The new prestige system is demotivating (for me)

I don't know about you, but the new prestige system, which is supposed to reduce the grind, demotivates me.

I don't even know why I feel this way, maybe I am just wrong but it´s just my feelings. I was much more motivated when I just had to get the desired characters to level 40 to unlock their perks for others and then get their perks manually in the bloodweb.

Now that I know that I have to prestige (i.e. level up) every single character 3 times in order to get all the perks on tier 3, I feel completely demotivated. It just feels so much longer and harder to me than before. Before I was relatively lucky and unlocked the perks very quickly in all 3 levels in the blood webs. Now I have a lot of perks for all characters, but they are all yellow, so tier 1. And tier 1 perks are mostly garbage. This means that in order to get real use out of perks, I am forced to prestige every single character 3 times. I don't know what's supposed to be better about it?

Maybe it's better for long-time players who already had everything unlocked before the new system came out but I've only been playing since October 2021 and for me it all just feels very demotivating.



  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    Frankly, if you get a perk to tier 1, you're golden. It usually only takes a few bloodweb levels before tier 2 and 3 show up, in my experience. What sucked was trying to find the tier 1 in the bloodweb that you wanted before the update. Getting 2 and 3 after that is easy.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    Yeah, that was the case before ... is it still the case that after prestiging all characters to 1 , that I can get the tier 2 and 3 perks in all the bloodwebs reletively easy without spending serveral millions on a single character to get the other tier stages in their webs?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    The forced prestige doesn't encourage me to play. I don't like having to waste 20k BP to prestige when before I only needed BP to get to level 40 and then could continue putting BP into my main without wasting any additional BP. Now not only do I need to waste an additional 10 levels worth of BP I need to waste 20k BP to unlock the perks on everyone. If they removed the toll/forced prestige it'd encourage me to play more but I already waste enough BP on offerings/add ons that are useless, the additional wasted 20k is just adding to that and I'm not a fan.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    Thank you, finally someone explained it good enough, I have to admit, after they changed the system I was very confused.

    Do you know how long it will take to get the tier 2 and 3 perks in the bloodwebs ? Has BHVR reduced the chance of getting those perk tiers faster because they want players to prestige or is it still the same as it used to be?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited August 2022

    I don't know if they've messed with the chances. It should be faster, because you no longer have to unlock the teachable tier 1 perks manually in individual Bloodwebs. In my experience, for a long time the Bloodweb has prioritized tier 2 perks and continues to do so for me.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    If you already have all the other perks on that character at level 3 then the new ones that are level 1 should appear right away since the bloodwebs always show a perk you don’t have maxed out if there are any.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    You count the extra 10 levels for unlocking the perks, but do you also keep in mind that you get those three perks for free on every other character? That's a minimum of 3 levels per character, more if you have to hunt for the perks until they show up.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited August 2022

    10 additional levels and 20k bp for 3 tier of perks will definitely not worth it, I'm pretty sure about it.

    That only works for killers, it's literally pointless for survivors.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    If I main one character why would it matter if the perks are on the other characters? Sure it's nice but it's a waste when I only use the one character anyway.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    I think that's a neat side effect of the new system: You can, with minimal extra investment, play all survivors effectively. This is especially nice if you want to do challenges that require a certain character; or when you just want to mix things up a little. It's astonishing how playing a different survivor affects my general playstyle.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Yeah. I tend to feel the reduction in "Bloodweb Gambling" is where it see the most reduction in the grind.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    Sure, it's neat, but aside from an occasional challenge I have no need or want to play the other survivors.

    Before when I was at level 50 adding the new perks to my main not only was I getting 2 perk levels per blood web so it only took 5 blood webs to get back to max perks I also was getting better offerings/add ons. Now even if I just unlock the first tier I not only need to spend BP on the extra 10 levels and 20k to prestige I also need to spend 20k to prestige my main every 50 levels and I'm stuck unlocking only one perk per blood web through a bunch of low level blood webs that are filled with useless offerings and add ons.

