand in place not chasing anybody the more time the other survivors not on the hook have to work on the gens. It’s actually more time efficient to pressure and down someone else while you have a person or two on a hook or slugged and then focus your hooks on one or two survivors to get them to three hooks more quickly while simultaneously keeping at most one survivor on the gens at a time.

    That’s not to say zone defense on the whole is bad strategy where you mainly guard three or four gens somewhat close together and try and keep your hooks in that area. That’s basically what so called proxy camping is and that usually a solid tactic. But that’s more proactive and time efficient than actual face camping.

    There are times when face camping can be useful, like if someone is already close to timing out on a hook and you want to scare away a possible rescuer, but overall as something to just do for no reason you’re better off keeping more active.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited August 2022

    Depending on the killer it can be super beneficial, the Bubbas, Huntresses, and Trapper of the worlds, but for some it’s better to go somewhere else like a Blight or Oni. Personally I find hard tunneling and camping just not skillful and playing survivor also I know it sucks to face, so I try and do it as least as possible or at least not intentional.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I'm not here to change the way you play I'm just saying my opinion.

    Some like to earn the their wins the lazy way while others like the hunt and a challenge.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 162

    I only play solo and camping and tunnelling aren't fun for me. Sure you might find it fun but what's fun about standing at a hook lazy to do gen pressure? Also, it should be easier for you since the update also the update as made camping easier to do so some killers choose to play this way. Sure killers shouldn't be caring about the other's fun but just imagine someone loads in within a 1 minute finding a game and they get camped and tunnelled out. How fun is it for them... I don't mind dying in a game but jeez I want to be able to play the game.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 686

    Wait till you get to go against a SWF who knows how to counter tunneling and camping. I literally tried it once against a SWF and honestly, it's not fun for the killer at all. People who complain about it (most solo Q survivors) either don't know how to counter these, or are teamed up with other players who don't know how to counter them.

    But with a good team, they're counterable. That's why the devs haven't really done anything about it. Imagine camping a survivor on hook who has Breakdown, Decisive Strike and Off The Record, while the survivor who is rescuing them knows how to use Dead Hard at the right time, has Kinship, Flashbang and Parental Guidance. 2nd survivor going for the hook save has similar perks to help them or the survivor being unhooked, including healing perks (usually has), all while the last survivor is gen rushing.

    I mean, if you think that's all fun, especially when the SWF get all 5 gens done and escape after you've camped and tunneled, then I guess more power to you. But it's not the best strategy to always win. Maybe in low MMR, but wait till you experience higher MMR. Of course, like I said, if you're okay with that then kudos to you.

    When I play killer, I have more fun stalking my prey one by one not worried about an unhook. By the time 3 gens are done, I've got at least 1 or 2 kills and the last set of survivors are panicked by then. I also try to push them to one area of the map so all the gens left are close together. To me that's the best strategy and a lot more fun. I'll even get survivors who want to meme and have fun, and I'll do it back. The best memer usually get's to be let out. And if I play pig, you better boop the snoot. Nobody seems to want to do that but it's the best way to ensure you survive. Or as Bathroom Bubba/Basement Bubba, stay away. Bathroom Bubba doesn't like to be watched while he's doing his business and Basement Bubba doesn't like his stuff being touched.

    It's more fun to roleplay the killer for me than it is just to always tunnel and camp for wins that eventually will be lost at higher MMR. Plus it doesn't p**** off survivors and everyone can have fun. But I will tunnel those who have those stupid clicking flashlight macros. They're never really good at the game anyways and the sound of spamming the flashlight is very loud and annoying. I wouldn't mind losing a game quickly just for one kill when that happens. Other than that, camping and tunnelling just isn't really fun for me. Like I said, more power to you if you think it is.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2022

    Why shouldn't I team up with three friends on comms, bring 4 bnps and rush the gens with prove thyself, off the record, DS and Sprint burst? Every game 4 bnps. It's fun! Just a strategy.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    I know what you mean... But that's also a what if those survivors have all those specific perks. When I play bubba there isn't much they can do. But of course 1 out of 10 chance they will know how to counter

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Exactly, just do whatever you like. You wanna rush gens, I wanna camp. I see this as an absolute win

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 898

    For me, the answer is simple. I don't have fun merely killing survivors, kills in and of themselves are meaningless to me. If there were a killer that could instantly kill all survivors at the press of a button, I would not play that killer because despite "winning" in the sense of killing all survivors, I'm not having fun doing so. Would you? Would you even main that killer just because you can have a 100% winrate? Why aren't you playing Nurse every single time already anyway? Instead, I consider it "winning" if I'm having a good time playing the game. And for the most part, I have a good time playing the game if I am engaged in chase gameplay, regardless of how many kills I end up getting.

