

Should clicking and teabagging be addressed?

Member Posts: 357

Those who have played as killers know that sometimes empowered survivors like to mock someone who cannot catch them by clicking their flashlights or teabagging. I personally find this unnecessary and sometimes even offensive.

To avoid clicking I suggest that turning on and off a flashlight fast in a short period of time causes it to be left without seconds of use. Flashlights are meant to be a means to blind the killer and to counter some killers like Wraith, and maybe something else, but flashlights are not supposed to be an instrument for mockery.

To avoid teabagging I suggest giving exhaustion to the survivor who starts and stops crouching fast in a short period of time, so it would be realistic as well, as doing that in real life makes you be exhausted.

So, what do you think? Should these two means to mock killers and unfortunate survivors be addressed?

If you have any other ideas on how to change teabagging and clicking, leave them in the comments.

Should clicking and teabagging be addressed? 74 votes

Yes they should
20 votes
No, they should not
54 votes

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  • Member Posts: 357
    Yes they should

    And as for those who say that they should not do anything I would like to know why do you support that idea.

  • Member Posts: 357
    Yes they should

    It's bit about the game, it's about respecto. This would prevent survivors humilliating killers that are bot able to catch them. I am sure You do bot like when they are toxic with you.

  • Member Posts: 3,108
    edited July 2022
    Yes they should

    Teabagging at the gates imo has gotta go

    Only ghostfaces are allowed to do it

  • Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2022
    No, they should not

    if you start adressing clicking and teabaging then you need to adress killers hitting on hook too ? and then every "offensive" things in the game... who cares

  • Member Posts: 1,716
    No, they should not

    I'll admit, these annoy the hell out of me sometimes, but from a design perspective, nerfing game features just because players use them to BM is stupid.

  • Member Posts: 357
    Yes they should

    I am curious, how would you address hit on hook?

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    No, they should not

    It's typical BM seen in every other online PvP game. It doesn't effect the game in any way, it's just very annoying.

  • Member Posts: 268
    No, they should not

    Got 15 minutes q times for killers because the game is broken and clicking/t bagging are what they need to look at?

  • Member Posts: 299
    No, they should not

    Heads up, clicking and teabagging happen with or without the killer there. Both are used as forms of communication between survivors.

    Clicking can be used to draw attention to a gen, that the killer is coming, to go for the unhook, etc. It can even be important to stop and start your flashlight beam if you are about to be too early on a save.

    Teabagging can be used as a friendly hello, to ask for healing, to apologize for missing a skillcheck on a gen, etc.

    Should all of these be punished as well?

    Even your idea of giving exhaustion for spam crouching at the exit gates, what does exhaustion do for the survivor? What if they are running Sprint Burst and already are exhausted? I don't think your idea will solve much.

  • Member Posts: 3,586
    No, they should not

    Im just going to save this image and use whenever I feel like it can be applied (such as now) to save my the time of linking threads and such.

    The only thing that needs to exist is a buffer to prevent flashlight clicking, and it's not because it's toxic (it isnt toxic by any means), I think adding a buffer or transition animation between using and not using a flashlight can help those with epilepsy. Ive made posts regarding accessibility in DbD, and epilepsy was one of the major ones I addressed.

  • Member Posts: 115
    No, they should not

    Its just pixels on a screen seriously are people so thin skinned they cannot handle a pixel generated character going up and down or a click of a torch.......wow ......Maybe you should be addressing the actual problem of toxicity and that is end game chat not some silly character dancing in one spot talk about having a fragile ego.

    I do believe that torch clickers just do that to get the attention of the killer the "come chase me" clicks you can ignore it and chase other survivors. The only thing i would agree on is what @Iron_Cutlass stated about helping protect those with epilepsy as this may be an issue so yeah a transition would be fine but to change it because you sensitive souls think its "toxic" need to get a grip....

    I would hate to see you play any other FPS game like COD or APEX or even Fortnite lol i seen kids with thicker skin than some that play here i don't even know why this is even a subject of contention.....

  • Member Posts: 143
    No, they should not

    First, i do not like the idea of punishing Clicking and T-Bagging, because they are also a tool to communicate with your teammates.

    Second, i personally don't feel offended. I just ignore it or laugh about the stupid people teabagging me after poorly predropping a pallet and then getting hit because they wasted time trying to make me salty. I alsl never hit Survivors on the hook after they did such things, I only shake my head after downing them, to let them know, it was their one fault of being stupid.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited August 2022

    I mean, I don't like those solutions but I don't see the point in keeping BM in the game if we can get a good solution.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Member Posts: 3,755
    No, they should not

    Learn to ignore it.

    It nothing more to enrage emotionally sensitive players and to throw them off their game.

  • Member Posts: 1,814
    Yes they should

    Look at that. There's around 4 votes to keep clicking in the game for every 1 vote to remove it.

    GOSH I wonder why THAT ratio is happening!