    I'd much rather have a choice to prestige and waste the 20k BP or continue the old way where I could just stay on level 50 and manually unlock the perks on the characters I care to play. Remove the forced wasted 20k BP every 50 levels and I wouldn't mind the new system so much.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    I had 200 million bps worth of prestige robbed from me during the conversion I absolutely DESPISE this new system.. *Spits* I've been waiting nearly a month to hear from support and got jack... This new system has basically made me quit playing.. and it NEEDS to be addressed.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2022

    When you prestiged, you lost everything in that character's inventory, started fresh at zero except for perk slots (not perks though). He probably means that now, you don't lose anything anymore.

    Though I don't really get how that is being robbed. Before, you lost all progress and got a bloody skin. Now, you lose nothing and get three free perk levels for all other characters.

    To be fair, we all had higher hopes for a legacy prestige 3 reward than "a red frame that only you can see, and only in character selection". Last time the blood web was reworked, we at least got a pretty cool skin. Although making free skins for 40 characters (not counting licensed killers and survivors) would be pretty expensive, at least SOMETHING that brags to the other players "I was P3 when it happened" would have been nice.

    The rework pretty much said "you might as well not have prestiged".

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2022

    @Sparks741420 Has multiple threads about how they apparently lost all the stuff they unlocked after the update.

    I'm not entirely clear if they actually lost anything, like stuff that should have been in purple downgraded to green or yellow for example, or just looks that way in the cases of teachables unlocked without having prestiged first (which do appear locked but still appear in bloodwebs and in inventories as tier 1, minimum)

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    no i actually lost stuff i had unlocked and paid for.. not to mention the 200 million bps worth of prestige...

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Did you unlock the "locked" perks as teachables without ever Prestiging? Alternatively, do those "locked" perks not show up in bloodwebs when leveling? Or in the loadouts of characters who didn't have them previously?

    Because you said "numerous perks [you] once had unlocked now completely locked", and this is actually normal for a character that was never prestiged and wasn't leveled enough to auto prestige upon conversion, but if you leveled then enough to unlock them as teachables they should be present in characters, at least in yellow if they didn't already have them higher.

    A common mistake I've seen people make, seen earlier in this very thread, is not realizing the what you've previously unlocked stays unlocked. So any characters you leveled solely for teachable unlocking should still have teachables unlocked and added to everyones' inventories.

    It sounds like you did have some characters prestiged, do their perks not show up? Do those specific characters' perks show up in others' inventories and/or bloodwebs?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited August 2022

    Cutting BP gain in half (BBQ/WGLF changes) was just straight up unacceptable. I don't know why every developer in this genre feels the need to include an awful grind. It's almost never cited as a positive.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    yes they do not show up in other bloodwebs and they SHOULD be unlocked at purple as well... having a person at lvl 50 p0 IS 1 CLICK from a P1. The conversion system should've made my character a P2 lvl 47-50. but instead rounded all my characters downward and locked all my perks.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    ^ there we have it. All their characters were level 50 P0, so they transferred across as level 50 P0.

    But they were "robbed" of the three prestige levels they didn't get because they didn't inform themselves of the transition conditions.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    seriously are you going to repeatedly harass me? follow every post i'm on and insult me? all my chracters were not P0 but some of them were. I shouldn't be required to inform myself the "news" section IN GAME should've informed me. I was robbed and 1 click of a button I didn't click DOES NOT justify 200 million bps worth of prestige. "just because I didn't inform myself" are you kidding me is that a way to respect someone who's bought every DLC and has 2-3000 hours in game? no it's not and it's not me being "entitled" either.. It's 100% a valid reason to be angry with the new prestige system and I am Justly right to be upset and feel robbed... So do yourself a favor and STOP harassing me.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    The new system robbed me of nearly 200 millions bps worth of prestige.. locked perks i had BOUGHT and GRINDED to unlock.. It gave me a few "red" player emblems but left me totally jacked!! my killers and survivors prestige were GUTTED.. and have since QUIT PLAYING... This system is much more than "demoralizing" or "demotivating" It's SPIT in MY FACE and I absolutely 100% HATE IT!

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    In the interest of keeping Sparks from having a third thread about their grievance, I'll just tag @IWantCandys and ask if they have any additional concerns or questions.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    I still don't get it. Does a single one of your characters now have no access to a perk they previously had access to, or is your "loss" the failed opportunity to get P3 L1 instead of P0 L50?

    Just imagine prestige-ing all 50-or-so characters just before the rework and having to re-buy all the perks you lost from that. 75 million BP just to get them back to L50 and all those lost items ...