    Camping is the opposite of chasing, so I don't usually do it, it's rather boring and uninteractive, even if I know I would absolutely kill more survivors doing so. I don't mind tunnelling as long as it isn't tunnelling instantly off hook, but giving the "tunnelled" survivor a fair chase scenario, potentially even time to heal up. What that results in for me more often than not is that I don't really tunnel, but if I have multiple survivors I can choose to chase at some later point in the game, I don't mind making the choice to go after the one that has more hook states. Usually I just chase whoever I happen to find whenever I find them and commit to that chase until I down them. Chases are just the most engaging and exciting gameplay I can get out of the game, so why not play in a way that maximizes my chase interactions. This is what I would suggest to anyone else too: realize that kills do not ultimately mean anything, and consider whether you could not be having a better, more enjoyable time playing the game without camping hooks and tunnelling off hook, even if you don't kill as consistently as you otherwise would.

    Mind you, even with my usual playstyle I still average more than 2 kills, because I'm pretty good at chasing and because the average survivor you'll meet even at higher MMR brackets is not super good at being chased. They also aren't usually super efficient at managing their time optimally, to say the least. Which is the other reason why I don't usually camp or tunnel: it makes many matches much too easy, there's is no gratifying challenge in demolishing random, mediocre, uncoordinated players by letting them run into the blender, or tunnelling out someone quickly and making it nigh-impossible for the remaining survivors to accomplish much of anything. And yes, for me personally what also plays into my decision not to usually employ those strategies is also that I know they aren't often enjoyable for the other players in the match with me. I frankly don't understand players that after thousands of hours in this game still go into public matches and camp and tunnel hard from the get-go, slug for the 4k, play Nurse with stacked range and slowdown, and all that, time and time again. The concentrated boringness energy of that is impressive to me.

    A few things to note though:

    Apart from a few killers like Nurse and Blight, the game is simply not balanced for the idea of consistently getting 10+ hooks (without tunnelling) against equally-skilled/experienced opponents (8 hooks to get everyone on death hook, then 2 more hooks for the balanced 2-kill outcome), which means that if you do meet an actually competent, coordinated and capable group of survivors, you usually have to do at least some degree of camping and tunnelling to stand a fair shot of winning. I think the game should be rebalanced, nerfing camping and tunnelling and buffing other aspects of killer gameplay such that 10+ alternated hooks are feasible in that scenario. However, again, in the public matchmaking environment, a good killer player can win most of their matches even if they go out of their way not to camp or tunnel, and if they don't win or even lose some matches where they actually happen to get an equal group of good opponents, so what? They still had their chases, and should still be getting at least around 6 hooks even then. If they have fun chasing and care more about that than about kills for the sake of kills, they if anything should be enjoying that match even more since they are chasing better players.

    I will say that trying to win by all possible means against equal (or better) and coordinated opponents that are also trying to win by all means is thrilling. That's why I enjoy competitive DbD, where as opposed to public matchmaking, everybody knows what they're getting into, which is a controlled competitive environment in which skill and experience levels as well as the levels of "trying to win" are much more equal, creating a more even field in which competing with all necessary means is a much more gratifying and exciting experience, and where camping and tunnelling as such aren't as boring, not least because good and coordinated survivors have much more means to combat them (choosing when and how to contest hooks, contesting hooks with multiple people, using stuff like Deliverance, Kinship and BT much more effectively, taking hits for a tunnelled survivor, etc.). There are 1V1 pure chase competitions too, which I enjoy a lot as well, but the actual 4V1 match scenario is still more exciting and interesting, despite camping, tunnelling, doing gens, and all that, and in large part because of them.

