What about Jolt + Merciless Storm?

In the latest patch, Pain Resonance changes were reverted because along with Merciless Storm it might've caused Survivors to face way more skill checks than intended if timed well. This resulted in bringing back a strong combo of Pain Res + DMS but that's not what this thread is about.
It makes me wonder, what about Jolt being paired up with Merciless Storm in order to receive the exact same effect? Jolt effect doesn't force Survivors off the generators so theoretically, Mericless Storm still might spawn an excessive amount of skill checks. There's a small chance for that (like it was in the case of Pain Resonance), but still, there is. Unless these two perks don't work together like that and I am simply unaware.
With that being said, shouldn't the devs bring consistency to these perks that they either both interrupt repair action or not, or even better - adjust Merciless Storm so that it works for a maximum of 9 seconds per generator and only once?
Well then, you make a good point and a good suggestion of setting a max cap on Merciless Storm, but nevertheless the devs will probably just buff it next patch so that survivors scream when it is activated. Unfortunately.
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A better suggestion would be not caring because merciless storm is a terrible perk.
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Generally speaking you are right.
But with jolt, you have to be in the TR to proc it. So there's a good chance the killer might check nearby gens and shy you away, which will trigger merciless storm blocking the gen. If you stayed at the gen to begin with. So I would say, it's far more unlikely to get into the situation where you have to do all 40 MS skillchecks with jolt compared to PR.
But nevertheless, maybe the devs might change that as well by giving Jolt the interruption effect PR has. Would be a slight buff and add some synergy with DMS as well. Might not be too bad.
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merciless storm really should just be capped yea... instead of --whatever that recent pain res dms change was supposed to be.....
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Yeah, it'd really only be worth running on a mean Doctor build, maybe.