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2022

    That's why I didn't do it with my Killers. Had a bunch of anniversary cakes on them and they were all leveled enough to be at least P1 upon update. Since then I've ground them all to P2.

    I'm less attached to my survivors so I P1's all of them except for my main (P0, Lv 50, but all perks unlocked in tier 3 so they entered the update P6), Steve, and Nancy (who wouldn't have benefited)

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    its a combination of both... my P1's lost all their perks.. and my P2's loss prestige to p8 lvl 47... because i didn't click 1 button apparently

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    I'm pretty sure losing perks from the conversion is NOT intended. It was announced that everything you have on your characters, stays on your characters. My P0 L50 Yui still has all perks and even got more because my P3 Claudette gave her all her perks for free. David (P0 L1) suddenly had a nice array of perks to choose from, from Claudette, Feng P1 and my previous shrine unlocks.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    Perks aside.. (which all my p1's lost) My Characters Should've been converted to P2 lvl 47 allowing me to prestige 3 and have EVERYTHING I had already bought and grinded for.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Except that is not how it works, has not at any point been how it works, and I know you know that because it's been explained to you.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    How was it not a simple X3 conversion? literally every character on every account no matter what level should have simply been tripled.. whoever decided to "round down" literally INTENDED to rob ppl like me.. There's nothing complicated about tripling everyone pre-patch but to Revert my ENTIRE account like they did because of 1 button click? take perks away? it's a big giant (insert word here) you!

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Because it was based on how many tiers' worth of perks you'd unlocked (if you never prestiged prior) and and/or whether or not you actually prestiged beforehand.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    No I was never told That this was going to happen pre-patch.. I logged on 1 day and had my entire account gutted. Explaining doesn't make it any less of being robbed.. "hey your car was broken into they picked the lock... now that how they broke in was explained to you that makes it ok" does that seem logical? ofc not as doesn't the new systems conversion. it was 100% a set-up to rob millions of bps worth of prestige.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Everyone was told. You just didn't see. It's more ignoring the news alerting everyone is a string of car break-ins and then being surprised your car was broken into.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    no everyone wasn't told I don't follow on social media and I just joined the forums.. and there are a CRAP TON more ppl just like me who weren't told. it was NEVER posted IN GAME. so NO everyone was not told that's not a valid argument for robbing the billions trillions worth of bps from everyone's account... how was it not simple and fair to simply triple everything? I hadn't prestiged because I had anniversary items I didnt want to lose I had a very simple system for when I prestiged hence why every character i owned was at lvl 50 waiting to prestige. just because they posted to social media doesn't mean they informed me... I was robbed flat out and they KNEW exactly what they were doing.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2022

    Yeah. I consider that to be the part I'd most understand someone missing since it was relatively last minute. Other than that BHVR did what they were supposed to do and notified their players ahead of time of what was coming via streams and news on both their site and here.

    There comes a point when...

    ... is no longer on BHVR.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    It shouldve been told to us IN GAME well before the patch.. I wasn't informed at all and I was 100% robbed

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    That has never been a Thing and, that in mind, I don't know how there would be any expectation it would be.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Nobody lost anything.

    Not gaining something extra is not the same as losing something.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    and i'm not the only 1 either! a large group of my SWF friends had the same problem and I know for a FACT it happened to many many others! Nothing about the new system was fair at all! I got a few red icons and spit in my face...

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    No no no no no... That's NOT the same at all.. 1 click doesn't justify slicing someone else's account into 1/3rd what others got. everything should've been tripled no matter the current lvl or prestige. That's literally grade school math. "Only you get this... but not you" is 100% robbery and unfair asf

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    what makes me as a player any less important then another because I didn't click a button i didn't know i was supposed to click? and the game never even told me? but i was expected to know? seriously?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Especially since you don't lose 'em anymore for advancing your tier. Everything you unlock now you unlock for ever.