  • Member Posts: 942
    No, they should not

    Because people are getting offended by pixels on a screen instead of just going on about their day, every game has BM. Flashlight clicking and teabagging can be used for numerous reasons; to take aggro, communicating to teammates, ect.

    In the end it's just BM like any other game, if you get offended that easily don't play games like R6S, Apex, ect. cuz clearly you can't handle a person BMing in a game even though they're probably not ballsy enough to actually hurt someone irl. But sure, your fragile feelings will be preserved from the mean pixels.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t care about teabagging, but I do think they should cap the speed flashlight clicks can activate so you don’t hear those annoying click screech macros that click them dozens of times a second.

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    No, they should not

    With the sole exception that the actual light effects of click spam should be removed, for potential photosensitivity issues. Just make it so there's very little light until the beam starts to "solidify" and tighten as you start actually blinding the killer. Everything else has zero actual game impact unless the killer reacts like a mmorpg mob getting taunted by a tank player.

  • Member Posts: 242
    No, they should not

    because its harmless and ######### over the survivor yknow

  • Member Posts: 847
    No, they should not

    but they should give more gestures to survivors and killers other then point beckon tbag and click and hit with weapon and nod. That way theres a friendly way to interact with the other side. Like survivors could just use a wave, and each killer could get their own gesture.

    It feels like with those being the only gestures that it creates a more toxic environment.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    No, they should not

    It's a waste of time

    They could spend time doing something that actually improves the game, or they could spend time doing this.

  • Member Posts: 16
    Yes they should

    I just want them to find a way to get rid of flashlight macros. The sound is really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 138
    No, they should not

    Any useful gesture they could offer will be found to be turned in to a taunt one way or another.

    I am killer and I am fine with clicky t-baggers. It is salty and fun. If I find I am getting annoyed with it then I know it is time to take a break and do something else.

    It is the only communication method unless survivors are on comms. Taking it away would be silly.

  • Member Posts: 1,180
    Yes they should

    And it is precisely because they don't impact the game they are considered toxic. You are not trying to win by clicking your flashlight, you are just trying to be annoying against your opponent which expresses some unsportsmanlike behavior.

  • Member Posts: 696
    Yes they should

    I voted yes because clicking flashlights (macros mainly) needs to be addressed. The rest doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited August 2022
    No, they should not

    I'm not that bothered by these...

    I don't have object permanence and often lose survivors when they leave my FoV for a moment, so clicking ironically helps me in chase. If it's at the gate and bothers me, I just leave. That's always more time to commit the map to memory or go break a few pallets.

    I usually nod back to teabags, and often enough it gets a bit better, either because the survivors realise I'm a person and let up on it, or because it becomes us memeing together rather than them making fun of me. If they're wasting time at the gate like this, again, always more time to explore the map.

    Though to be fair it doesn't happen that often in my experience.

    Also, as some have said before me, it's a good way to communicate between survivors as well.

  • Member Posts: 541
    Yes they should

    1 second minimal charge waste

  • Member Posts: 75
    No, they should not

    In solo the clicking can sometimes just be a way of getting attention to communicate. Its not always a completely negative thing.

  • Member Posts: 847
    No, they should not

    more flavor is a bad thing? You will always have those who try to use things for troll stuff. Even if they did take away tbaging and clicking they would still find way to provoke. Better solution is to add more imo

  • Member Posts: 95
    No, they should not

    I'm a killer main too and I don't think it should be addressed. If survivors want to be toxic, just face camp them and let the other survivors go to mock them XD

  • Member Posts: 244
    No, they should not

    Just walk backwards into the gate. It looks funny.

  • Member Posts: 138
    No, they should not

    I would have nothing against them adding more gestures. Not a whole mess of them, but yes a few more would be great for player communication.

    I was just stating that no matter how innocent a gesture is, someone will find a nefarious use of it and hey, why not? I'm all for flavour.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Lol c’mon dawg.. im a killer main, and yes it’s annoying but it doesn’t affect the game or outcome. If somebody teabags or clicks at me, I just don’t play nice with them. I tunnel them out and send them to the next match.

  • Member Posts: 897
    Yes they should

    teabagging is my only way as a survivor to communicate somehow with the other survivors, but as the killer i just find it pathetic when the survivors are just teabagging me when they are 1 step away from exiting the game. An easy eay to fix it si to disable the crouching at the exit gates.

    The flashlight clicking is absolutely an exploit. If you click it you dont spend it and you can use it forever. I've been in several games where the survivor using the flashlight has an autoclicker for it and they have an unlimited flashlight the entire game. The clicking sound even debotes the autoclicker.... An animation to "raise the hand" on click and one to lower the hand on release with at least 1s delay can easily fix that too

  • Member Posts: 81
    No, they should not

    this is just the same as the killers who nod and/or shake their bodies at you after a chase.

    if you took away the clicking or the tbagging then it would just be something else--- people who play toxic will always find a way

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