    Even in general, camping and tunnelling (and slugging) do have a place in the game and are valuable for it. The game simply isn't a pure chase simulator, there are a lot of other things that go into a match of DbD, and they make the experience richer. Camping, tunnelling and slugging specifically create dangerous, often chaotic or otherwise crazy situations that can snowball out of control and turn the tides of matches within a short span, for a player or an entire group, which is an important factor to keep the game thrilling and exciting, to differentiate match scenarios and the overall gameplay experience from one match to the next, so that things don't get to be too repetitive or "safe", that certain decisions and plays carry more explosive weight and impact. People don't care about skillful gameplay above all, they also care about simply killing and surviving (most probably care more about the latter), and coming out on top of such crazy/dangerous snowball situations can be exciting, whether you kill or survive. Like for just one example, managing to lose and hide from a killer that is trying to tunnel you out - hiding isn't usually seen as very riveting gameplay, but it can be very thrilling and rewarding for people to manage to hide and thereby escape from a killer dead set on killing them. So I wouldn't want to remove these things from the game entirely, just rebalance.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,616

    It's not.

    Nor is it particularly skillful.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Have fun then.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Dont worry, I read the entire thing, just so you know that your efforts in typing all this is not wasted. Basically it's the games fault for not being balanced

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2022
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,616

    I mean, Dead Hard does actually take a reasonable amount of skill now, so I'm not sure what your argument is.

    Likewise, the ole "X is broken so Y is okay" is a poor argument.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 323

    My 2 cents for all it's worth. Who cares? Camping, tunneling, tbagging, clicky click are all just part of the game. I do the best I can either side. Sure. I find some things unfair and unfun, but over all I'm having a good time.

    I don't care about winning or losing. Both of those are part of any game. I play they way I want to play. I don't follow anyone's rule book. As long as your not cheating than it should not matter.

    BHVR will add things and take things and change things. I don't always agree with it or like it, but I still play the game and do the best I can win or lose.

    Go into each match and try not to care too much. You will have a better time. Don't let it get to you and remember, win and lose with dignity.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,718

    Tunnel and camp if you want, but don't be surprised when you end the game with only one kill because you failed to spread pressure.

  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    Camping is definitely not always the best play, when you camp, you have to wait for 60 seconds to get another hook state out of the survivor. Meanwhile 3 gens will be getting done once they realise you're just going to camp.


    You going for another chase, meaning 1 survivor is going a gen, 1 is going for the unhook (which should take about a minute to run over, heal the unhooked then run back to a gen) and another survivor is in chase.

    I've always seen it as, if you can't chase and down someone in 120 seconds (+seconds depending on slowdown perks), then yes, camping is more efficient. But on smaller maps where you can get into chases very quickly, I've never seen a reason to camp as it is just incredibly inefficient.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 162

    Can I just add as well, sometimes yeah people like SWFs may come into the game with intentions of gen rushing? But like me when I solo q I have randoms dive bombing the hooks and sometimes the only thing I can do is gens. I would love a side objective maybe something at the beginning of the game. I know they said they tried this and they said it didn't work, but how do they know, I never once saw a PTB for it. Now I get sometimes when aka streamers see 2 to 3 gens pop and straight up say SWF, maybe they are, But not always, as most of the time when a match starts survivors are split up lol. Like if it's solo as well, we don't know what our teammates are doing. So when the killer comes across 1 out of the 4 survivors 3 of us could be on the gens. It's not like I purposely go into a game and have sole intentions of rushing the gens and getting out. That is why I don't get that killer offering can't remember what it is called but separates the survivors at the beginning of a trial. Sorry, but wouldn't this be bad to use, sure you don't want everyone diving on a gen but you also don't want 3 on a gen separately at the beginning do you? Maybe the devs should look into the spawn locations I don't know just an idea. I want both sides to have fun like I never clicky clicky or tea bag but I've been accused of being toxic before just for looping so I can't win. I love the community and don't if that makes sense. I have come across some wholesome killers and my fair share of right out nasty ones too. But I am also sure you killers get that going against survivors, some nice and some straight-up rude players. Anyway just wanted to add this.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    All I've got to say to you is "Yikes. If you really think there's no OTHER incentives not to camp with this recent patch....? 😬😬
