Cheaters are back at full force

Been encountering more and more survivors who've been cheating in a sublime way by speeding up the moment they break vision or by reviving themselves without even having Unbreakable or any other perk which could grant them this ability. It's only after the match is over that you truly realize that they've been cheating. This is some insidious scamming if you ask me.
I also noticed many of these players having a globe/crossplatform symbol next to their name, I assume these are Epic client users who've secured one of these free to play accounts to terrorize legitimate players with.
i also encounter more and more killer who are very knowledgeable about every survs position without any aura reading perks
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tbh killers are more common to cheat and you don't need unbreakable to get up if you use a syringe or even if someone with lightweight or any type of scratch mark removal perk heals them. There are many perks that speed survivors up as well IE sprint burst lithe etc. but I will say this... survivors seem to love to flashlight lean which in all respect isn't "cheating" but definitely an exploit.
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Just got yet another cheater tonight. I'm having a nice collections of videos displaying these parasites.
No, and the reason is obvious. The proportion of morons is the same for whatever role is played and there are 4 times more survivors than killers.
And as far as my personal experience go: I have accumulated a whole list of cheaters, met as survivor and as killer, and they all were survivors. Oh, wait, no : 3 years ago I met a Bubba cheater but that was it.