

Do you think Hex Perks need a buff?

Member Posts: 897

I'll make a huge post one of these days, but for now, do you think Hex Perks need a buff?

Do you think Hex Perks need a buff? 40 votes

Yes (i'm a Survivor main)
9 votes
No (i'm a Survivor main)
10 votes
Yes (i'm a killer main)
14 votes
No (i'm a killer main)
7 votes

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  • Member Posts: 702

    I feel like a rekindle mechanic would be interesting to have, as some hex perks have survivors spawn right by them, and then it’s just a wasted perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 81
    No (i'm a Survivor main)

    I wouldnt be against a rekindle effect as long as it took like half the time to cleanse- or cost the killer time to do it.

    there has to be a price, always.

  • Member Posts: 942
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    I think totem spawns need a huge rework cuz numerous times I've spawned by the killers hex and poor thing got cleansed if not by me, by another survivor.

    What they can probably do, is depending on the rarity, it'll determine how long the hax is blocked at the start of the trial for 30/45/60 because the survivor could forget the hex is there, because they get busy with other objectives, or the Survivor doesn't know the map well and has difficulty finding it

  • Member Posts: 81
    No (i'm a Survivor main)

    I think its the player spawns that are the big issue.

    I swear like 95% of the time I spawn into 3 other people and make a mad dash to get the heck away because people in solo queue are hazardous. xD

    we should not be spawning in together so often, and also not on top of totems as much

  • Member Posts: 942
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    True, can't tell you the number of times I've spawned inside killer terror radius or when me and the killer spawn next to each other lol

  • Member Posts: 2,649
    No (i'm a killer main)

    I think they are fine as is

  • Member Posts: 1,163
    edited August 2022
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    I think that NOED should be able to replace Boon totems or even merge with them for a secondary effect.

    That secondary effect possibly being able to mori the person who owns the boon.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I think you have to look at the Hexes individually. I think Devour Hope for instance is fine as is, it doesn’t need a buff. On the other hand I think Huntress’ Lullaby is quite weak and could use a buff.

  • Member Posts: 75
    No (i'm a Survivor main)

    After running the artists pentimento perk enough I am going on the record saying survivors really don't spend a ton of times on totems. Not enough to warrant a buff. Especially with the effects some hexes have. Anything that slows gens is brutal and NoED is vicious.

  • Member Posts: 897
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    I dont mean their efffects. I mean the totems and their mechanic in general.

    I use the Hag as my main hex killer, and 9/10 games it's basically playing her with no perks because they get turned off way too easily...

    Even NOED has a purple aura when active, (something i found out yesterday playing as survivor), making it EXTREMELY easy to just turn those things off...

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    The Hex mechanic itself could do with some tweaking

    Have you noticed the only hex perks people typically use are perks that basically aren't traditional hex perks?

    NOED, Haunted Ground, Plaything and Pentimento are the main 4. Devour is #1 traditional hex perk for sure though

    The others pale in comparison:

    • Retribution is pretty good combo'd with others, on it's own it's meh
    • Undying is fine with haunted, devour or pentimento, not much else imo
    • Ruin isn't worth it anymore
    • Third Seal is only used for slugging solo Q people to death
    • Crowd Control is laughable
    • Blood Favour is serviceable but it's counterplay will likely make the game harder for you (Pre-dropping or relying on strong windows)
    • Lullaby is ok but I mean, it's usually gone in the first 5s of the game
    • Thrill for if you REALLY hate boons
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    As an overall mechanic? No.

    But I do think there are a few individual Hex Perks that need buffs to justify their Hex status - IMO the ideal Hex Perk is Devour Hope and every other Hex (that isn't a trap) should be around its level of strength.

    I think one thing a lot of people tend to forget with Hexes is, that they are supposed to be high risk - high reward Perks. They are inconsistent and that is by design - a Hex being cleansed early on sucks for the Killer, but that is part of said risk. Therefore you also get games where the Hex stays active for long periodes of time and has an immense effect on the trial.

    Though they should definitely improve some of the Totemspots on older maps. I'm not saying make it impossible to find them (something like Lerys is a bit excessive), but at least put them in places that require Survivors to go out of their way to look for them and not just happen to spot them while normally traversing the map / looking around while working on a generator.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Devour and Haunted Ground aside

    All other traditional (aka lit at the start) hex perk is high risk low reward

    Like even Blood Favour if you think about it, blocking pallets is useful to a point but those pallets will still be there later on when you could've got rid of them you know?