    On a side note, speaking about 1st tier killer problems: during the 6th anniversary event I managed to get all but 2 of the killer roster up to P1 and therefore they were all elevated to P3 in the afermath. But now I got the super demotivational problem: if I wanna get the bloody cosmetics, the first step is P4 -- which garners me the bloody weapons -- which I already got from P1-ing them pre-patch. So the P4 reward is empty and got no reward. The first time I stumbled about this my dissappointment was immesurable, and my day was ruined.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134
    edited August 2022

    The simple fact is THEY KNEW this system would create more grind and they STOLE trillions of bps from thousands of accounts and literally gave some of us a few red icons to show for it.. My entire account has been gutted for a month now and i've placed numerous tickets.. now i'm HERE and i'm not the ONLY ONE.. That's why i've basically quit I play 1 or two games then DC because I don't even want to play the game.. Most of my DBD Swf friends and I started playing other games for this fact alone.. My group of 50 has basically died.. It's 100% unfair and the system was more then just demotivating it was highway robbery on a very very large scale.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    I could care less about the grind... I do care about the 200 million bps worth of prestige and numerous locked perks I already earned and PAID FOR

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Since I had all perks on all killers without prestige prior to the update my experience has been pretty good. I had the mini-game to get them all up one more level to P6, and each killer got a similar proportion of add-ons and offerings. Now I look at the blood web just as something to restock each killer. I suppose that changes as each DLC is released but the grind for that is massively reduced.

    On the survivor side, I only had Dwight with all perks so he got to level 7 prestige. I am going to enjoy the mini-game of unlocking the perks on the rest of the survivor cast.

    Red portrait and the race to 100 be damned. All about add-ons and offerings and perks for me.

    The rest will happen naturally and I fully expect a new awesome game will come out before I am even near 100 on anyone.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Oh boi ... I read through most of your comments, but I am responding to this one here because its one of the more vivid ones.

    What happened to you is pretty tragic, but I still don't get the big picture. You obviously knew how prestigeing pre-patch worked, as you had myriads of items stored, most characters with all perks etc. and you had a certain system in place when you would deem it profitable or whatever to prestige someone.

    You claim to not have been up to date to the news and not being following social media, which is fair, I can't stand most social media on a good day, BUT (here comes my "but") apparentyl you must have heared something and gotten ahold of some of the buzz because why would suddenly prestige loads of your characters?

    The thing is, at this point, no matter your stance on social media etc., you should have looked up information yourself. At the very least you should have asked somehone who was in the know.

    "Guys! I heared that if you bring everyone to P3 before the next patch, you get a big reward." - "Ok, uhm .. whats with the stuff? Do I lose the event items?" - "I don't know? Lets ask around."

    Up until the very last second of the pre-patch, if you wanted to prestige a character you saw this here:

    and if you tried to consume the center node, this here:

    This was the same as you had seen before. It literally told you exactly what would be happening. You either blindly followed someones advice who didn't know better, or you failed to look up the information regarding the upcoming changes yourself. Nevertheless, up until that point you got a clear description ingame that you "Lose all items, add-ons, perks & offerings for this character."

    I know that you are angry now for having lost all your stuff and perk levels, but sadly, thats on you. Have you tried asking DBD to roll back your account? Its definitely no standart procedure, but MAYBE, if you ask nicely, they can do this? I doubt it, but open a ticked and tell your story. But try to keep a nice tone. But you must be aware that you would lose the last 2 weeks worth of progress if this would work.

    The other option is to suck it up and game on. If you prestiged most of your characters then you got basically all perks unlocked for everyone, safe for 9 or 10 universal perks. The items hurt, but in the end, event items are just nice to look at, but not essential.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    This picture only indicates the old prestige system pre-patch. I have opened a ticket and have gotten no response in almost a month now. The fact is saying "I should've known" would be valid of the actual game itself had informed me beforehand and it didn't.. Saying that "word of mouth" is proper information is another moot position to stand on. The system should've been fair and simple for everyone not those who are "In the know".. and everyone's prestige should've simply tripled versus only tripling "certain characters" and you're supposed to know when we don't even tell you in the actual game itself.... Nah my account was 100% gutted and ripped in 1/3rd of what I should've had. what makes it fair to give to only certain players but not the others? what makes me less important? because I didn't click 1 button i wasn't even told that I should click? i've been swindled into playing 5-20,000 more matches to get to where I should be after the conversion into the new system.. I've played maybe 10 this entire month and dc'd from almost all of them because it's 100% demotivating... I was robbed and ripped off and alot of the ppl here don't care because it wasn't them it happened to.. but it did in fact happen and it was 100% BS.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    It needs to be fixed and anyone who doesn't see it just "got the better end" or doesn't care.. because I was jacked