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Like I said, it is true that some of the Hexes are too weak to justify their Hex status. Those Perks need buffs on an individual level though, that in itself has nothing to do with the overall mechanic of Hex Perks.

    So calling for a buff for all Hex Perks is a bit too much, considering that there are some that don't need it.

  • Member Posts: 1,180
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    The only hexes that are worth using are Devour Hope, Plaything and Pentimento and the last one can be completely negated by boons.

    The rest of the hexes aren't really useful and need a buff. Maybe not NOED though.

  • Member Posts: 1,071
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    The entire Hex mechanic needs a rework.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    Some do some dont

  • Member Posts: 1,716
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    I made a whole post about how hexes naturally weaken over time as survivors eventually memorize all the totem spawn locations. Because of this I think they need some major change to their functionality to stay viable.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Like I said, some hexes are fine as is under the current system. So buffing hexes across the board probably isn’t a good idea, just tweak the parameters of the specific hexes that seem to be underperforming.

  • Member Posts: 143

    I did not vote as first, i play killer and survivor equally, and second, i don't think hexes in general need a buff, but more somr of them need a buff.

    But what they need is, a mechanic, that prevents spawning a survivor next to a hex totem. They could do it like pinheads box. Before the matcg starts, the game looks as the survivor spawns it chose, and then it creates a hex at totems, far from these spawns.

  • Member Posts: 897
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    My main issue with hexes is that it's WAY TOO EASY for survivors to turn them off. They are way too easy to find, it takes no time at all to cleanse, and even the notification dont help...

    I mean, look at this. How is that supposed to represent a challenge for a survicor to find?

    As a survivor I have started the game so many times next to a totem that it's absurd, and totem locations like 80% of the time are not hidden at all.... I suppose that's why I rarely ever play against a killer that uses them. They're way too weak and easy to destroy for what they do.

  • Member Posts: 1,012
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    they need a rework the bones placements have seriously ruined all hexes in general its very very rare to get an actual good hidden hex

  • Member Posts: 1,679
    No (i'm a Survivor main)

    By design, they are high risk, high reward. The risk must be high. If someone says, "Well sometimes they spawn in an obvious spot," yes, that's true. But that's part of the risk. Sometimes they also spawn in areas so well hidden that they will not be found at all. Could individual hexes be reworked? Sure. Maybe some deserve an adjustment, but the high-risk factor mechanic is an indelible part of their design. And sometimes, they're obvious, but they're in the center of the map so it's much easier for a Killer to defend. That happened to me yesterday on Garden of Joy. Blight had a Hex along the road and he was able to defend it until practically end game and have most of us on death hook.

  • Member Posts: 897
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    yeah, but the gameplay with hex perks shouldn't become "defend the hex totems or defend the generators, but you can only choose one". Mea while, the survivors can turn their boon hex on over and over again...

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    No neutral option?

  • Member Posts: 1,679
    No (i'm a Survivor main)

    Hexes and Boons are not the same. Boons are instantly snuffed out by a Killer. Survivors have to take time to cleanse Hexes, and that time can even be extended. Boons' effects are limited to a geographic region, whereas a Hex can be omnipresent. Boons also have to be found and created by a Survivor, Hexes do not have to be created by a Killer.

    And you're right, the gameplay shouldn't be "defend the hex or the gen." That's a risk and decision the Killer chooses to make--either wisely or unwisely depending on their own skill and the way the game is going.

    Every role gets a maximum of four perks to equip, but you are not obligated to play with 4. You could play with 2 or even none. So if your Hex, (which by design has a high risk of not activating to its fullest potential, or at all), doesn't activate, then you are in essence playing with 3 perks. If your personal gameplay prioritizes defending an active Hex so you have four perks, then that is your choice. But you do not need four to play the game or win the game. You don't even need any perks.

    How you choose to mitigate the high-risk nature of a Hex is your call, but when they're equipped, it should be understood that there is a risk the perk will only partially activate--or never activate at all. That balance of high risk for high reward must be kept.

  • Member Posts: 357
    Yes (i'm a killer main)

    The reason for me saying yes are boons, especially Circle Of Healing, the strongest one in my oppinion. If survivors can willingly place their boons whenever they want as long as they have totems, hexes also deserve that chance as well. So I think that boons should be reworked or hexes buffed.

  • Member Posts: 897
  • Member Posts: 124
    Yes (i'm a Survivor main)

    They are very bad.

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